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英语日记 篇一

Today, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead. After a quick breakfast, I headed to my English class at school. We were learning about different types of poetry, and I was particularly intrigued by the sonnet form. I made a mental note to try writing my own sonnet later in the day.

During lunch break, I sat with my friends and we chatted about our plans for the upcoming weekend. We decided to go see a movie together on Saturday night, which I was really looking forward to. After school, I went to the library to study for my upcoming exams. I find that the quiet atmosphere helps me concentrate better.

In the evening, I practiced playing the guitar for a while before sitting down to write my own sonnet. It was challenging to stick to the strict rhyme scheme and meter, but I enjoyed the creative process. By the time I finished, it was already late, so I decided to call it a night and get some rest.

Overall, it was a productive and fulfilling day. I learned new things in class, made plans with friends, studied hard, and indulged in some creative writing. I went to bed feeling satisfied and grateful for all the opportunities that come my way.

英语日记 篇二

Today was a bit of a challenging day for me. I woke up feeling tired and unmotivated, which made it difficult to get out of bed. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake off the feeling of lethargy that seemed to weigh me down throughout the day.

In my English class, we had a pop quiz on grammar, which I found particularly challenging. I struggled with some of the questions and felt frustrated with myself for not being better prepared. During lunch break, I found myself sitting alone, lost in my own thoughts. I realized that I was feeling a bit isolated and disconnected from my peers.

After school, I went straight home and spent the evening watching TV and scrolling through social media. I didn't feel like doing much else, as I was still feeling down and uninspired. It wasn't until later in the night, when I decided to write in my journal, that I started to feel a bit better. Putting my thoughts and feelings on paper helped me gain some clarity and perspective on my day.

Although today was tough, I know that tomorrow is a new day and a chance to start fresh. I'm determined to shake off this feeling of negativity and focus on the positive things in my life. I'm grateful for the opportunity to reflect and grow from my experiences, no matter how challenging they may be.

英语日记 篇三


根据一下提示写一篇 60字左右的 英语日记:


内容:1 今天是新学期的第一天

2 我们班上来了一位新同学,他的名字叫Mike,


3 下午,我和Mike在教室里用英语聊天

4 放学后,我又认识了一位来自四川的同学小明


5 多么快乐的一天啊Date: August 28th

Weather: Cloudy

1. Today I started a new semes

ter at school.

2. I met my new classmates, our teacher's name is Mike, Mike is from England.

3. In the afternoon Mike and I chat in English.

4. After school I meet a classmate from Sichuan Province.

5. What a happy day



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