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唐吉柯德句子英文 篇一

In Miguel de Cervantes' iconic novel "Don Quixote," the titular character is known for his eccentric behavior and grandiose delusions. Despite his absurd adventures, Don Quixote often imparts wisdom through his humorous and insightful quotes. Here are some memorable Don Quixote quotes in English:

1. "The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water."

This quote reflects Don Quixote's unwavering belief in the power of truth and honesty. Despite living in a world filled with deception and falsehoods, Don Quixote remains steadfast in his commitment to upholding the truth.

2. "Until death it is all life."

Don Quixote's philosophy on life is encapsulated in this poignant quote. He understands the fleeting nature of existence and embraces every moment, no matter how challenging or absurd, as a part of life's journey.

3. "He who sings scares away his woes."

Music has the power to soothe the soul and uplift the spirit, a sentiment that Don Quixote wholeheartedly embraces. In the face of adversity, he turns to music as a source of comfort and solace.

4. "The road is always better than the inn."

Don Quixote's adventurous spirit is reflected in this quote, as he values the journey itself over the destination. For him, the thrill of exploration and discovery far outweighs the comforts of a settled life.

5. "Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be."

This quote captures the essence of Don Quixote's character, as he navigates the fine line between sanity and madness. He chooses to see the world through a lens of idealism and imagination, refusing to be constrained by societal norms and expectations.

In conclusion, Don Quixote's timeless quotes continue to resonate with readers around the world, offering insights into the human experience and the complexities of life. Despite his quirks and follies, Don Quixote's wisdom and wit shine through in his memorable sayings.

唐吉柯德句子英文 篇二

The character of Don Quixote in Miguel de Cervantes' novel "Don Quixote" is a complex and multi-faceted individual, whose words and actions often contain deeper meanings and profound insights. Here are some thought-provoking Don Quixote quotes in English:

1. "When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

This quote speaks to the existential crisis that Don Quixote grapples with throughout the novel. In a world that often feels chaotic and unpredictable, he questions the very nature of reality and sanity.

2. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating."

Don Quixote's pragmatic approach to life is reflected in this quote, as he emphasizes the importance of action and experience over mere speculation. He believes in testing theories and beliefs through practical application.

3. "Destiny guides our fortunes more favorably than we could have expected."

Don Quixote's belief in fate and destiny is evident in this quote, as he sees the hand of providence at work in shaping his life's journey. Despite the challenges he faces, he remains hopeful that his fortunes will take a positive turn.

4. "For neither good nor evil can last forever; and so it follows that as evil has lasted a long time, good must be close at hand."

This quote reflects Don Quixote's faith in the cyclical nature of life, where periods of darkness are inevitably followed by moments of light. He remains optimistic that goodness will prevail in the end.

5. "The heart of woman is as changeable as the weather."

Don Quixote's musings on the nature of women reveal his complex views on love and relationships. He recognizes the emotional volatility of the female heart, yet remains captivated by the mystery and allure of women.

In conclusion, Don Quixote's profound quotes offer a window into the inner workings of his mind and the philosophical questions that he grapples with. Through his words, readers are invited to ponder the complexities of human nature and the mysteries of existence.

唐吉柯德句子英文 篇三

1. 许多神学家自己上不了经台,却非常擅长评说别人布道的短长。

2. 他们证明了你写的是谎话,也不能剁掉你写下这句谎话的手。

3. 美人并不个个可爱,有些只是悦目而不醉心。

4. 如果读书不只是为了混饭吃,有能力任由自己发展的青年是幸福的,我主张让年轻人选择自己倾心的学业。

5. 贞洁的女人好比水晶镜子,呵上一口气就昏暗了。应该把她们当作鲜花盛开的美丽的花园那样爱护。

6. 洁身自好胜似说教。

7. 到底谁才是疯子,是身不由己疯了的人,还是自愿充当疯子的人?

8. 说话不考虑,等于射击不瞄准。

9. 年轻人的爱情多半不是真正的爱情,只是情欲。情欲只求取乐,欢乐之后,欲念消退,所谓爱情也就完了。只有真正的爱情才无限无量。

10. 安逸.享受和休养是为怯懦的人们准备的。

11. History breeds truth, it can compete with time and preserve the old things. It is a sign of the past, a lesson for the present, and a lesson for the future.

12. 鲁莽和懦怯都是过失,勇敢的美德是这两个极端的折中。不过宁可勇敢过头而鲁莽,不要勇敢不足而懦怯。挥霍比吝啬更近于慷慨的美德,鲁莽也比懦怯更近于真正的勇敢。

13. The so-called bravery is just a virtue between two defects.

14. 穷人可以有人尊敬,恶人却不能。贫穷能掩盖高贵的品质,但不能完全埋没它。美德会从贫困笼罩不到的缝隙里透露出光芒,引起伟人的注目和重视,博得他们的爱护。

15. 人生的快乐象梦幻泡影,一眨眼就过去,或者象田野里的花朵儿,开过就萎了。

16. A mouth without teeth is like grinding without a stone, so a tooth is sometimes more valuable than a diamond.

17. 不死就有生命,也就是说,有生命就有希望。

18. 人生的舞台也是如此。有人做皇帝,有人做教皇;反正戏里的角色样样都有。他们活了一辈子,演完这出戏,死神剥掉各种角色的戏


19. 伤口是别人给予的耻辱,是自己坚持的幻觉!

20. Bloodlines are inherited from the previous generation, and virtues are cultivated by oneself; virtues have their own value, and bloodlines are only borrowed.

21. 你交运的时候,总有许多朋友;一旦天气阴霾,你就孤独了。

22. “假如你一心向往美德,以高尚的品行为荣,你就不会羡慕天生的贵人。血统是世代传袭而来的,品徳是靠自己培养的,而只有美德才具有真正的价值。”

23. Who in the world can see through a woman's complex mind and changeable feelings? No one dares to boast about this, it is absolutely true.

24. Destiny is spinning like the wheels of a waterwheel. Those who were high yesterday are inferior today.

25. 老话都是多年经历的精华,句句真实。

26. 没有时间磨不掉的记忆,没有死亡治不愈的伤痛。

27. 假如你一心向往美德,以高尚的品行为荣,你就不会羡慕天生的贵人。血统是世代传袭而来的,品徳是靠自己培养的,而只有美德才具有真正的价值。

28. Faithful servants should report the truth to their masters, neither trying to please nor concealing them.

29. 没有腌猪肉,哪来晾肉杆。

30. 女人的血质并不是影响血统高贵的因素,相反,真正的高贵在于她的道德。

31. 别妄想世事永恒不变:这个世界好像尽在兜圈子,也就是说,循环不已。春天过去,接着是早夏、盛暑,而秋而冬,然后春天又回来了;时光总是这样周而复始,轮转不休。只有人生有尽期,如风而逝,一去不返;除非到天国才得到永生。

32. The plague of love will spread through the cracks and the air with its darn daring vigor.

33. 请原谅我,朋友,虽然我做了很多蠢事,但如果可能的话,我愿意让你出任一个王国的国王。

34. 现在这年头,懒惰压倒了勤快,安逸压倒了勤劳,罪恶压倒了美德,傲慢压倒了勇敢;甚至拿枪杆子的也空谈也不实行了。

35. “父母有责任从小教给他们学好样,识大体……至于攻读哪一科,我认为不宜勉强,当然劝劝他们也没有什么害处。……假如您的儿子做讽刺诗毁坏人家的名誉,您可以训斥他,撕掉他的诗。如果他像霍拉斯那样嘲笑一切罪恶,笔下也那么文雅,您就应该称赞他。”

36. 自由是天赐的无价之宝,地下和海地所埋葬的一切财富都比不上。自由和体面一样值得拿性命去拼。不得自由而受奴役是最苦的事。

37. 而人间定会不同往昔,纵然我终将疲倦无力。仍要用伤痕累累的双手,去摘遥不可及的星。

38. 自从有了枪炮,卑鄙的懦夫就能杀死勇敢的好汉。

39. 高空以星星使你的神圣更加神圣,使你当之无愧地接受你当之无愧的伟大称号而当之无愧。

40. 名誉和美德是灵魂的装饰,要没有它,那肉体虽然真美,也不应该认为美。贞操是美德之中最最足以使身心两者都增加美的。

41. 任何幸福都不会十分纯粹,多少总会掺杂着一些悲哀。

42. 血统是从上代传袭的',美德是自己培养的。

43. The wheel of fate turns faster than the wheel of a mill: yesterday was smooth, but today it fell into the mud.

44. 好女人全世界只有一个:她劝每个丈夫把妻子看作世上唯一的好女人,这样就一辈子称心如意了。

45. 世上有谁能把女人复杂的心思和多变的*情看透识破呢?谁都不敢夸这个口,这是千真万确的。

46. 金子要经过烧炼,才见得成色好坏;女人照样也得经过一番考验,才见得她的节操。

47. 堂吉诃德看书看得几近痴狂,每天的正经事就是幻想那些打打杀杀的场景。终于有一天,他确信书上的那些故事才是真实的,而现实世界中的一切都是不符合逻辑的。

48. 我还年轻,只要活着,一切都会有希望。

49. 好朋友之间应该做彼此信任,就像一位诗人说的,光明磊落,不应该利用友谊做违反上帝意志的事情。

50. 爱情的瘟疫凭它那股子该死的钻劲儿,会从隙缝里、空气里传透进去。

51. 强求不可求,可求失于手。

52. 爱情如果深厚,行动必定端重。

53. 将就不如等待。

54. 情人分散了,什么事都放心不下。

55. 愚蠢总希望自己有追随者与伙伴,而不希望孤行。

56. 爱情的瘟疫凭它那股子该死的钻劲,会从缝隙里.空气里穿透进去,她们尽避藏得严严密密,也会失身丧节。世道人心,一年不如一年了。

57. 命运像水车的轮子一样旋转着,昨日还高高在上的人,这天却屈居人下。

58. 一个规矩女人的美貌好比远处的火焰,也好比锐利的刀锋;如果不挨近去,火烧不到身上,剑也不会伤人。

59. The wound is the shame given by others, and it is the illusion of one's own persistence!

60. 爱情的瘟疫凭它那股子该死的钻劲,会从缝隙里.空气里穿透进去,她们尽管藏得严严密密,也会失身丧节。世道人心,一年不如一年了。

61. 目标愈高,志向就愈可贵。

62. Fate revolves like the wheels of a waterwheel. Those who were high yesterday are inferior today.

63. 在一出精心结构的戏里,诙谐的部分使观众娱乐,严肃的部分给他教益,剧情的发展使他惊奇,穿插的情节添他的智慧,诡计长他见识,鉴戒促他醒悟,罪恶激动他的义愤,美德引起他的羡慕。

64. 有人问古罗马英雄凯撒大帝,怎样死最好。他说,最好是意外的,突然的,没准备的。

65. 取道于“等一等”之路,走进去的只能是“永不”之室。

66. 血统是从上代传袭的,美德是自己培养的;美德有本身的价值,血统只是借光。

67. 单有一只燕子,还算不了夏天。

68. 美德的小径是狭窄的,恶德的大道是宽阔的。

69. 我法定年龄孩与风为长辞,我生我死任于子生不寄希望于有分毫心存侥幸。----塞万提都风。

70. 不打算守约的人,订约的时候不计较困难。

71. 死神践踏平民的茅屋,照样也践踏帝王的城堡。

72. 所谓的勇敢,不过是介于两种缺陷之间的一种美德。

73. 有人费了心力考订问题,考订明白了既不增进智慧,也不添长学问,真是一钱不值。

74. It was bitten by a big dog using the first person. Several students were concerned about Chen Ke and said that just coming here would be like a good school. Seems to be serious.

75. 现在我们可以肯定地说,游侠骑士这一行超越了人世间的一切行业。风险越大的行业,越应该受到尊重。

76. 恋爱是戴着眼镜看东西的,会把黄铜看成金子,贫穷看成富有,眼睛里的斑点看成珍珠。

77. 自由是天赐的无价之宝,地下和海底所埋藏的一切财富都比不上。自由和体面一样,值得拿性命去拼。不得自由而受奴役是人生最苦的事。

78. 世上有谁能把女人复杂的心思和多变的性情看透识破呢?谁都不敢夸这个口,这是千真万确的。

79. Love is looking at things with glasses, and will see brass as gold, poverty as wealth, and spots in the eyes as pearls.

80. I believe that it is the most stable thing to think about in my pregnancy. ---- Cervantes only people.

81. The blood quality of a woman is not the factor that affects the nobility of her bloodline. On the contrary, the real nobility lies in her morality.

82. 唐吉诃德对此表示感谢,然后吃了点儿东西。桑乔吃得可不少。吃完后,两人倒地睡觉,任凭那两头牲口在肥沃的草地上随意啃青。他们醒来时天色已渐晚,两人便赶紧骑上牲口继续赶路,想尽快赶到一西里外的一个客店去。我这里说客店是因为唐吉诃德称它为客店,而没有像以往那样把所有的客店都称为城堡。

83. Now we can say with certainty that the line of knights surpasses all industries in the world. The more risky the industry, the more it should be respected.

84. 我知道聪明一点儿的办法就是能商量的不强求。

85. I can be stronger if I get my wish. ---- Cervanti and a child like Pan Jingsheng translation.

86. 害你哭的人,爱你深。

87. 正义自有它的天地,任何私欲贪心都不敢干扰冒犯它。

88. 当一扇门关上时,另一扇会打开。

89. 意外的不幸常常是财富不能弥补的。

90. 爱情的瘟疫凭它那股子该死的钻劲,会从缝隙里、空气里穿透进去,她们尽避藏得严严密密,也会失身丧节。世道人心,一年不如一年了。

91. 我如果以美德为贵,我就不必羡慕人家有福,叹恨自己不幸。

92. You can gain the world with love, and you can also lose the world with hate.

93. The path of virtue is narrow, and the road of vice is broad.

94. 女人并不是十全十美的动物,不应该为她们设置障碍,而应该为她们清除障碍,消除她们道路上的所有不利因素,使之完善,成为冰清玉洁的女人。

95. 戏剧是人生的镜子:我们自己的面貌和模范人物的形象,只有在戏里表现得最生动逼真。编剧和演戏的人把这面镜子随时供我们照鉴,这对国家大有好处。

96. 有福不会享,过后别悲伤。



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