Christmas did not start the church, about 100 years after Jesus ascended to heaven only. It is said: the first Christmas in the year 138, by the bishop of Rome, St. Clement's initiative to hold. The church contains the history of the first Christmas in the year 336. Because the Bible is not clear when Jesus was born, so different all over the Christmas period. In AD 440, the church in Rome in December 25th for christmas. In 1607, church leaders around the world gathered in Bethlehem, to be further identified, since most of the world's Christians are in December 25th for christmas. In nineteenth Century, the popularity of Christmas cards, Santa Claus, Christmas began to pop up.
这个词的含义是指“基督的弥撒(Christ's mass)”,即为“基督的一次聚餐”。这个仪式源自《新约》的“最后的晚餐”。而“基督的弥撒(Christ's mass)”这个词是希腊语和拉丁语的拼凑,因为Christ来自希腊语Χριστ??,意思本来只是指犹太人的“受膏者”,引申为救世主;而mass来自拉丁语missa,本意为散会(dismissal),引申为基督教会感恩聚会。所以有时又缩写为“Xmas”。这可能 是因为 X 类似于希腊字母 Χ(Chi);Χ 是“基督”的希腊语 Χριστ??ì(Christos)中的首个字母。
The meaning of the word means "Christ's mass (Christ's mass)", is "a dinner of christ". The ceremony from the "New Testament" and "the last supper". "Christ's mass (Christ's mass)" the word is a patchwork of Greek and Latin, because Christ is from the Greek p l o t??, meaning originally referred only to the Jews "anointed", extended to the Savior; while mass comes from the Latin missa, intended for the closing (dismissal), extended gratitude for the Christian party. So sometimes abbreviated to "Xmas". This may be because X is similar to the Greek alphabet (Chi); X is "Christ" in Greek p l o t ì (?? Christos) the first letter of.
