
乡村生活和英语教学 篇一

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in incorporating English language teaching into rural communities. This trend is not only beneficial for the students in these areas, but also for the overall development of the rural communities themselves.

One of the main advantages of teaching English in rural areas is the opportunity it provides for students to broaden their horizons and explore new opportunities. By learning English, students in rural communities can access a wider range of educational resources, connect with people from different cultures, and even pursue international study or work opportunities in the future. This can help to break down the barriers of isolation and limited opportunities that often plague rural areas.

Moreover, teaching English in rural communities can also help to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas. As English is often seen as the global language of communication, students who are proficient in English can more easily connect with people from urban areas, access information and resources online, and participate in the global economy. This can help to level the playing field and create more equal opportunities for students in rural communities.

Additionally, bringing English language teaching to rural areas can also have a positive impact on the local economy. By equipping students with English language skills, they are better prepared to take on jobs in industries such as tourism, hospitality, and international trade. This can help to create new economic opportunities in rural communities and stimulate local development.

In conclusion, integrating English language teaching into rural communities is a valuable investment in the future of both the students and the communities themselves. By providing students with the opportunity to learn English, we can help to open up new possibilities, bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, and stimulate economic development in rural communities. It is essential that we continue to support English language education in rural areas to ensure a brighter future for all.

乡村生活和英语教学 篇二

Teaching English in rural communities presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While there are many benefits to bringing English language education to rural areas, there are also specific considerations that must be taken into account to ensure the success of such programs.

One of the main challenges of teaching English in rural communities is the lack of resources and infrastructure. Many rural schools may not have access to the same technology, materials, and resources as urban schools, which can make it difficult to effectively teach English language skills. In order to address this challenge, it is important to provide support and training for teachers, as well as to invest in resources such as textbooks, audiovisual materials, and technology to enhance the learning experience.

Another challenge of teaching English in rural areas is the lack of exposure to the language outside of the classroom. Unlike urban areas where English is more commonly used in daily life, students in rural communities may have limited opportunities to practice their English skills outside of school. To overcome this challenge, it is important to create opportunities for students to use English in real-life situations, such as through language exchange programs, cultural exchanges, and community events.

Despite these challenges, there are also many opportunities to make English language education in rural communities successful. For example, the close-knit nature of rural communities can create a supportive and collaborative learning environment where students feel comfortable practicing their English skills. Additionally, the unique cultural and linguistic backgrounds of students in rural areas can provide rich opportunities for cross-cultural learning and exchange.

In conclusion, teaching English in rural communities is a valuable investment in the future of both the students and the communities themselves. While there are challenges to overcome, there are also many opportunities to create meaningful and impactful English language programs in rural areas. By addressing the specific needs and considerations of rural communities, we can ensure the success of English language education in these areas and help to unlock new opportunities for students in rural communities.

乡村生活和英语教学 篇三


([美]罗伯特·特麦尔 著 王明华 译)


在19世纪末和20世纪初这一期间,美国乡村学校给每个教师提供一间教室,来给5岁到18岁左右的女孩子上 课。老师的责任包括使学生所学课程能够达到毕业水平,也就是相当于今天的K—8课程。各学校的制度和条件 也有很大不同。老师,特别是19世纪的老师,通常比她最大的学生还年轻,她的资格的高低取决于她的高中毕 业文凭。后来,为了使乡村学校规范化,老师必须到乡村师范学院或到师范学校去进行高等教育培训。

19世纪的大部分时间一直到20世纪,每所学校基本上都是由当地居民来管理和支持,这就使得学校受地区 制约很严重。由于有时地区与地区之间的课程有很大不同,所以各学校就重新制定了一套新课程,这套课程包 括拼写英语、书法、艺术、阅读、物理、自然和卫生,其中大部分课程可以称得上是真正的基础课程。

当时,在评估成功的标准测试中,采用这些课程的乡村学校的未受教育比率已经有了很大改进。例如,据 科迪尔(1992)报道,在1870年到1900年期间,在堪萨斯、洛厄尔和那布拉斯加,公共教育开展得很出色,使得 这些州的未受教

育的比率下降到3.0%以下,然而在东北部的一些城市,未受教育的比率仅仅下降到5.9%。尽管 如此,1890年以前,乡村教育制度不能够满足受教育者需要的感觉越来越明显,这就形成了我们现在所熟知的 “乡村学校问题”。

直到19世纪末,乡村人民才对学校制度基本上满意。这种教育制度已经成功地培养了好几代农民和侨民。 然而人们的满意感又逐渐缩小,这表明这个问题已经超出了诸如学校所取得的成绩和地方支持这类问题。困难 的主要根源来自“乡村问题”,即大量年轻人不断从农村迁移到城市,令人担忧的是,大量的人口迁移使得乡 村文化迅速滑入低谷。

大量人口迁移所带来的一系列问题很令人担忧。其中包括增长的人口对乡村土地的压力,在中心城市就业 压力增大。1890年以后,由于有效的土地面积逐渐减少不得不封锁边界。然而在当时,一些批评家总是在寻找 其他原因,最后,焦点集中在是什么引起乡村生活质量下降和乡村学校教育的失败,使得孩子们依然在农场上 劳动这两个问题上。

有一种观点认为乡村教育失败的原因是由于工作团体仍然处在农场这个环境下,这种观点与出现的现象比 较一下,可以看出:城市学校有优良的制度,较高的教学水平和科学的教育方法,以及工业化的管理技术;相 比之下,旧式的乡村学校就显得很破旧和落后了:落后的管理水平和设备,素质很低的教师。乡村学校的一些 批评家指出了现实乡村学校的一系列不足:组织结构、教学楼和操场条件,师资力量、教学项目和教学实践。

解决乡村问题和乡村学校问题的一个重要方法就是开展以通过社会、农业、教育和宗教的改革来促进和提 高乡村生活质量为目的的乡村生活运动。

虽然这场运动只是由一些具有改革心理的人们组成的联盟发动的,但这件令人振奋的事最终促成1908年由 罗斯瓦尔特总统












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