俄语开题报告 篇一
俄语开题报告 篇二
俄语开题报告 篇三
摘要:Autumn in Beijing, Beijing foreign studies university and literature research center, beauty center and Russian jointly held by "20 centuries world cultural context of Russian literature" for international academic seminar of proposition. This is a time from Russia, the United States and by Chinese experts and scholars to join in, in a broad range of topics on Russian literature communication of the present research situation entirely new event.
Autumn in Beijing, Beijing foreign studies university and literature research center, beauty center and Russian jointly held by "20 centuries world cultural context of Russian literature" for international academic seminar of proposition. This is a time from Russia, the United States and by Chinese experts and scholars to join in, in a broad range of topics on Russian literature communication of the present research situation entirely new event。 金秋北京,北京外国语大学俄美文学研究中心与俄语中心共同举办了以“20 世纪世界文化语境下的俄罗斯文学”为命题的国际学术研讨会。这是一次由来自俄罗斯、美国和中国专家学者共同参加,在广泛的话题上交流俄罗斯文学研究现状的别开生面的盛会。
Beijing foreign studies university, Beijing university, nanjing university, Beijing normal university, the Chinese academy of social sciences, nanjing normal university, heilongjiang university, in Moscow, Russia, Moscow state university and normal university and ural national normal university, Columbia University, the university of Pennsylvania, Dartmouth college at home and abroad, such as famous universities and scientific research orgnaization of the nearly 40 professors, scholars to attend the too 4 days (October 19-22) meeting. The opening ceremony of the conference by the Beijing foreign studies university professor, dean of the college of Russian LiYingNan host. Beijing foreign studies university, deputy director of the research center of Europe and America literature professor ZhangJianHua on behalf of the organizing committee of speech enthusiasm. Russian embassy culture education counsellor simeon the Mr. On Sunday, Beijing foreign studies university, vice President of Mr. BaiGang to talk, famous Russian literature translators GaoMang also attended the meeting Mr. Of the 20 th century of Russian literature summary and the thinking is the focus of the common topic.
北京外国语大学、北京大学、南京大学、北京师范大学、中国社会科学院、南京师范大学、黑龙江大学,俄罗斯莫斯科大学、莫斯科国立师范大学、乌拉尔国立师范大学、美国哥伦比亚大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、达特茅斯大学等国内外著名高校和科研机构的近40 名教授、学者出席了这次为时4 天(10 月19 —22 日) 的会议。大会开幕式由北京外国语大学俄语学院院长李英男教授主持。北京外国语大学欧美文学研究中心副主任张建华教授代表大会组委会热情致词。俄罗斯使馆文化教育参赞缅捷廖夫先生,北京外国语大学副校长白刚先生到会讲话,著名俄罗斯文学翻译家高莽先生也应邀参加了会议。对20 世纪俄罗斯文学的总结
The experts and scholars generally think that the 20 th century literature in Russian literature history and the 19 th century classic literature has a major difference between the unique literary century, to the one hundred literature summary and uniqueness thinking is a comprehensive understanding of the process of Russian literature development important content. Moscow AGeNuo normal university professor noted that the subject of the 20 th century Russian literature in Russia's classic literature is some traditional inherits and synthesis: to harmonious beauty as well as pushkin's lemone Cardiff and cut to the captains of the performance of the harmonious established 20 century poetry unique tragic social assurance, Tolstoy and dostoyevsky art the combination of new world society to the birth of the literary ontology, nikolai gogol humor satire is the traditional achievement as Fidel's andriy shevchenko, left, in camp, d, JiKe brezhnev's del, "such as YeFu los fee writer, is also Russia postmodernism of the literature which national culture.
与会的专家学者普遍认为,20世纪文学在俄罗斯文学历史上是与19 世纪经典文学有着重大区别的独特的文学世纪,对这百年文学独特性的总结与思考是全面认识俄罗斯文学发展进程的重要内容。莫斯科师范大学阿格诺索夫教授指出,20 世纪俄罗斯文学是对俄罗斯经典文学若干传统的承继与合成:普希金对和谐美的追求以及莱蒙托夫与丘切夫对不和谐的表现确立了20 世纪诗歌对悲剧性社会的独特把握,托尔斯泰与陀思妥耶夫斯基的艺术方法的融合导致新世界社会本