
外贸专利申请程序英语对话 篇一

Patent Application Process in Foreign Trade: Conversation

In a meeting room at a foreign trade company, John, an employee, is discussing the patent application process with his colleague, Sarah.

John: Hi Sarah, I wanted to talk to you about the patent application process for our new product. Do you have any experience in this area?

Sarah: Yes, I have dealt with patent applications before. What specifically do you need help with?

John: I'm not familiar with the process and I'm not sure where to start. Could you give me an overview of the steps involved?

Sarah: Of course. The first step is to conduct a thorough search to ensure that our product is unique and doesn't infringe on any existing patents. We need to make sure it's worth pursuing a patent for our invention.

John: That makes sense. How do we go about conducting this search?

Sarah: We can start by searching online databases and patent registries to see if similar inventions already exist. We should also consult with a patent attorney who can provide expert advice and conduct a more comprehensive search.

John: Okay, once we establish that our product is unique, what's the next step?

Sarah: The next step is to prepare a detailed patent application. This involves describing the invention, its uniqueness, and how it works. It's important to include all the necessary technical details and specifications.

John: Who should prepare this application? Should we hire a patent attorney?

Sarah: It's highly recommended to hire a patent attorney or a patent agent who specializes in drafting patent applications. They have the expertise and knowledge to ensure that the application meets all the requirements and increases the chances of approval.

John: That makes sense. What happens after we submit the application?

Sarah: Once the application is submitted, it undergoes a review process by the patent office. They will examine the application to determine if our invention meets the criteria for patentability. This can take several months.

John: What if our application is rejected?

Sarah: If the application is rejected, we have the opportunity to make amendments or argue our case. It's important to work closely with our patent attorney during this stage to address any concerns raised by the patent office.

John: And if our application is approved, what happens next?

Sarah: If our application is approved, we will be granted a patent for our invention. This gives us exclusive rights to the invention and allows us to prevent others from making, using, or selling our product without our permission.

John: That's great to hear. Thank you for explaining the process to me, Sarah. I feel more confident now in moving forward with our patent application.

Sarah: You're welcome, John. I'm glad I could help. Let's get started on the search and consult a patent attorney to ensure a smooth application process.

John: Absolutely. Let's make sure our new product is protected and ready to enter the market.

Sarah: Agreed. Good luck with the patent application, John.

John: Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate your support.

Both John and Sarah leave the meeting room, ready to begin the patent application process for their new product.

外贸专利申请程序英语对话 篇三


  A: l'm going to apply for a patent but l'm not sure how to prepare the application. Would you please help me?


  B: Sure.glad to help. First you n

eed submit a request.a description and a claim. The description is particularly important. lf necessary .it should be supported by drawings.


  A: How long shall I have to wait for the approval?



  B: Well.examination takes time. The Patent Office will announce the result and notify the application within 18 months. Even then you still don't get the patent certificate.


  A: Why?


  B: The Patent OffiCe needs 90 days to wait for any possible opposition. Only when everything is Ok will the patent be registered.


  A: I see. But I have another question. I don't know the reason why the duration of protection is only 15 years?


  B: This is only for one of the patent rights. For invention the duration of protection is 15 years. For utility models and designs.the duration of protection is even shorter.only for 5 years protection.


  A:Does every country specify the same duration of protectionv


  B:No.15-year protection is the minimum protection any country will grant its patentees. In some countries. the patent right duration for invention is 20 years.


  A:What are the criteria for granting patent rights"'


  B:They are similar to those in other countries novelty inventiveness and practicability.



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