
雅思小作文风车范文 篇一







雅思小作文风车范文 篇二








雅思小作文风车范文 篇三

The chart below shows the total number of Olympic medals won by twelve different countries.

The bar chart compares twelve countries in terms of the overall number of medals that they have won at the Olympic Games.

It is clear that the USA is by far the most successful Olympic medal winning nation. It is also noticeable that the figures for gold, silver and bronze medals won by any particular country tend to be fairly similar.

The USA has won a total of around 2,300 Olympic medals, including approximately 900 gold medals, 750 silver and 650 bronze. In second place on the all-time medals chart is the Soviet Union, with just over 1,000 medals. Again, the number of gold medals won by this country is slightly higher than the number of silver or bronze medals.

Only four other countries - the UK, France, Germany and Italy - have won more than 500 Olympic medals, all with similar proportions of each medal colour. Apart from the USA and the Soviet Union, China is the only other country with a noticeably higher proportion of gold medals (about 200) compared to silver and bronze (about 100 each).

雅思小作文风车范文 篇四

The diagram below shows how solar panels can be used to provide electricity for domestic use.

The picture illustrates the process of producing electricity in a home using solar panels.

It is clear that there are five distinct stages in this process, beginning with the capture of energy from sunlight. The final two steps show how domestic electricity is connected to the external power supply.

At the first stage in the process, solar panels on the roof of a normal house take energy from the sun and convert it into DC current. Next, this current is passed to an inverter, which changes it to AC current and regulates the supply of electricity. At stage three, electricity is supplied to the home from an electrical panel.

At the fourth step shown on the diagram, a utility meter in the home is responsible for sending any extra electric power outside the house into the grid. Finally, if the solar panels do not provide enough energy for the household, electricity will flow from the utility grid into the home through the meter.

雅思小作文风车范文 篇五

I am writing to inform you that the microwave oven in your kitchen is broken. I am so sorry and it was all my fault.

This morning, when I was cooking my breakfast, I put the utensil which is made from metal into the machine. Unfortunately, after few seconds, I saw sparks flying off and heard two or three loud bangs. I was too scared to cut off the electricity immediately. While I opened the oven, there were some holes in the internal surface and the bulb was smashed. Obviously, it can not work any longer.

I was so hurry for work at that time that I forgot the notice of how to use the microwave oven appropriately. I made a sincere apology to you for my mistake and hope you could contact with the workers who can repair the damage. I promise I would pay for the maintenance costs.

雅思小作文风车范文 篇六

The maps given compare the current layout of a college with its plan in 2015.

At present, to the north of the rectangular campus there is a garden opposite to the entrance. Along the west wall lie a footpath and a car park and the south a bus stop. Inside, two classrooms in the south and a bigger one in the northeastern corner can be found, on the south of which the reception and the library are sited. Not mentioned are the seemingly open area for lunch in the northwestern and the toilets in the south.

The college in 2015 is expected to demonstrate many differences including its extended length, along with which the car park will also expand its size. The garden and the footpath will vanish while a shop will be introduced inside. Noticeably, the entrance and the toilets will exchange their places, with the former directly leading to an oval reception. Likewise, the library of a shrunk size will be moved to the southwestern corner where a classroom lies now. Along the east wall four classrooms will be located.

Despite the differences, that all the facilities are built immediately adjacent to each other and against the wall will remain consistent.



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