


  Invitation Letter

  Date: Feb. 15, 201* To Visa Office

  India consulate-shanghai, China

  Dear Sir/Madams,

  Sub: Letter of Invitation for Mr. Zheng Xiaofeng and Mr. Chen Kongjian from Shanghai Yunchou

  Import&Export Co., Ltd

  L. J. K. Exports built up in 199* is a company engaged in exports of seafood to various countries having office at the above mentioned address 24/A, Janardhan House, Lala Nigam Road,Colaba,Mumbai-400005.

  It is our pleasure to invite Mr. Zheng Xiaofeng and Mr. Chen Kongjian from Shanghai Yunchou Import&Export Co., Ltd to have some commercial discussion about the future cooperation with us. They will visit L. J. K. Exports from February 28th, 201* to March 18th, 201*.

  Their details will be as follows:

  Name: Zheng XiaoXXChen KongXXX

  Designation: Sales ManagerSales Assistant

  Passport No.: G5930XXX G49682XXX

  Date of Issue: 14 FEB, 201* 09 MAR, 201*

  Date of Expiry: 13 FEB, 202* 08 MAR, 202*

  They will stay at 24/A, Janardhan House, Lala Nigam Road, Colaba,during their visits in India and we will take all responsibility for their going back to China on time.

  We sincerely hope that you could grant them the visas.

  Thanking you in anticipation

  印度XXXXXXXX Co., Ltd

  Luo Cheng(打印名子)手签名字



  篇二:印度商务签证邀请信样本Indian invitation letter sample

  Notice: This letter needs to be printed on India inviting company’s letter head paper. The India consulate only accepts original invitation letter or fax copy of invitation letter. If using fax invitation letter, please make sure the fax number is shown on the page and is the same one as shown on the company letter head paper.

  Consulate General of India

  Shanghai International Trade Center

  No.2201 Yanan Road (West),

  Shanghai, China

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  We are pleased to invite Mr. / Mrs. XXX (Name as shown in passport) to visit India from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. The purpose of this visit is for XXX (please detailed description of the activity, such as business meeting name/ project name, etc.

  Mr. / Mrs. XXX’s personal information is as follow:

  Name as in Passport: XXXX

  Job title: XXXX

  Passport #: XXXX

  Date of issue:DD/MM/YYYY

  Date of expire: DD/MM/YYYY

  As Mr. / Mrs. XXX will be required to travel to India frequently in the next coming 6 months/ one year at short notice, we would request you politely to grant him/her a 6 months/ one year multiple entry business visa valid from DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY, Mr. / Mrs. XXX’s travel plans will be approximately as following: ----Please ignore this part if apply for 2 months single entry business visa.

  DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY,Business meeting (please give details of the meeting) DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY,Business meeting (please give details of the meeting) DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY,Business meeting (please give details of the meeting) DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY,Business meeting (please give details of the meeting)

  We assure that the said applicant will not work in any work activity during his visit and return before the expiry of the visa.

  For any further details you may contact us on phone: + 91 xx xxxxxxxx

  Yours Truly,

  For XXX Limited (Print inviting company full name)

  XXXX (Print name of the signatory)

  XXXX (Print Job title of the signatory—must be manager level or above)

  XXXX (Contacts of the Signatory)



  Invitation Letter of Duly Authorized Unit

  编号/ No.:2801-1407 -此函仅限申请人前往中华人民共和国驻 土耳其 大使馆(总领馆/领事馆/处) 或中华人民共和国外交部驻特别行政区特派员公署申请签证时使用。 Please apply forthwith for visa at the Embassy (Consulate General/Consulate/Office)of the P. R. China

  the Commissioner’s Office of the Foreign Ministryof the P. R. China in


  Notes: This letter is for 5 people at most. Please cross a diagonal in the blank space if there are l

  ess than 5 people. For more than 5 people, please issue another one.



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