。我猜这并不让人吃惊。问题是,我们是如何加以应对、进行减压的?据《美国心理学会》(American Psychological Association)一项新的调查,答案是,我们做的还不够。据周三公布的年度调查显示,采用减压技巧来应对压力的人减少了。在被问及的方法中──从运动、阅读、祈祷到购物,在今年的`调查中,几乎所有的方法都没有2008年用的多。很多人开始采用久坐的方法,比如听音乐或是吃东西。
据美国心理学会的临床心理学家、研究员库恩斯(Helen L. Coons)说,人们没有采取措施减压的一个主要原因是没有时间。最终,我们被压得精疲力尽,没有力气去减压了。
Americans are stressed out. No surprise there, I suppose. The question is, what are we doing about it? The answer, according to a new survey from the American Psychological Association, is not enough.
Fewer people are utilizing stress-management techniques to cope with their burden
A big reason that people don’t take steps to reduce their stress is lack of time, according to Helen L. Coons, a clinical psychologist and a fellow of the APA. Essentially, we are too stressed to reduce our stress.
But Dr. Coons, who spoke at a briefing yesterday on the research, emphasize that it’s important for people to take care of themselves so they have more energy for the other things they need to do. We need to ’reframe ’self care’ as something that is not selfish,’ she said.
Most people reported that their health-care provider had recommended lifestyle changes, such as a healthier diet. But patients advised to make changes associated with behaviors or symptoms of stress─including quitting smoking or getting more sleep─were the least likely to report success.
Our levels of stress appear to have abated somewhat since the financial debacle of last year, according to the survey, which was conducted by Harris Interactive and queried 1,568 adults from around the country. Just 42% of people said their stress has increased over the past year, compared with 47% in 2008. And the symptoms of stress - from irritability to fatigue to teeth grinding - were all a bit lower this year.
But our overall stress levels are still high, which the researchers cautioned could be a precursor to serious health consequences.
Jugglers, we all probably wish we could find more time to unwind. What are some of the stress-management techniques that you rely on? And how to you find time to squeeze them in without stressing out?