The average job interview is usually an incredibly stressful occasion at the best of times, as you battle it out with other candidates all vying for the same position. But in leaner economic times when more applicants are going for fewer jobs, companies are making candidates sweat even more by asking increasingly bizarre questions during the interview process.
。不管学生在网上“百度”后查到的面试考题有多少,也不管同学们怎么样“处心积虑”地准备面试答案,还是要坚信“山外还有一山高”这个道理,如今的面试考官绝对不会让同学们那么轻易过关。所以,各种标新立异、花样翻新的面试考题也就“冒”了出来。Massive global corporations like Facebook, Google and Citigroup are just some of the firms responsible, asking about anything from table tennis strategies to Russian roulette and Subway sandwiches. Some other posers put to interviewees include, ’Estimate how many planes there are in the sky’, and ’How many cocktail umbrellas are there in a given times in the United States?’ The list of the top 20 most bizarre interview questions was compiled by Glassdoor.com to provide anaonymous shared information on interview tips.