
小学英文广播稿 篇一

Title: The Importance of Reading

Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all having a great day. Today, I would like to talk to you about the importance of reading.

Reading is a fundamental skill that we all need to develop. It not only helps us gain knowledge but also improves our language skills. When we read, we learn new words, sentence structures, and even different ways of thinking. It broadens our horizons and allows us to explore new worlds and ideas.

Reading is not only beneficial for academic purposes but also for personal development. It helps us develop critical thinking skills and enhances our imagination. When we read, we can imagine ourselves in different situations and understand different perspectives. It allows us to empathize with others and helps us become more compassionate individuals.

Furthermore, reading can be a great source of entertainment and relaxation. Whether it's a thrilling adventure or a heartwarming story, books can transport us to different places and make us forget about our worries for a while. It is a wonderful way to escape reality and dive into a whole new world.

To encourage reading, we can start by setting aside some time every day to read. It can be as little as 15 minutes before bed or during lunch breaks. We can also create a cozy reading corner at home or in the classroom, filled with books that cater to different interests and reading levels. Additionally, we can join book clubs or participate in reading challenges to make reading more enjoyable and interactive.

Remember, reading is a lifelong skill that will benefit us in many ways. So let's pick up a book, get lost in its pages, and let our imaginations soar!

Thank you for listening, and have a fantastic day!

小学英文广播稿 篇二

Title: The Power of Kindness

Good morning, everyone! I hope you're all doing well today. Today, I want to talk to you about the power of kindness.

Kindness is a simple act that can have a big impact. When we are kind to others, we make them feel valued and cared for. It can brighten someone's day and even change their outlook on life. Kindness is contagious, and it creates a ripple effect that spreads positivity and happiness.

Being kind doesn't have to be complicated. It can be as simple as offering a smile, saying thank you, or helping someone in need. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone's day better. It could be holding the door open for someone, sharing your snacks with a classmate, or offering a helping hand to a teacher. These acts may seem insignificant, but they can make a huge difference to someone who needs it.

Kindness also promotes a sense of community and belonging. When we are kind to each other, we create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. It strengthens our relationships and fosters a sense of unity among us.

Moreover, kindness has a positive impact on our own well-being. When we are kind, we feel good about ourselves. It boosts our self-esteem and overall happiness. Kindness also helps us build meaningful connections with others, which is essential for our emotional and social development.

So let's make kindness a priority in our lives. Let's choose to be kind every day, to ourselves and to others. Together, we can create a world filled with compassion, understanding, and love.

Thank you for listening, and have a wonderful day!

小学英文广播稿 篇三

  A、B: Good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to I love English. I'm your friend, William! I'm Mandy. Nice to see you again.

  A: Mandy , do you like English story?

  B: Of course, It's funny. How about you?

  A: Me, too. 就在昨天下午第二节课举行了八达小学第六届英语故事比赛,有52名小选手参与了其中,为老师和部分学生充分展现了他们的英语才华,故事精彩纷呈,我也从中学到了很多。

  B: 说得没错!有一位小选手让我印象特别深刻,小小的年纪却能说出那么动听的英语小故事,真棒!令在场所有的老师和同学们都赞叹不已!下面我们就请出今天这个环节的小主人公:来自二年三班的周旻昊小朋友!就让她再为我们讲讲她的故事吧!


  A: 真不错!我也要向她学习。这周五周旻昊等八名同学将代表我们学校参加区英语故事比赛,预祝她们发挥出水平,取得不错的成绩,加油!

  B: 加油!对了,William,你知道什么是doggy bag 吗?

  A: Doggy bag?? 这可真难倒了我,你说说看!

  B: 呵呵,不知道了吧!美国是一个很富裕的国家,可是美国人并不随意浪费。例如,在餐馆用餐时,如果点的`食物没吃完,他们会将剩下的饭菜打包回家。这时候用来打包的食物的纸袋子被称为doggy bag,大家都知道 dog 是狗,那么打包回家跟狗会有什么关系呢?以前,美国人也不好意思把在餐馆里吃剩的东西带回家,怕丢面子,所以,就经常有人会对服务员说:“ could you please wrap the rest of the food for me ? I’d like to take it home for my dog.(请把剩余的食物给我包起来,好吗?我想带回家给我的狗吃。) doggy bag 一词便这样出现了。在当今的美国,人们把在餐馆中吃剩的东西带回家已经是习以为常了,没有人会因为要把剩菜带回家而感到不好意思了。

  A:今天又新学了一个单词,同学们你们也记住了吗? Doggy bag 就是用来打包的食物的纸袋子。节目的最后是我们的charming music 魅力音乐。今天将听到的歌曲是rivers of Babylon ,同样是一首经典英语歌曲,希望大家喜欢。

  A: ok , so much for today , see you!









音乐:《 找朋友 》女:采撷一缕阳光,编织七彩的花环。男:留住一阵清风,播撒希望的明天。女:付出一份真诚,打造温馨的世界。男:带走一丝烦恼,让快乐与你同行。合:欢乐的时光,红领巾广播与您一齐分享。(音...



