描写建筑的英语句子 篇一
The majestic skyscraper rises high into the sky, its glass walls reflecting the sunlight and creating a dazzling display of light and shadow. The intricate details of the building's fa?ade showcase the skill and craftsmanship of the architects and builders who worked tirelessly to bring this vision to life. As I stand at the base of the structure, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the sheer magnitude of human ingenuity that went into creating such a masterpiece of modern architecture. Each window, each balcony, each curve and angle of the building tells a story of innovation and creativity, a testament to the power of human ambition and determination. The building stands as a symbol of progress and achievement, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who gaze upon its towering presence.
As I step inside the building, I am greeted by a grand atrium that stretches upwards towards the sky, its walls adorned with intricate designs and patterns that seem to come alive in the shifting light. The sound of footsteps echoes off the marble floors, creating a symphony of movement and sound that fills the space with energy and vitality. The air is filled with the scent of fresh paint and polished wood, a reminder of the care and attention to detail that went into every aspect of the building's construction. I marvel at the soaring ceilings and the vast expanse of space that surrounds me, feeling small and insignificant in comparison to the grandeur of the structure that surrounds me.
As I explore the building further, I am struck by the diversity of spaces and functions contained within its walls. From offices and conference rooms to restaurants and shops, the building is a bustling hub of activity and commerce, a microcosm of the city that lies beyond its doors. Each floor offers a new adventure, a new experience waiting to be discovered and explored. I lose myself in the labyrinth of hallways and corridors, marveling at the seamless blend of form and function that defines every inch of this architectural marvel.
In the end, as I emerge from the building and gaze up at its towering form once more, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the architects and builders who brought this vision to life. Their dedication and passion have created a work of art that will stand for generations to come, a testament to the power of human creativity and imagination. The building stands as a reminder of what is possible when we dare to dream big and push the boundaries of what we believe to be achievable. And as I walk away, I carry with me a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration, knowing that anything is possible if we only have the courage to reach for the stars.
描写建筑的英语句子 篇二
The old cathedral looms large in the distance, its ancient spires reaching towards the heavens like the fingers of a giant seeking to touch the sky. The weathered stone walls bear the scars of centuries of history, each crack and crevice a silent witness to the passage of time. As I approach the building, I am struck by the sense of reverence and awe that fills the air, a palpable energy that seems to emanate from the very stones themselves. The intricate carvings and sculptures that adorn the fa?ade tell a story of faith and devotion, a testament to the enduring power of belief and spirituality.
As I step inside the cathedral, I am enveloped in a wave of silence that seems to wash over me like a soothing balm. The air is cool and musty, filled with the scent of incense and candle wax, a reminder of the countless prayers and offerings that have been made in this sacred space. The stained glass windows cast a kaleidoscope of colors across the stone floor, bathing the interior in a warm and ethereal light that seems to dance and shimmer with a life of its own. I feel as though I have stepped back in time, transported to an era of knights and kings, of saints and sinners, a world where the divine and the earthly meet in a symphony of beauty and grace.
As I wander through the cathedral, I am struck by the sense of peace and tranquility that fills the space. The flickering candles and the soft murmur of prayers create a sense of serenity that is both comforting and profound. I find myself drawn to the altar, where a golden crucifix hangs suspended in the air, a symbol of sacrifice and redemption that speaks to the heart of the faithful. The sound of the organ fills the air, its haunting melody echoing off the ancient stone walls and filling the space with a sense of holiness and reverence that is both humbling and awe-inspiring.
In the end, as I emerge from the cathedral and gaze up at its towering spires once more, I am filled with a sense of peace and gratitude for the beauty and majesty of this sacred place. The cathedral stands as a reminder of the enduring power of faith and devotion, a sanctuary for the soul in a world filled with chaos and uncertainty. And as I walk away, I carry with me a sense of wonder and reverence for the architects and builders who created this masterpiece of Gothic architecture, a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit to create beauty and meaning in a world that is often dark and chaotic.
描写建筑的英语句子 篇三
1. 建筑是研究如何浪费空间的艺术,建筑始于工程完结之处。
2. 有些事情还没讲完那就算了吧,每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的。
3. 建筑是人的想象力驾驭材料和技术的凯歌。
4. 傍晚,太阳公公要西去落山,金色的彩
5. 一年之计始于春。这是一个播种的季节,书山学海是莘莘学子辛勤耕耘的土地。这是一个美丽的季节,年轻的姑娘赶在春天的前面,争相穿上绚烂的花衣。她们青春的靓丽与朝气在校园的天空下尽情摇曳,赶走了料峭春寒里最后一丝寒意!这也是一个多情的季节,校园四处春意萌动,散放着勃勃生机。在这个季节,少男少女们的心事像一地绿色的小草,不经意间便碧绿了整个天际!
6. 俗话说“一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。” 我要在这美好的早晨里发奋学习。我陶醉在这如诗如画的春色中,仿佛变成了多姿多彩的春天中的一棵小草,一朵小花,在园丁的辛勤培育下,正快乐地健康地成长,把祖国的春天装点得更加美丽可爱。
7. 我们从来不在山上造建筑,而是建一座属于那山的建筑。
8. 主楼是用一色青石起座,直上七层,石条又故意不打磨平整,粗犷凝重,像一个巨人敞露出结实的胸膛和坦荡的襟怀。
9. 秋冬来时,人家房屋在悬崖上的,滨水的,无不朗然入目,黄泥的墙,乌黑的瓦,位置却永远那么妥贴,且与周围环境极其调和,使人迎面得到的印象,实在非常愉快。
10. 西窗过雨,怪瑶佩流空,玉筝调柱。
11. 我们来到正桥,栏杆是乳白色的。
12. 建筑,是用结构来表达思想的科学性的艺术。
13. 建筑是连接私密性和公共性的通道。
14. 中国的建筑千篇一律,你看都是千篇一律,同时千变万化。
15. 绿荫环绕的操场上不时爆发出一阵阵喝彩声,什么事情如此热闹?原来正在举行师生友谊篮球联赛。严寒的冬天,我们虽然敝在室内,足不出户,然而“身在曹营心在汉”,按
16. 在这个忧伤而明媚的三月,我从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫
17. 正如建筑可以说是凝固的音乐一样,它也可以说是一种空间音乐。
18. 建筑的一半依赖于思居;另一半则源自于存在与精神。
19. 建筑之艺术性就存在于建筑构件之间的聚合关系之中。
20. 瞧,地上的小草睁开发眼睛,偷偷地从土地里钻出小脑袋,好奇地打量着这外光彩夺目的春天。它像是一位心灵手巧的纺织能手,用自己星星点点的绿色,依靠着集体的力量,织成了一块块绿茵茵的地毯。花坛里的鲜花争芳斗艳,你不让我,我不让你地开放着,簇拥在一起。一片红色的,一片黄色的,一片紫色的,一片玫瑰色的……朵朵鲜花沐浴着春天和
21. 我们有一个美丽温
22. 建筑既是美学观念的表达,也是形象、价值和力量的体现。
23. 建筑是研究如何浪费空间的艺术。
24. 因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。不管我随着风飞翔到云间我都希望你能看见,就算我偶尔会贪玩了迷了路也知道你在等我。
25. 建筑的实质是空间,空间的本质是为人服务。
26. 望着满树的樱花,忽然忆起一个樱花的传闻:本校的樱花具有
27. 当你真正爱一样东西的时候你就会发现语言多么的脆弱和无力。文字与感觉永远有隔阂。
28. 在校园里,不仅充满了鸟语花香,绿树成荫,而且错落有致的教学楼更是平添了一份美景。
29. 树上的鸟叫虫鸣,池塘里鱼儿在唱歌跳舞,发出“扑通扑通”的声音。操场上同学们的嬉戏声,教室里老师们上课的声音,同学们回答问题的声音。这是一首优美的协奏曲啊!
30. 智者们说:真正的寒窗,催生着真正的希望。对豪气干云的年轻学子而言,漫天风雪,不过是青春潇洒的诗情;数九寒天,又怎能封冻我们连绵不尽的思绪,和青春岁月里那五彩缤纷的梦境?更何况,家中邮寄的包裹还承载着父母家人深情的挂念,而师友的鼓励与关怀,更是岁末天寒里及时送到的炽热火炭,燃烧着让你一生无法忘记的温暖!
31. 真正的建筑师之思想接近于哲学家与诗人。
32. 建筑是用结构表达观点的科学之艺术。
33. 背起行
34. 建筑有两层皮,里面的一层是功能,外面的一层是形式。
35. 这是一座的藏式平顶建筑。
36. 我们塑造了建筑,反过来建筑塑造了我们。
37. 紫阁丹楼纷照耀,壁房锦殿相玲珑。
38. 土生土长是所有真正艺术和文化的必要的领域。
39. “建筑是世界的年鉴,当歌曲和传说已经缄默,它依旧还在诉说。
40. 绿树加建筑物就是风景。
41. 建筑师在以蜂蜡构成蜂房以前,已经在他的头脑中把它构成。
42. 人造房子,房子也造人。
43. 我们解释一个奇迹的时候,不必害怕奇迹失踪。
44. 这个季节,总容易让人想起许多往事,而往事中的许多细节,总与校园的槐花有关。有人说,那一串串的槐花是恋人留下的风铃,它绽开了我们纯洁的初恋和多情的青春。也许,槐花的意义还不仅仅如此。对某些事情的理解,或许要搭上我们一生的时间!
45. 建筑是一个民族整体素质的客观实在,并非“宏大叙事”。
46. 一件大义往往建筑在许多小的不义之上。
47. 建筑是在光线下对形式的恰当而宏伟的表现。
48. 轻轻扒开花丛,在杜鹃的周围有许多含苞待放的花朵儿,好像马上就要爆开似的。这么多的杜鹃花,一朵有一朵的姿势,看看这朵,很美,看看那朵,也很美。如果把眼前的一片杜鹃看着一大幅活的画,那画家的本领可真了不起!
49. 有机建筑抽掉灵魂就成了现代建筑。
50. 建筑师什么都没有发明,他只是改造了现实。
51. 人生惟一理论的目的,是在地上建筑人间天堂。
52. 牛顿解剖了宇宙,达芬奇解剖了人体,而柯布西耶解剖了城市。
53. 十年寒窗,十年磨剑。这是每一个有志青年必经的考验。真正的英豪往往用自己的一腔热血将彻骨的寒冷洞穿!
54. 在最初是我们创造了建筑,到后来是建筑改造着我们。
55. 中国的房子很多,但是建筑很少。
56. 建筑就像一本打开的书,从中你能看到一座城市的抱负。
57. 这是一座别有风味的蒙古式的建筑物,赫然矗立在高原的阔野上。
58. 苏州城里,有不少这样别致的小街小巷:长长的,瘦瘦的,曲曲又弯弯。
59. 建筑是世界的年鉴,当歌曲和传说已经缄默,它依旧还在诉说。
60. 春天,站在树下抬头看,就会看见树枝上的嫩芽把校园妆扮成一片生机勃勃的嫩绿。柳树姑娘把她的发更多热门句子推荐鉴赏:
61. 只见佳木茏葱,奇花闪灼,一带清流,从花木深处曲折泻于石隙之下。
62. 宁静的校园里传来了同学们朗朗的读书声,把鸟儿都吸引过来了,它们停在窗台上,静静地听着我们朗读。下课了,同学们在操场上玩耍着,有的打蓝球有的讲故事有的躺在草地上晒太阳,尽情地享受着校园里这美丽的春天。
63. 小草返青,柳枝抽绿,桃花绽红,操场上有追逐的孩子的笑声,树枝上有鸟儿快乐的鸣叫声,到处洋溢着一派春的气息。我们祝福春天,我们迎接春天。啊!美丽的春天使大地焕然一新,迷人的春天给我们带来了希望和无穷的欢乐,催促我们奋发向上努力学习!
64. 建筑不是一种职业,而是一种心灵的习惯。
65. 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。
66. 好一幅“绿”的春景画呀!草穿山了绿色的新衣,欢迎着春天的到来;花丛中的花儿在绿叶的衬托下向着太阳开放了;教学楼前的一棵柳树好象在跳舞,摇摆着它那纤细的舞姿。当春风吹过时,它那绿幽幽的头发也摆动起来。在阳光的照耀下,它温
67. 春天的校园,树美景美人更美;春天的校园,当代中学生尽显风采;春天的校园,孕育着祖国的未来和民族的希望。
68. 又一次回归校园,我静静地走在这古老校园幽静的长廊中,能感受到几十载前人的气息似乎在穿梭流动,厚重深
69. 建筑是凝固的音乐。
70. 校园的春景是多么迷人美丽啊!暖风习习花香缕缕,醉人的春意使我陶醉,暖风佛面,轻轻地卷着校园的美丽。那时,大地将万物复苏,校园的花竟相开放,争先恐后,树木也长出了新芽,草儿也织出了绿色大绒毯,校园生机勃勃一片,我们的校园被五颜六色的花装扮得更加美丽迷人。