
英文简历上的“爱好”怎么写 篇一

Hobbies and Interests on an English Resume

When it comes to including hobbies and interests on an English resume, it is important to consider their relevance and the impression they will make on the potential employer. Including hobbies can provide insight into your personality, interests, and skills outside of the professional realm. Here are some guidelines to help you effectively showcase your hobbies on your resume:

1. Be selective: Choose hobbies that are relevant to the job you are applying for or ones that highlight transferable skills. For example, if you are applying for a job in marketing, mentioning that you enjoy photography can demonstrate your creativity and attention to detail.

2. Highlight skills: When listing your hobbies, try to emphasize the skills or qualities that are valuable in the workplace. For instance, if you enjoy playing team sports, you can mention that it demonstrates your ability to work well in a team and your commitment to achieving common goals.

3. Keep it concise: While it is important to include hobbies, you don't want to take up too much space on your resume. Keep your descriptions brief and to the point. For example, instead of writing a long paragraph about your love for hiking, you can simply mention "outdoor activities" to encompass various hobbies such as hiking, camping, and biking.

4. Be honest and genuine: Only include hobbies that you genuinely enjoy and can speak about with enthusiasm. Employers can often detect when a candidate is listing hobbies for the sake of filling space, so it is important to choose hobbies that are meaningful to you.

5. Avoid controversial or sensitive topics: While it is important to showcase your personality, it is best to avoid hobbies that may be controversial or sensitive. For example, it is best to avoid mentioning political affiliations or religious activities unless they are directly relevant to the job you are applying for.

In conclusion, including hobbies and interests on an English resume can provide additional insight into your personality and skills. By carefully selecting relevant hobbies and highlighting transferable skills, you can make a positive impression on potential employers.

英文简历上的“爱好”怎么写 篇二

The Role of Hobbies on an English Resume

Hobbies can play an important role on an English resume, as they provide employers with a glimpse into the candidate's personality and interests outside of work. While some may argue that hobbies are not relevant in the professional realm, including them can have several benefits:

1. Differentiation: In a competitive job market, where resumes can often look similar, hobbies can help you stand out from other candidates. Including unique or interesting hobbies can catch the employer's attention and make your resume memorable.

2. Conversation starters: Hobbies can serve as conversation starters during an interview or networking event. If you share a common interest with the interviewer, it can create a positive and memorable impression, helping you build rapport and establish a connection.

3. Transferable skills: Hobbies can demonstrate various transferable skills that are valuable in the workplace. For example, if you enjoy painting or playing a musical instrument, it can showcase your creativity, attention to detail, and ability to think outside the box.

4. Work-life balance: Including hobbies on your resume can also demonstrate that you have a healthy work-life balance. It shows that you have interests outside of work, which can indicate that you are well-rounded and able to manage your time effectively.

5. Cultural fit: Hobbies can provide insight into your values, interests, and personality, which can help employers assess your cultural fit within their organization. For example, if a company values teamwork and collaboration, mentioning hobbies that involve teamwork can showcase your alignment with their values.

However, it is important to use discretion when including hobbies on your resume. Here are some considerations:

- Relevance: Choose hobbies that are relevant to the job or industry you are applying for. This can help employers see how your hobbies align with the requirements of the role.

- Space limitations: While hobbies can be valuable, be mindful of the space constraints on your resume. Keep your descriptions concise and prioritize the most relevant hobbies.

- Avoid stereotypes: Be cautious of including hobbies that may perpetuate stereotypes or biases. For example, avoid listing hobbies that may reinforce gender or racial stereotypes.

In conclusion, including hobbies on an English resume can provide added value by showcasing your unique personality, transferable skills, and cultural fit. By carefully selecting relevant and interesting hobbies, you can make a positive impression on potential employers and differentiate yourself from other candidates.

英文简历上的“爱好”怎么写 篇三

  “Travel. Cooking. Reading.”


  If the “interests” section of your rsum reads something like this, you’re wasting valuable real estate, say experts.


  With recruitersoften reading hundreds of rsums a week, i

t’s true your interests can help you stand out in a group of similarly-credentialedapplicants, but only if those interests are exceptional. Run-of-the-millactivities aren’t going to win you a second look.


  Rsum experts advise only including interests that show off transferabletraitsdesirableto employers —like the motivation required to run marathons or study piano for 12 years.


  Gretchen Johnson, senior vicepresident of human resources at Travelzoo Inc., recalls one applicant who not only was an avidmountain climber, but also volunteered in those remote locales.


  “What usually stands out is when someone has managed to take their interests to a whole different level,” she says.


  But what if your interests are more commonplace? That’s when specificitycan make a difference. “Reading” by itself is a snooze. But “reading medical mysteries” is a little quirkyand shows some intellectual rigor, says Quentin J. Schultze.


  Be careful not to let a questfor quirky cross the line. If the interest suggests “an oddobsession,” Schultze says, you’ve probably gone too far. Case in point: Schultze once interviewed someone whose passion was to persuade American society to eat dog. While certainly memorable, that’s one interest better left off a rsum.


  In the age of Facebook and Twitter, it can be tempting to research the hiring manager and only include interests that overlapwith theirs. But that could end up looking contrived. Instead, Schultze suggests researching the company. If it puts emphasis on community involvement, for example, include your volunteer work.


  If you don’t have any impressive interests, don’t try to pick one up overnight. It makes for an awkwardinterview when a candidate doesn’t speak passionately about an alleged interest and “makes the hiring manager start to doubt other things,” Johnson says.


  Interests don’t normally come up in the first interview since the hiring manager is focused on determining whether the applicant has the right skill set, says Johnson.


  But Beth Brown, co-authorof a recent edition of the Damn Good Resume Guide, suggests leaving out interests all together. She says that interests are rarely valuable and there’s a risk they may even work againstyou.


  She recalls one client who included “sailing,” assuming it would make him more appealingfor the middle-management position he wanted. But he later found out he lost a head-to-headmatchup with another applicant because the employer was worried he would want to take long weekends for sailing trips.


  Brown suggests letting your personality shine in your cover letter and saving the space on your rsum for skills and experience most relevant to the job you’re seeking.


  After all, even the most impressive interest can only get you so far. The mountain-climbing do-gooderdidn’t end up getting the job at Travelzoo. The skill set just wasn’t the right fit, Johnson says.






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