乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇一
Once upon a time, there was a crow who was feeling very thirsty. It was a hot summer day and the crow had been flying for hours without finding any source of water. Finally, the crow spotted a small pond in the distance and flew towards it as fast as it could.
When the crow reached the pond, it saw that the water level was very low and it couldn't reach the water with its beak. The crow tried to drink the water by tilting its head down, but it was still out of reach. The crow thought for a moment and came up with a clever idea.
The crow started picking up small stones and dropping them into the pond. The stones caused the water level to rise gradually. After dropping several stones into the pond, the water level had risen enough for the crow to be able to drink from it. The crow was finally able to quench its thirst and flew away happily.
The moral of the story is that intelligence and creativity can help us overcome any obstacle that comes our way.
乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇二
In a dense forest, there lived a clever crow who was known for its intelligence. One day, as the crow was flying over the forest, it felt extremely thirsty. It searched for water everywhere but couldn't find any. Just when the crow was about to give up, it saw a pitcher with a little water at the bottom.
The crow flew down to the pitcher and tried to drink the water, but the opening of the pitcher was too narrow for its beak to reach the water. The crow thought for a while and then came up with a brilliant idea. It started picking up pebbles and dropping them into the pitcher one by one.
As the crow dropped more and more pebbles into the pitcher, the water level started rising. Finally, after dropping enough pebbles, the water level rose to a point where the crow could reach it with its beak. The crow drank the water to its heart's content and flew away happily.
The clever crow's quick thinking and problem-solving skills had saved the day once again. The moral of the story is that with intelligence and perseverance, we can find solutions to even the most difficult problems.
乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇三
乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇四
Aesop’s Fables
The Crow and the Pitcher
A Crow, half-dead with thirst, came upon a Pitcher which had once been full of water; but when the Crow put its beak into the mouth of the Pitcher he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried, but at last had to give up in despair. Then a thought came to him, and he took a pebble and dropped it into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped that into the Pitcher. At last, at last, he saw the water mount up near him, and after casting in a few more pebbles he was able to quench his thirst and save his life.
Little by little does the trick.
乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇五
A crow, ready to die with thirst, flew with joy to a pitcher which he saw at a distance. But when he came up to it, he found the water so low that with all his stooping and straining he was unable to reach it. Thereupon he tried to bread the pitcher, then to overturn it, seeing some small pebbles at hand, he dropped a great many of them, one by one, into the pitcher, and so raised the water to the brim, and quenched his thirst.
Skill and patience will succeed where force fails necessity is the mother of invention.
乌鸦: 唉,作为一只穿黑衣服的鸟,我感觉很无奈啊,黑色吸光,简直快把我烤熟了。
乌鸦: 老板,来瓶纯净水。
大象: 我们店里刚进了一批经过270层净化的纯净水,味道有点甜。
乌鸦: 我要一瓶,你怎么只给我半瓶?
大象: 本来是一瓶的,但经过270层净化后,就只剩下这么多了,资料共享平台
乌鸦喝水英文小故事 篇六
乌鸦: 晕,老板啊,你看,我的嘴够不到瓶子里的水,麻烦给根吸管。
大象: 没有啊,你的嘴够不到水,完全可以用鼻子喝呀,就像我这样。
乌鸦: 拜托,我是乌鸦,不是大象!
大象: 哦,这点我忽略了,要不我用鼻子吸水再喂给你如何?
乌鸦: 要不人家说“鼻子长,
大象: 这样吧,我们让大家一起来动脑筋,帮你想个好办法。朋友们,如果你有什么好的建议或办法,请发手机短信告诉我们。联通用户发“he”到1234,移动用户发“shui”到5678。
乌鸦: 这个办法行不行得通啊?
大象: 当然没问题啦,你看,有朋友给你出主意了,手机尾号是1122的朋友出了个好主意,你可以等下雨的时候,把瓶子接满水,这样就可以喝到了。
乌鸦: ...... 请告诉我这家伙的手机号,我今天晚上给他打骚扰电话。
大象: 不采用就不采用,何必这样对人家嘛。你看,手机尾号是2211的朋友说,你可以看看瓶子里的水,并幻想喝水时的感觉,这样就不会感觉口渴了。
乌鸦: ......
大象: 哦,你看这条短信,你可以让别人把你塞到瓶子里,喝完水再拉出来......哎,你抢我的手机做什么?!
乌鸦: 什么破手机,尽出些馊主意,看我把它塞进去!
大象: 哎呀,你冷静点啊,这关我手机什么事!
乌鸦: 你看,瓶子里的水位升高了!
大象: 真的呀,莫非我的手机在里面撒了泡尿?
乌鸦: 少恶心我!我有主意了!你还有手机吗?
大象: 没了,只有一个传呼机。
乌鸦: 也行,我再塞进去。哈哈,水位又上升了不少!
大象: 看起来挺有趣,我也试试......哈哈,快看,水到达瓶口了。
乌鸦: 你,你刚刚往里面塞了什么?
大象: 一个煤球。
乌鸦: 什么?!你啊你,也不知我喝了以后这些黑色素会不会沉淀在我的皮肤上。
大象: 沉淀了又有什么关系呢?反正你是乌鸦。
乌鸦: 说的也是啊,那我就喝了......咦,没想到啊,这手机泡水喝,滋味还真不错。又解渴,又好喝,爽啊......
天空掠过了一个黑色的身影,没错,它就是我们的老朋友——乌鸦。今天,刚好家里没什么要紧的事,它就出来溜达溜达,顺便找点东西填填肚子。哪知道呢?这天空也太反常了,早上出来的时候还阴天呢,怎么正午太阳就跑出来凑热闹了呢?不会是到了英格兰了吧?Oh no!来看看我们的老朋友吧!你瞧,它已经累得不行了,两个小鼻孔里冒着无色透明的热气呢!