在加油站 At The Gas Station【最新3篇】
在加油站 At The Gas Station 篇一
在加油站 At The Gas Station,每天都有无数车辆来来往往,车主们在这里给爱车加油、检查车况。在这个繁忙的场所,人们可以看到各种各样的故事和情节。
在加油站 At The Gas Station,每天都发生着各种各样的故事,有焦虑和紧张,也有温暖和友爱,更有轻松愉快的时刻。这里不仅是车辆的补给站,更是人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。
在加油站 At The Gas Station 篇二
在加油站 At The Gas Station 篇三
在加油站 At The Gas Station
ATTENDANT: Can I help you, sir?
SAM: Yes, I've been sitting here for a few minutes.
I'm waiting for someone to put gas in my car.
ATTENDANT: I'm sorry, sir. But this is the self-service pump.
SAM: Self-service?
ATTENDANT: Yes. You must fill up the car yourself.
SAM: Are you serious?
ATTENDANT: Yes. Are you traveling here?
SAM: Yes, I'm from Taiwan. I never heard of a gas station where you fill up your own car.
ATTENDANT: In America, most gas stations are like this.
SAM: Do I really have to do it? I don't know how.
ATTENDANT: Well, since this is your first time, I will do it for you.
But next time, if you want a full-service gas station, you should look at the sign.
SAM: What sign?
ATTENDANT: Under the sign for the gas station,
there will be a smaller sign that says "Self-Serve" or "Full-Service."
And som
But if they have both, some pumps will be self-serve and some will be full-serve.
You have to look at the signs.
SAM: I see.
ATTENDANT: What kind of gas does this car take?
SAM: I don't know. It's a rental.
ATTENDANT: I will give you premium unleaded. Alright?
SAM: Sure, why not?
ATTENDANT: That is the pump you are in front of.
SAM: Is it expensive?
ATTENDANT: It is the most expensive.
SAM: Well, I don't want it then. Can I move to another pump?
ATTENDANT: Yes, I can give you regular unleaded. But you have to back up the car a little.
SAM: Give me regular unleaded then. I will back up.
Can you wash my windows for me?
ATTENDANT: I'm sorry, sir. This is not a full service gas station.
I will help you fill the gas, but we don't wash windows here.
SAM: Really? Well, I guess I have to get used to it.