看美剧学英语系列之吸血鬼日记 篇一
The Vampire Diaries, a popular American TV series that aired from 2009 to 2017, has captivated audiences with its supernatural storyline and intense drama. As a fan of the show, I have found that watching The Vampire Diaries is not only entertaining, but also a great way to improve my English language skills.
One of the reasons why The Vampire Diaries is a valuable resource for English learners is the variety of accents and dialects spoken by the characters. The show is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls, Virginia, and features characters from different backgrounds and regions. By listening to the characters speak, viewers can become more familiar with different accents and improve their listening comprehension skills.
In addition to accents, The Vampire Diaries is also a great way to learn new vocabulary and expressions. The show is full of supernatural terms and phrases that may not be commonly used in everyday English. By watching the show with subtitles and looking up unfamiliar words, viewers can expand their vocabulary and learn how to use new expressions in context.
Furthermore, The Vampire Diaries provides a unique opportunity to practice English conversation skills. By watching the interactions between the characters, viewers can observe how native speakers engage in conversations, express emotions, and communicate effectively. This can help English learners improve their speaking and listening skills, as well as their overall fluency in the language.
Overall, watching The Vampire Diaries is not only a fun and entertaining experience, but also a valuable tool for improving English language skills. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, this TV series offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the English language and learn in a fun and engaging way.
看美剧学英语系列之吸血鬼日记 篇二
The Vampire Diaries, a supernatural drama TV series based on the book series of the same name, has gained a massive following worldwide since its premiere in 2009. As a fan of the show, I have discovered that watching The Vampire Diaries is not only a source of entertainment, but also a great way to enhance my English language skills.
One of the key benefits of watching The Vampire Diaries for language learners is the exposure to colloquial English. The characters in the show use everyday language and slang, which can be a valuable resource for English learners looking to improve their conversational skills. By paying close attention to how the characters speak and interact with each other, viewers can pick up on common expressions and idioms used in informal English.
Additionally, The Vampire Diaries offers a rich cultural experience that can help language learners understand American customs and traditions. The show is set in a small town in Virginia, and many episodes feature local festivals, high school events, and other aspects of American life. By watching the show, viewers can gain insight into American culture and society, which can enhance their understanding of the English language and its cultural context.
Moreover, The Vampire Diaries provides a platform for language learners to practice their listening skills and comprehension. The show features a diverse cast of characters with varying accents and speech patterns, which can help viewers improve their ability to understand different types of English accents. By watching the show with subtitles and focusing on the dialogue, viewers can sharpen their listening skills and become more attuned to the nuances of spoken English.
In conclusion, The Vampire Diaries is not only a thrilling and addictive TV series, but also a valuable resource for English language learners. By immersing yourself in the world of Mystic Falls and following the adventures of the Salvatore brothers and their friends, you can improve your English language skills in a fun and engaging way. So grab your popcorn, turn on the TV, and let The Vampire Diaries be your guide to mastering the English language!
看美剧学英语系列之吸血鬼日记 篇三
随着连续高温的到来,也宣告着大四学生的大学生涯即将画上句号。论文答辩、告别校园。莫名地,青翠的夏季变成一个伤感的季节,因为同窗好友的分别、因为考研就业的压力、因为初出校园的迷茫……然而不管有多少种情绪,准备考研的同学们仍不能放松自己复习的步伐,因为随着小情绪季节的到来,考研复习也进入到全面复习阶段。此时,为大家献上看美剧学英语系列。在短暂的学习间隙里,看看幽默如《friends》、青春如《The Vampire Diaries》、悬疑如《Prison Break》的美剧。放松心情的同时锻炼了听力、口语,积累了单词,也了解了西方文化。在休闲之余,为考研英语提分助力。
四个月前,17岁Elena Gilbert 和她15岁的弟弟Jeremy在一场悲剧性的车祸中父母双亡。而现在,他们依然在努力适应新的生活。Elena一直以来都是学校中的明星学生,美丽而受人欢迎,并且积极地投入到学校和朋友圈中去。现在的她却挣扎着隐藏自己的痛苦,使之不为外界所知。
Mystic Falls高中的新学年又开始了,新来的转校生Stefan Salvatore帅气又神秘,吸引了Elena和她朋友们的目光。虽然当Stefan突然出现在埋葬着Elena双亲的公墓的时候,Elena对他的奇异举动倍感诧异,这却阻止不了他们两人很快就互相吸引。Elena有所不知的是,Stefan隐藏着一个阴暗而致命的秘密——他其实是个吸血鬼。第二天晚上的篝火派对上,Elena和Stefan刚要开始互相了解时,混乱发生了。Vicki被袭击——她的脖子处留下一个好象是野兽啃咬的伤口,而且还在不停地流血。
Stefan意识到自己知道是谁主导了这场袭击,他立刻回到了家中,发现了他的哥哥Damon。Stefan已经有15年没有见过他了。Damon也是吸血鬼,而两兄弟的经历也是长而苦涩。Damon嘲笑Stefan拒绝继承吸血鬼暴力野蛮的传统,但他也明白为什么Stefan会如此为Elena所吸引。因为Elena长得和Stefan一百多年前曾深深爱过的一个女子十分相似,那个女子也曾让Damon痴迷得想要夺为己有。现在这一正一邪的吸血鬼兄弟展开了一场灵魂争夺战——为了维吉尼亚州Mysitic Falls所有住民们的灵魂,更是为了Elena以及她的朋友、家人们的灵魂。
1、for over a century,I have lived in secret.一个世纪以来,我都秘密地活着。
这是本剧的第一句台词。stephan说的。“I have lived in secret”这一句真是又简洁又形象生动。
2、I will start fresh.我要重新开始,做全新的自我。
start fresh:重新开始
女主Elena开学的第一天写日记的时候说的这一句。意思就是重新开始新的生活,走出丧失双亲的痛苦。很生动形象,比I will start my new life好多了。
3、I predict this year is going to be kick ass. 我预言今年将会是很了不起的一年
kick ass有3个意思:1.给某人点颜色看看,2.拍马屁 3.了不起,很牛X(这里应该是第3个意思吧,意思是说这一年会很精彩)
“我知道他是E的弟弟,I'll still kick his ass.”就是第一个意思了
4、 Hawt-e staring @ u 帅哥在看你
BonnieON发的短信 E.应该是 is ,@就是 at,U就是You了
5、I'm good.
比如你去某人家,主人请你吃东西你却不想吃,就可以说 I'm good,thanks.
6、she took my breath away.她把我迷住了。
7、major lack of male real estate 优质男市场匮乏
major lack of 大量缺少,male和real都是形容词,eatate是阶层的意思
8 、She’s a dead ringer for Katherine.(她和凯瑟琳一摸一样)
dead ringer 固定词组 ph. 酷似的人;看上去一模一样的东西
9、There’re rings and then there’s that.(E说S的戒指特别)
更正: then 后面用的是单数IS哦 所以这句话应该就是说:
10、He has that romance novel stare. 他眼神深邃
11、I can't be freaked out by cars for the rest of my life.我余生都不会再碰车了。
freak out:使极度兴奋,焦虑不安,崩溃
12、I am cool with it.对此我很满意
cool with sth. 觉得某事没问题
13 why didn't he go for me?他为什么不喜欢我?
go for :去找某人,争取,喜欢,抨击,适合