导语:Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.
第一篇:My Vision Of You--我眼中的你
dear leann,
i went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. i slept like a baby all night, because i was not feeling alone. when i awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. very soon, i know that you will be right next me, and that i will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. baby, i long to be there with you so i can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.
love always,your ansil
第二篇:You Saw Me--你深情的看着我
dear logan,
since you came into my life, i've been so happy. the fact that we're a thousand miles apart is not a matter at all because you are always in my heart. you told me that i'm the right one. i cannot tell you how good that made me feel. i am waiting for the days to make our dreams come true. i'll wait for you for a lifetime if you want me to. do you know why? because you are the only one who sees me while i am invisible to others. i hope you never quit seeing how much my love for you is true.
love always
第三篇:You Are My World--你是我的世界
dear bradley,
if only i could have come up with the right words to describe the depth of this beautiful feeling that i have for you, i would have uttered them to you the first time i laid my eyes on you. but, i lacked that knowledge, so the best thing that i can do is to show you how i really mean it now. i love you so dearly, sweetie. do you know? you are the best thing that ever happened to me. you are like the best poetry ever composed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. i never thought and expected that someone like me could get so lucky by finding you.
how could i have known the comfort and the security of knowing that whenever i say "i love you," you're going to say the same words, too. i know that you love me too, or you wouldn't have married me. marrying me was just among the many wonderful things you have done to show me how much i mean to you and that you are sincere. i love you sweetie, more than my life... more than my world. you are my world. life wouldn't be life if not shared with you. we may be far away from each other for now, but you have my heart and my love. and i know that i have yours, too. it just feels so wonderful knowing and believing that. aren't we lucky? i love you... more and more each day.
forever yours,lyn