my doll英文作文(经典6篇)

My Doll

Essay 1

My Doll Collection: A Treasure Trove of Memories

As a child, I was fascinated by dolls. Each doll had its own unique charm and personality, and I cherished every single one of them. My doll collection was not just a display of beautiful toys; it was a treasure trove of memories.

One of my most cherished dolls was a porcelain doll named Emily. She had curly golden hair, porcelain skin, and a delicate pink dress. I received Emily as a gift from my grandmother on my fifth birthday. From that moment on, she became my constant companion. We would have tea parties, go on imaginary adventures, and share secrets. Emily became more than just a doll; she became my confidante and best friend.

Another doll in my collection was a rag doll named Rosie. She was handmade by my mother and had bright red yarn hair and a patchwork dress. Rosie was not as glamorous as Emily, but she had a special charm of her own. She was soft and cuddly, perfect for snuggling up with on cold winter nights. Rosie accompanied me on many bedtime stories and provided comfort whenever I needed it.

One doll that holds a special place in my heart is Molly, a doll with long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. I received Molly as a gift from my best friend on her eighth birthday. Molly quickly became my favorite doll, and we would spend hours playing dress-up and creating imaginary worlds. Molly was my partner in crime, and we shared countless adventures together.

My doll collection also included many other dolls, each with its own story and significance. There was Samantha, a porcelain doll dressed in a traditional Japanese kimono, given to me by my aunt who had visited Japan. Then there was Bella, a doll with curly black hair and a Spanish flamenco dress, which I had bought myself during a family vacation to Spain. Each doll represented a different time and place in my life, and together they formed a colorful tapestry of memories.

As I grew older, my interest in dolls waned, and they were packed away in boxes. However, I will never forget the joy and companionship they brought me during my childhood. My doll collection holds a special place in my heart, reminding me of the innocence and wonder of those carefree days.

Essay 2

The Magic of Dolls: A Gateway to Imagination

Dolls have always held a special place in my heart. They are not just toys; they are a gateway to imagination. Through dolls, I have been able to explore different worlds, create stories, and bring my dreams to life.

One of my most treasured dolls is Lily, a doll with long blonde hair and sparkling green eyes. Lily was given to me by my grandmother on my seventh birthday. From the moment I held her in my hands, I knew she was special. She became my partner in crime, my sidekick in countless adventures. Together, we would embark on daring quests, rescue imaginary princesses, and defeat evil villains. Lily was my alter ego, allowing me to tap into my creativity and unleash my imagination.

Another doll that holds a special place in my heart is Ruby, a doll with vibrant red hair and a mischievous smile. Ruby was a gift from my best friend on our tenth birthday. Ruby and I would spend hours playing house, acting out different scenarios, and pretending to be grown-ups. With Ruby by my side, I could be anyone I wanted to be – a doctor, a teacher, or even a superhero. She taught me the power of imagination and the endless possibilities it holds.

My doll collection also included dolls from different cultures and time periods. There was Mei Ling, a doll dressed in a traditional Chinese cheongsam, which I received as a gift from my aunt who had traveled to China. Mei Ling introduced me to the rich and vibrant culture of China, and we would have tea parties and learn about Chinese traditions together. Then there was Elizabeth, a doll dressed in a Victorian-era gown, which I bought during a visit to a historical museum. Elizabeth transported me back in time, allowing me to experience life in a bygone era.

Dolls have been my constant companions, fueling my imagination and igniting my creativity. They have taught me the power of storytelling and the importance of cherishing childhood memories. Even though I may have outgrown playing with dolls, their magic will forever remain in my heart, reminding me of the joy and wonder of childhood.

my doll英文作文 篇三

Honey, I like collecting dolls. I think they are very cute. I have collected a doll for nearly a year.

Now my room is full of all kinds of dolls. My favorite is the big bear doll who likes me. He is sent to me by my best friend, because he knows I like collecting.

I thank him.



my doll英文作文 篇四

My favorite doll, this is my favorite doll, I call it her: Annie, she is gentle and lovely, she is my baby, she has been with me for ten years, she is a lovely doll, I saw when I was a child, she always smiles at me, she feels smooth and soft, she is a rabbit, she has three heads, she always smiles like me, she is a happy boy, she Made with my favorite doll, always with me.



my doll英文作文 篇五

Dear Sally, I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. I think you should go to bed early. You should drink more honey tea and listen to some light music.

You shouldn't study late. You should take some cold medicine. I hope you get well soon.




my doll英文作文 篇六

I have a doll, is a girl called her holly, she has a beautiful long hair is yellow, I comb her hair every day, look at her with a pair of red eyes, her mouth is very small, her shoes are pink, wearing a very beautiful skirt, I love her very much, she is my friend, my baby holly.








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