
小学四年级英语说课稿 篇一

Title: My Family

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am going to talk about the topic "My Family" in the English class for fourth-grade students.

I. Analysis of the Teaching Material

The main goal of this lesson is to help students learn and understand vocabulary related to family members, such as father, mother, brother, sister, etc. They will also practice using possessive pronouns, such as my, your, his, her, etc. Additionally, students will be able to ask and answer questions about their family members.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

- Students can identify and say the names of family members in English.

- Students can use possessive pronouns correctly to describe family members.

- Students can ask and answer questions about family members.

2. Skill Objectives:

- Students can communicate with their peers in English by talking about their family members.

- Students can understand and follow simple instructions and questions in English.

III. Teaching Procedures

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today.

- Sing a song about family members together, such as "The Family Song" or "We Are Family."

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Show flashcards of family members and introduce the vocabulary words one by one.

- Model sentences using possessive pronouns to describe family members (e.g., "This is my father. His name is John.").

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs and have them practice asking and answering questions about family members using the target vocabulary and possessive pronouns.

- Provide sentence patterns and guide students to create their own sentences.

4. Consolidation (10 minutes)

- Play a game called "Family Bingo" to review the vocabulary and possessive pronouns.

- Call out a family member or possessive pronoun, and students mark the corresponding picture on their bingo cards.

5. Production (10 minutes)

- Ask students to draw their family trees and present them to the class, using the vocabulary and sentences they have learned.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes)

- Review the key vocabulary and sentence patterns learned in the lesson.

- Assign homework to reinforce the knowledge learned in class.

IV. Blackboard Design

- Family members: father, mother, brother, sister, etc.

- Possessive pronouns: my, your, his, her, etc.

- Sentence patterns: "This is my [family member]. His/Her name is [name]."

That's the end of my lesson plan. I hope the students will enjoy learning about their families in English. Thank you for your attention!

小学四年级英语说课稿 篇二

Title: My Hobbies

Good morning, everyone! Today, I am going to talk about the topic "My Hobbies" in the English class for fourth-grade students.

I. Analysis of the Teaching Material

The main goal of this lesson is to help students learn and understand vocabulary related to hobbies, such as drawing, playing sports, reading, etc. They will also practice using the present continuous tense to describe their activities. Additionally, students will be able to ask and answer questions about their hobbies.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. Knowledge Objectives:

- Students can identify and say the names of common hobbies in English.

- Students can use the present continuous tense to describe their activities.

- Students can ask and answer questions about their hobbies.

2. Skill Objectives:

- Students can communicate with their peers in English by talking about their hobbies.

- Students can understand and follow simple instructions and questions in English.

III. Teaching Procedures

1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today.

- Show pictures of different hobbies and ask students if they know any of them.

2. Presentation (15 minutes)

- Introduce the target vocabulary words related to hobbies using flashcards or real objects.

- Model sentences using the present continuous tense to describe different activities (e.g., "I am playing soccer. She is reading a book.").

3. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs and have them take turns asking and answering questions about their hobbies using the target vocabulary and the present continuous tense.

- Provide sentence patterns and guide students to create their own sentences.

4. Consolidation (10 minutes)

- Play a game called "Hobby Charades" to review the vocabulary and the present continuous tense.

- Act out different hobbies, and students guess the activity being performed.

5. Production (10 minutes)

- Ask students to create a poster or a short presentation about their favorite hobbies using the vocabulary and sentences they have learned.

- Allow them to present their work to the class.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes)

- Review the key vocabulary and sentence patterns learned in the lesson.

- Assign homework to reinforce the knowledge learned in class.

IV. Blackboard Design

- Hobbies: drawing, playing sports, reading, etc.

- Present continuous tense: I am [activity]. She is [activity].

That's the end of my lesson plan. I hope the students will enjoy talking about their hobbies in English. Thank you for your attention!

小学四年级英语说课稿 篇三


  我说课的内容是小学英语四年级上册PEP教材中Unit 4,Part B的第三课时。本单元主要是围绕家里的各类房间living room、study、kitchen、bedroom and bathroom及一些常见的生活用品和家具phone、fridge、TV、sofa、table、shelf and bed等展开的一系列话题,这些东西都是学生非常熟悉而且和我们息息相关的,所以教师教起来比较顺手,学生也乐于学习,并易于在生活中进行运用。本课时共分为两个部分,第一部分,Read andwrite, 这部分主要为学生提供了一幅较为形象的图片来教授五个要求听、说、读、写都能达到的四会单词。第二部分,Write and say,这部分主要是通过写一写、说一说的活动,从而巩固第一部分所学的五个四会单词。此部分是为培养学生语感、复习前面所学内容及运用语言表达的能力、为活跃课堂和培养兴趣而设置的。

  本节课的教学目标和要求是:能听、说、读、写window 、door 、desk、chair、bed这五个单词,并能运用这五个四会单词看图填空,能用What can you see in my room? It is a nice room. I like it等句子,结合学过的语言来描述自己或他人的房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征等。如:This is my room, It is big, I have a window 、a door 、a desk、a chair and a bed .本课时重点及难点内容是:让学生掌握Read and write 部分单词的拼写,My Home这是一个和学生的实际生活有着密切联系的内容。特别是在学习了家具desk、chair、bed 这些名称以后再学习句子What can you see in my room? 使得学生更能融入生活的情境,从而培养学生对家的热爱。接下来,我就我这堂课的教学设计思路说一说。




  小学生学英语最重要的是要培养他们学习英语这种语言的兴趣。孔子说过:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”爱因斯坦说过:“热爱是最好的老师”。只有激发了学生的兴趣,调动了学生的热情,那么这样的知识就是学生善于接受,记忆深刻的。因此,我采用游戏的方式导入新课,如:I have a big room ,In my room ,I have a door、a desk、a chair、a bed, I like it very much,Do you like my room ?welcome to my room!然后出示Read and write的图片,让学生四人合作小组学习,在认一认、听一听、读一读、拼一拼中四人小组talk about the picture.我在这堂课上安排了两个比较简短的游戏。如游戏Quick :任意拿出一张已经准备好的单词卡片问What Is this ?Can you spell the word “desk”? 让学生快速反应,以培养学生的观察力、快速反应能力和竞争意识。并使他们在这种强烈的竞争意识中,提高注意力与他们的兴趣。再如游戏Write and match:将四会单词字母顺序打乱,比一比谁在最短的时间内排好单词,让学生拼写单词和连线,在写一写和连一连中提高课堂兴趣,并且在写一写中达到了复习所学单词的目的。同时也在这个过程中培养了学生的思维能力。


  My Home本身就是一个与生活有着紧密联系的话题。我从这一点出发,紧紧围绕生活来开展教学。在Writeandsay这部分内容的教授中,我通过介绍我自己房间里的家具,如:This is my room, you can see a window、a door、a desk、a chair、a bed, Oh, It is a nice room . I like it,引出句型What can you see in my room ?引导学生说:I can see a window、a door、a desk、a chair、a bed, Oh, It is a nice room . I like it,然后安排同桌间拿出自己准备的房间图片,根据房间图片,相互之间询问。要求学生简单描述自己的房间,结合学过的语言描述房间内家具陈设的名称、特征等。学生看着自己亲手绘制的房间图片,亲切感、生活的真实感都一股脑儿地涌上心头。此时他们用学习的语言进行交流的愿望也就特别强烈。










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