

  So hard for us to meet, Harder still to part.

  Languid though the east wind, Faded flowers are blown apart.

  The silkworm’s silk is exhausted Only when its life is spent;

  The candle’s tears are dried, When itself to cinder’s burnt.

  Explosive sound and energy

  ROCK music didn't exist 60 years ago. Now, it's one of the world's most popular genres. But musical styles don't spring up overnight. Someone didn't just wake up and invent rock. So, how did it happen? What is rock? 摇滚音乐直到60年前才出现。现在它已经成为世界上最流行的音乐类型之一。但是任何音乐都不是一夜之间形成的。摇滚音乐也不是什么人一觉醒来就发明了出来。那么,它是怎么出现的呢?摇滚是什么?

  Although impossible to strictly define, it's generally recognized that rock music was born in 1950s America. In fact, in the West, musically speaking, the years 1953-55 are known as the rock 'n' roll years. At this time, early "rockers" were mixing the country music of white America with the rhythm and blues sound loved by the black US citizens. The result was rock 'n' roll. 虽然要严格定义摇滚乐是不可能的,但通常认为摇滚乐诞生于20世纪50年代的美国。在西方,其实从音乐的角度讲,1953-1955这几年间被看作是摇滚年。当时,早期的“摇滚青年”将美国白人的乡村音乐和美国市井黑人热爱的节奏和蓝调音乐结合起来,结果就形成了摇滚乐。

  The record most commonly considered as the beginning of the rock 'n' roll period is Bill Haley & The Comets'1954 recording of "Rock Around the Clock". But it was Elvis Presley, known as "The King of Rock and Roll", who really popularized the new sound throughout America and the Western world. Elvis's 1950s recordings established the basic language of rock 'n' roll; his explosive stage presence set standards for the music's visual image, while his voice was powerful and interesting. 通常认为摇滚乐开始的`标志是比尔海利与彗星合唱团1954年的唱片《昼夜摇滚》。但却是有“摇滚之王”美称的猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利使这种新的声音在美国和西方国家真正流传开来。埃尔维斯20世纪50年代的唱片奠定了摇滚乐的基本语言;他那狂热爆发的舞台现场为视觉音乐形象树立了标准,而他的声音强大充满吸引力。

  Rock had a specific sound and image for only a few of its early years. As time went by, the genre began to place equal emphasis on skills and pushing the boundaries of the music. Despite the different directions and sound of rock bands over the last 50 years, there is something common to all the greats: a charming lead vocalist, a talented guitarist full of energy and creativity, a bassist with cool indifference and a drummer. 在摇滚刚诞生的前几年,它只是一种特定的声音和形象。但随着时间的发展,这种音乐类型逐渐将技巧和打破音乐界限列于同等重要的地位。过去50年以来的摇滚乐队,他们除了类型各异音乐不同之外,有一点是共同的:都有一位迷人的主唱,有一位天才的精力无限充满创造力的吉他手,有一位很酷看似冷漠的贝斯手和一位鼓手。

  For most of its life, rock has been split into different parts, creating new styles every few years -giving birth to a never-ending number of sub-genres. As a result, "rock" has been used to describe everything from bands playing catchy rhythms to groups based on tuneless, noisy guitars. Rock is a generic term, but it's exciting that it can now mean so many different things. 在摇滚乐的大部分历史中,它常被分割成多种不同的元素,每隔几年就创造出新的音乐风格——由此诞生了无限增多的音乐分支。结果,“摇滚”就被用来指代一切东西,包括从演奏优美曲调的乐队到无调嘈杂的吉他乐队。虽然摇滚只是一种音乐类别,但它现在能够表示大量不同的东西,这就是它的令人激动之处。





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