puppet句子 篇一
另外,Puppet还提供了强大的报告和监控功能,可以帮助系统管理员了解系统的状态和配置变更。通过Puppet Dashboard或其他报告工具,系统管理员可以查看每台服务器的配置状态、变更历史和问题报告,以便及时发现和解决问题。
puppet句子 篇二
puppet句子 篇三
1. 法、受他人操纵的人
2. Another puppet from our friend the Puppet Master.
3. To facilitate c
ommunication, the father told the son a fable about a puppet.(为了使沟通变得更容易,父亲对儿子讲了一个有关一个木偶的寓言。)
4. We had the perfect idea. We would make a puppet show!(我们想到了一个很好的方式:制作一个木偶剧。)
5. She is leading the children in performing an excellent puppet show.(她正和孩子们表演木偶戏。)
6. in Puppet Masters, they were parasites.
7. The puppet troops came apart at the seams.
8. It's a puppet. Do you like puppets?(它是一个木偶。你喜欢木偶吗?)
9. We are all puppets and I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.(我们都是木偶,我只不过是能看见绳子的木偶。)
10. It is about the experience of a puppet named Pinocchio.
11. My puppet and I go to school.
12. This puppet has confessed to being robbed,@ yelled the judge.
13. His mother was the only one who went up without a puppet-like show.(他母亲是唯一在台上不像木偶表演的。)
14. 木偶
15. puppet implements a security system that complicates matters, however.(然而,puppet会实现一个更复杂的安全系统。)
16. That indicates you're merely a puppet.(这说明你只不过是一个傀儡。)
17. The occupying forces set up a puppet government.(占领军建立了一个傀儡政府。)
18. Animation is a static frame animation, which is often said of our puppet shows.
19. Your distribution may come with Puppet, or you can quickly install it with gem install puppet facter.
20. Think of yourself as a puppet with a string coming out of the top of your head.(把自己想象成是一个牵线木偶,头上有一根线牵着。)
21. The stick-head puppet in Dongtang Village belongs to the small puppet type, and the figure of the puppet is only about one foot high.
22. Yes, only a rat puppet beat them out.(没错,只有一个老鼠木偶打败过他们。)
23. The shadow puppet show began.
24. The shadow puppet show began.(皮影表演开始了。)
25. it had weaponized fruit and a puppet.
26. I can make a puppet. What can you do?
27. Whether Mr Hatoyama will emerge as his own man or a puppet of Mr Ozawa is unclear.(鸠山到底会是独立自主,还是成为小泽的傀儡还不得而知。)
28. 受他人操纵的人
29. A small puppet, the puppet is small.
30. Sweetheart Loves her new puppet, Babie Pinkie!
31. This puppet does lookfamiiiar
32. Whait'swrong being a puppet?