


I.Choose one question and write down the trouble shooting steps in English ( 4-5 steps )

1.Customer report his computer cannot start after sudden power lost. How will you trouble shoot and find out the cause of the failure. 2.One computer was used normally last day, but today, the user cannot connect to internet via dial-up networking. 3.Customer complain the system send out great noise. What’s the detail action to identify the faulty part? 4.My computer was suddenly disconnected from LAN, how to trouble shoot? 5.My computer was hung up. After reboot, only one cursor blinked on the upper-left corner. How to fix this problem. II. Reading and translation: Passage 1. Customer called in and reported the battery weren’t charging, System LED indicator was in yellow. 1.Suggested customer remove the battery from the battery bay by sliding the latch at the bottom of Notebook. Checked the battery power level by pressing the check button on the battery. It indicated no power. 2.Suggested customer remove the CD ROM off the Media bay, then pl

ug the Battery to the media bay, it was still same result. 3.Suggested customer try with other battery, in the battery bay and media bay, it was ok. Battery could be charged. 4.Requested customer provide the DSN number from the fail battery. CN-05H980-69502-21U-01GB. Informed customer that we would send a replaced battery to her. Passage 2. Customer bought a Notebook 20 day ago, then discovered that when she adjusted the Brightness of the LCD, the LCD would turn to very dim. She must reboot the Notebook few times before the LCD might display normally. 1.Suggested her try gently apply pressure above the keyboard near the LEDS and power button. 2.Suggested her swivel the LCD back and forth and lightly tap the plastic back of LCD. 3.Suggested her gently apply pressure on the bezel surrounding the screen. the problem persisted, after these testing. 4.Requested customer to update BIOS and alter the LCD Brightness control setting in the BIOS. After checking BIOS the problem persisted. I told customer we would have engineer onsite replace the LCD Panel. Computer communications Different kinds of computers use different methods, or protocols, to communicate with each other. Macintosh computers use the AppleTalk protocol. Macintosh as well as PCs can use TCP/IP to share information on the Internet. Some PCs require a Network Operating System (NOS) to communicate. For example, Novell Netware is a popular NOS with PC users. 以下是其他的笔试题推荐: 求职笔试常见的智力题 公务员笔试考试小技巧和心得 财务人员笔试题目



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