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英语日记60词 篇一

Today is a beautiful day. I woke up early in the morning and went for a jog in the park. The fresh air and the chirping of birds made me feel alive. After breakfast, I spent the day reading my favorite book and listening to music. In the evening, I met up with my friends for dinner and had a great time chatting and laughing together.

英语日记60词 篇二

I had a busy day at work today. There were so many deadlines to meet and tasks to complete. I felt stressed and overwhelmed at times, but I managed to stay focused and get everything done. After work, I went to the gym to de-stress and unwind. It felt good to sweat it out and clear my mind. I ended the day feeling accomplished and ready to face whatever tomorrow brings.

英语日记60词 篇三

  I made a decision today. Becuase I often lose my confidence,I decide tell myself ‘go’ in front of mirror after getting up every day. I believe this will make me confident.

  Thus, I can do things I want bravely. Now, I will say, ‘Keep going’.

英语日记60词 篇四

  Today, I opened my free forum and I was very happy because I could do a lot of things there.

  I decided to upgrade my forum and make it interesting. Then I will make it grow up and at the same time, I can write down what I want to say there. I will be very happy.

英语日记60词 篇五

  I was depressed because I couldnt understand an English book after I bought it.

  I could understand nothing. I thought maybe I should study English hard and only by this could I learn a lot of knowledge and understand English aw well as communicate with others in English. I told myself,just go’.

英语日记60词 篇六

  As the saying goes, parents are the firstteachers of their children. But in the case recounted here, the parent and hisdaughter switched their roles. The father was judged as a drunken driver, buthe denied it and lied to the police that it had been his nephew who had driventhe car.

  Because there was no other person in the car except the man and hisyoung daughter, then he continued to fool the police saying that his nephew hadj

ust entered the construction site by the road for work. But the later inquiryproved his words false.

  In the meantime, the little girl confessed to the policethat her father had driven the car after drinking wine. She also asked herfather in tears to tell the truth immediately. The father had often drunk alonein depression since the porce from his wife.





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