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关于美的谚语英文句子 精选47句

1. 切勿轻信漂亮话。

2. 马好不在叫,人美不在貌。

3. Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not the lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery. —— Rodin

4. 鸟美美的是羽毛,人美美的是灵魂。

5. 几何以直线为最近,修身以正为最美。

6. Being neither jealous nor greedy, being without desires, and remaining the sam

e under all circumstances, this is nobility.

7. The cause of suffering is selfish desire, whether it is the desire for pleasure, desire for revenge, or simply desire for a long life.

8. 美不美,家乡水;亲不亲,故乡人。Beautyisnotbeautiful,homewater;relatives,homepeople.

9. He who has tasted the sweetness of solitude and tranquility becomes free from fear and free from sin.

10. 美名胜过美貌。

11. 美色无美德,好比花无香。

12. 盐巴水不解渴,漂亮话不顶用。S,.

13. 美的事物是永恒的喜悦。

14. 美色无美德,好比花无香。B.

15. 花美在外边,人美在里边。

16. 美,是道德上的善的象征。

17. 美德远远胜过美貌。V.

18. 美貌固有力,金钱力更大。

19. The true beauty is that beauty can show its vivid appearance in itself.

20. 多美的脑袋,却没有脑子。

21. 美貌固有力,金钱力更大。B,.

22. 没有肮脏的爱情,也没有美丽的xxx。Nodirtylove,nobeautifulprison.

23. 美的事物是永恒的喜悦。Beautyiseternaljoy.

24. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without!

25. 马好不在叫,人美不在貌。MaJiaoisnotshouting,.

26. Desire causes suffering because it can never be completely all fetters. I'll never befall him who clings not to mind and body and is passionless.

27. The real perfection of a man lies not in what he has, but in what he is. —— Wilde

28. 名誉是最美丽的衣服。F.

29. Time will pierce the adornment on the surface of youth, dig deep trenches and shallow grooves on the forehead of beauty,

30. Do not be led by reports

31. 花美在外边,人美在里边。B,.

32. 胸怀忠诚比漂亮有钱强。L.

33. 行为漂亮才算美。

34. 美德远远胜过美貌。

35. 天仙不算美,爱人才算美。

36. 漂亮的言词装饰着恶劣的行为。

37. 麻布袋做不出漂亮的衣服。

38. 盐巴水不解渴,漂亮话不顶用。

39. 骗子的嘴里,什么漂亮话都会说出来。Inthecheater'smouth,.

40. Youth is only once in a person's life, and adolescence is the strongest and better than any other period.

41. Man should not live like beasts, but should pursue knowledge and virtue. —— Dante

42. 不到异乡看看,不知故乡的美丽。

43. 名誉是最美丽的衣服。

44. 每个美人都能挑出瑕疵来。

45. 美不美,家乡水;亲不亲,故乡人。

46. 麻布袋做不出漂亮的衣服。Sesamebagscan'.

47. 鸟美在羽毛,人美在学问。

关于美的谚语英文句子 精选14句

1. 美是真理的光辉,美的阴影就是谎言。

2. 说得恰当比说得漂亮更好。

3. 美都是从灵魂深处发出的。B.

4. 胸怀忠诚比漂亮有钱强。

5. 美,是道德上的善的象征。B.

6. Virtue is like a famous fragrance, which is burned or pressed more intensely.

7. 漂亮的言词装饰着恶劣的行为。B.

8. The sensible man is not influenced by what other people think.

9. 美是真理的光辉,美的阴影就是谎言。B,.

10. All the really good things are gained from struggle and sacrifice, and the good future should be acquired in the same way. —— Chernishevsky

11. 多美的脑袋,却没有脑子。Whatabeautifulhead,butnobrain.

12. All desires have in them little pleasant taste but rather much potential suffering.

13. 没有肮脏的爱情,也没有美丽的xxx。

14. 每个美人都能挑出瑕疵来。E.




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