国际工程履约保函格式 篇一
1. 保函标题:履约保函的标题应清晰明了,包括保函的性质和目的,例如“国际工程履约保函”。
2. 保函编号:每份履约保函都应有独立的编号,以便于跟踪管理。
3. 保函日期:保函签发的日期,标明保函的有效期限。
4. 受益人:即工程项目的业主,是履约保函的受益方。
5. 发出人:即开具保函的银行或保险公司,要在保函中明确。
6. 承诺金额:即保函的金额,通常为工程合同总金额的一定比例,以确保能够覆盖承包商可能出现的履约风险。
7. 履约期限:即承包商需要在规定的期限内完成工程项目,保函的有效期限应与合同履约期限相一致。
8. 条款和条件:履约保函中应明确约定双方的权利和义务,包括保函的解除条件、索赔程序等。
国际工程履约保函格式 篇二
1. 确保保函的有效性:履约保函的有效性直接关系到保函的实际作用,因此在签订保函时,一定要确保保函的内容和条款符合合同的约定,能够有效地保障双方的权益。
2. 注意保函的期限:保函的有效期限应与合同的履约期限相一致,确保在工程项目的整个执行过程中都能够有效地发挥保函的作用。
3. 注意保函的金额:保函的金额应根据工程合同的实际情况合理确定,一般为工程合同总金额的一定比例,能够覆盖承包商可能出现的履约风险。
4. 注意保函的索赔程序:在保函的条款中应明确约定保函的解除条件和索赔程序,确保在发生纠纷时能够及时有效地进行索赔和解决。
5. 注意保函的签发方:保函的签发方应是信誉良好的银行或保险公司,确保保函的可靠性和有效性。
国际工程履约保函格式 篇三
TO: ____________(Company name), a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at ____________(hereinafter called NPOG)
(1) by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part, the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT.
(2) one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by (name of banker:) ____________(hereinafter called the GUARANTOR) who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows:
i) if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of these obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US. Dollar ____________(USD: ____________) within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party.
ii) The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any a
greement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR.iii) This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three (3) months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.
iv) The GUARANTOR agree that the guarantee is given regardless whether or no