英文简历格式结构 篇一
Title: English Resume Format and Structure
A well-structured and properly formatted resume is crucial when applying for a job in an English-speaking country. This article will discuss the essential components and formatting guidelines for an English resume.
1. Contact Information:
The first section of an English resume should include your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. Ensure that this information is accurate and up to date.
2. Objective or Summary Statement:
Following the contact information, you may choose to include an objective statement or a summary highlighting your skills and qualifications. This statement should be concise and tailored to the specific job you are applying for.
3. Education:
List your educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent degree or qualification. Include the name of the institution, the degree or certification obtained, and the dates of attendance.
4. Work Experience:
In this section, provide a detailed account of your work experience. Start with your most recent position, including the job title, the name of the company, and the dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities and achievements using action verbs and quantifiable results.
5. Skills:
Highlight your relevant skills and abilities in a separate section. Include both hard skills (e.g., proficiency in a programming language) and soft skills (e.g., communication or leadership skills). Be specific and provide examples where possible.
6. Certifications and Training:
If you have obtained any certifications or completed relevant training courses, include them in this section. Mention the name of the certification or training program, the issuing institution, and the date of completion.
7. Language Proficiency:
English fluency is particularly important for an English resume. Use this section to indicate your proficiency level in English, whether it is native, fluent, proficient, or basic. You may also include any other languages you speak and your proficiency level in each.
8. References:
While including references is not necessary in an English resume, you can mention that references are available upon request. Make sure you have informed your references in advance and have their permission to share their contact information.
A well-structured English resume can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers. By following the format and guidelines mentioned above, you can create a professional and effective resume that showcases your qualifications and skills.
Total Words: 498
英文简历格式结构 篇二
Title: Formatting and Structure of an English Resume
In job applications, a well-formatted and structured resume is essential to make a positive impression. This article will discuss the key elements and formatting guidelines for an English resume.
1. Contact Information:
Begin your resume with your full name, phone number, email address, and mailing address. Ensure that this information is accurate and up to date.
2. Objective or Summary Statement:
Following your contact information, include an objective statement or a summary that highlights your skills and qualifications. Tailor this statement to the specific job you are applying for.
3. Education:
List your educational background in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent degree or qualification. Include the name of the institution, the degree or certification obtained, and the dates of attendance.
4. Work Experience:
Provide a detailed account of your work experience, starting with the most recent position. Include the job title, company name, and dates of employment. Describe your responsibilities and accomplishments using action verbs and measurable outcomes.
5. Skills:
Dedicate a section to highlight your relevant skills and abilities. Include both technical skills (e.g., programming languages) and soft skills (e.g., communication or leadership). Be specific and provide examples where applicable.
6. Certifications and Training:
Include any certifications or training programs you have completed. Mention the name of the certification or program, issuing institution, and date of completion.
7. Language Proficiency:
Fluency in English is particularly important for an English resume. Indicate your proficiency level, whether it is native, fluent, proficient, or basic. You may also mention other languages you speak and your proficiency level in each.
8. References:
While it is not necessary to include references in an English resume, you can mention that references are available upon request. Ensure that you have informed your references and have their permission to share their contact information.
A well-formatted and structured English resume can significantly enhance your chances of securing a job. By following the guidelines mentioned above, you can create a professional resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and skills.
Total Words: 427
英文简历格式结构 篇三
公司名称应大写加粗。若全称太复杂,可以写得稍微简单一些。如ARRAIL CHAINSHINE INVESTMENT COMPANY LIMITED不如写成ARRAIL CHAINSHINE来得简单明了,大家一看就知道指的是哪家公司。
有些公司的全称往往不为人知,但缩写名却尽人皆知。比如在中国就不是每个人都知道INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE是什么公司,但IBM的大名却是家喻户晓的。所以在中国,我们建议大家写IBM,因为许多外企人事经理都是中国人,这样写更顺眼也更顺口。而在美国,大家还是会写全称的。
1) 从公司名称之后的第二行开始写,如果想介绍公司情况,则职务与部门应写在公司简介之后。
2) 职务与部门应加粗,每个词的第一个字母要大写,如Manager, Finance Department。
1) 对于新公司、小公司或招聘公司不甚熟悉的某些行业的公司,为了保险起见都不妨介绍一两句。甚至对于那些业内知名的企业往往也不一定名声在外。求职者一般不会针对每家应聘的公司都量身定做一份专门的简历(tailor-made resume),目前可能只想在行业内跳一跳,但也不排除将来在别的行业发展的可能,所以不妨都略带提一下公司的简介。
2) 有些外国人可能对中国的公司不太知道,因此要介绍一下。 这不是说别人孤陋寡闻,而是缺乏对中国的了解。比如说,您也许对美国、德国、日本的一些大公司耳熟能详,但对于加拿大、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、印度、巴西一些有名的大公司,您就不一定都知道了。千万不要觉得中国的公司很大,别人就一定知道,一不留神,就成了井底之蛙。例如,中国银行叫Bank of China (BOC)。在海外很多银行都知道中国银行,但不少人都误认为中国银行就是中国的中央银行,这个概念已经被混淆十多年了,到目前还没有彻底更正。
3) 简介长度以两行为宜。只用一行易与别的内容相混,而三四行就显得比较累赘。总之要恰到好处,让人一目了然。
1) 倒序,这是非常流行的方式。
2) 技能类别,这主要是为了强调自己的某种技能,如翻译、电脑等。如果招聘公司正是需要一名翻译,这样写可以正中下怀。此外,对于那些工作经历有时间断层的人,如下岗、休产假等,不妨也可使用这种方法。根据上周所讲的YRIS原则,雇主往往会在短短几秒的时间里,忽略时间断层这个问题。但要注意,并不是说只要有时间断层问题就一定要死板地用这种方法。因为这种写法只适合技能性比较强的情况,其它可参考前面所提到的只写年的方法加以弥补。如果断层时间长达两三年,则一定要解释清楚,说明确切的原因,实事求是。越诚实越坦荡,越能给人好印象。
3) 两者结合,先按技能类别加以分类,再以倒序的方式一一列出。
7. 工作内容
1) 要用点句(bullet point),避免用大段文字。中国人在写简历时往往会走两个极端,一是过于简单,只有哪年哪月在哪工作,蜻蜓点水,具体内容一点都没有;二是过于复杂,大段描写,洋洋洒洒说了半页纸,却让人摸不着所以然。
2) 点句的长度以一行为宜,最多不要超过两行;句数以三到五句为佳,最多不超过八句。一位美国的招聘经理曾对我说,一般只重点看前三句,超过八句之后的百分之百不看。
3) 点句以动词开始。目前的工作用一般现在时,以前工作用过去时。为了便于大家撰写简历,我们从一些简历书籍中精选了148个简历常用动词,供大家参考。这里特别给大家介绍两个简历中热门词汇的用法。Market不完全是指sell,要比sell更丰富一些。Market可作动词,即market后接名词也是可以的。这种写法会显得工作更具有管理性质,档次也要更高一些。Conduct后面要加名词,如conducted research on something,这里conduct相当于中文中的做。
4) 主要职责与主要成就,谁先谁后?有人认为应把主要职责放在前面,因为别人一看就知道你在做什么。其实这种写法较适合初级工作以及开创性不强的工作。若是较高级或开创性较强的工作则应把主要成就写在前面,因为别人看的就是您的工作业绩。所以不能一概而论地断定谁先谁后。
5) 工作成就要数字化,精确化,避免使用many, a lot of, some, several等模糊的词汇,应尽量使用具体的数字,到底管理了多少人,销售额是多少等等。
6) 在同一公司的业绩中,不必拘泥于时