
办公室灵验英语对话 篇一


Scene: 一个办公室里,新同事Tom刚刚加入团队,同事们正在互相介绍。


Tom - 新同事

Alice - 同事1

John - 同事2


Alice: Hi Tom, welcome to the team! I'm Alice, nice to meet you.

Tom: Hi Alice, nice to meet you too. Thank you for the warm welcome.

John: Hey Tom, I'm John. Welcome aboard!

Tom: Hi John, thanks! I'm excited to be a part of this team.

Alice: So Tom, tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from?

Tom: I'm originally from New York, but I've been living in London for the past few years.

John: That's interesting. What made you decide to move here?

Tom: Well, I've always been fascinated by the culture and history of London, so I decided to give it a try.

Alice: What do you enjoy doing outside of work, Tom?

Tom: I love playing sports, especially football. I also enjoy reading and traveling.

John: Great! We have a football team here. You should join us for a game sometime.

Alice: Tom, what kind of experience do you have in our field?

Tom: I have a background in marketing and have worked for a few different companies in the past. I'm excited to bring my skills to this team.

John: That's great, Tom. We're lucky to have you. Is there anything specific you're looking forward to in this new role?

Tom: I'm really looking forward to collaborating with everyone and learning from the team. I also hope to contribute to the success of the projects we'll be working on.

Alice: Well, Tom, we're glad to have you here. If you have any questions or need any help, don't hesitate to ask.

Tom: Thank you, Alice. I appreciate that. I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions as I get settled in.

John: Welcome once again, Tom. We're all here to support each other, so feel free to reach out to any of us.

Tom: Thanks, John. I'm excited to be a part of this team and I look forward to working with all of you.


办公室灵验英语对话 篇二


Scene: 一个办公室里,同事们正在讨论即将到来的周末计划。


Alice - 同事1

John - 同事2

Sarah - 同事3

Tom - 同事4


Alice: Hey everyone, the weekend is almost here! Any exciting plans?

John: I'm planning to go hiking with some friends. There's a beautiful trail nearby that I've been wanting to explore.

Sarah: That sounds great, John. I might join you if I can convince my husband to come along.

Tom: I'm thinking of having a relaxing weekend at home. Maybe catch up on some reading and watch a few movies.

Alice: That sounds like a perfect plan, Tom. Sometimes we all need some downtime.

Sarah: I'm actually going to a concert on Saturday night. One of my favorite bands is performing in town.

John: That's awesome, Sarah. Have fun and enjoy the music!

Alice: I'm planning to visit my parents over the weekend. It's been a while since I last saw them and I miss them a lot.

Tom: That's really nice, Alice. Spending time with family is always a good idea.

John: By the way, has anyone tried that new restaurant that just opened downtown?

Sarah: Not yet, but I've heard good things about it. We should plan a team dinner and check it out together.

Alice: That's a great idea, Sarah. We can use this opportunity to bond outside of work.

Tom: Count me in. It's always nice to get to know colleagues on a more personal level.

John: How about Sunday? Is everyone available on Sunday evening?

Sarah: Sunday works for me. What about you, Alice?

Alice: Sunday evening is perfect for me too. I'll make sure to keep my schedule free.

Tom: Sunday evening is good for me as well. I'm looking forward to trying out the new restaurant with all of you.



办公室灵验英语对话 篇三


  SCENE ③ C 电话响起

  Zina: Hi, Dave. This is Zina.

  吉娜: 嗨,戴夫。我是吉娜。

  Dave: Zina? Zina the Snake?

  戴夫: 吉娜?诈包吉娜?

  Zina: I got your e-mail a couple of months back.

  吉娜: 几个月前我收到了你寄来的电子邮件。

  Dave: Yeah? Which one was that?

  戴夫: 是吗?是哪一封?

  Zina: The one that said, "You're a 1) creep. / From me you won't hear another 2) peep. / I hope you 3) wreck your jeep."

  吉娜: 上面写着:“你这讨厌鬼。/休想我会再理你。/望你吉普车会撞毁。”

  Dave: Right. That one. 4) Did it work?

  戴夫: 那一封啊。灵验了吗?



  A: I told dad you wrecked the car!


  B: You're not going to get away with this.

It was your fault, not mine.


  【Did it work? 灵验了吗?】

  要注意work 并不专指“工作”,有时指“灵光、有效”。

  A: My brain doesn't seem to work well today.


  B: You're better take a walk outside. But be back soon. We have a lot of work to do this afternoon.


  A: I understand you had a bad cold yesterday.


  B: It's gone. My grandma's prescription really works.


  1) creep (n.) 令人讨厌的人

  2) peep (n.) 小的声音。这里是指“消息”。

  3) wreck (v.) 撞毁

  4) Did it work? 有用吗?有效吗?



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