
初二英语电影报告范文 篇一

标题:《Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone》电影报告

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is a fantasy film based on the popular novel of the same name written by J.K. Rowling. The film was directed by Chris Columbus and released in 2001. It tells the story of a young wizard named Harry Potter who discovers his magical abilities and attends the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The film begins with Harry Potter living a miserable life with his cruel aunt and uncle after the death of his parents. However, everything changes when he receives a letter informing him of his acceptance to Hogwarts. Harry soon learns that he is a famous wizard and the only survivor of an attack by the evil Lord Voldemort.

As Harry starts his first year at Hogwarts, he befriends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Together, they navigate the challenges of learning magic and uncover the mystery of the Sorcerer's Stone, which grants immortality to its owner. Throughout the film, Harry and his friends face various obstacles and encounter magical creatures like trolls and a three-headed dog.

What I liked most about the film was the magical world it created. The special effects and set designs were incredible, bringing to life the enchanting world of Hogwarts. The film also had a great cast, with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint delivering excellent performances as Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

One of the themes explored in the film is the power of friendship. Harry, Ron, and Hermione stick together through thick and thin, relying on each other to overcome challenges. This message resonated with me and reminded me of the importance of loyalty and support in friendships.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. The film captured the essence of the book and transported me to a magical world full of adventure and wonder. It was a captivating film that kept me on the edge of my seat, and I cannot wait to watch the rest of the series.

初二英语电影报告范文 篇二


Coco is a heartwarming animated film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released in 2017. The film tells the story of a young boy named Miguel who dreams of becoming a musician, despite his family's ban on music. Coco takes viewers on an emotional journey through the vibrant world of the Day of the Dead.

The film is set in Mexico and explores the Mexican culture and tradition of celebrating the Day of the Dead. The colorful visuals and lively music added depth to the storytelling, immersing the audience in the rich cultural heritage of Mexico. The animation was stunning, with attention to detail in every frame.

Miguel's journey takes him to the Land of the Dead, where he meets his deceased relatives and seeks their blessing to pursue his passion for music. Through his encounters, Miguel learns about the importance of family, remembering loved ones, and following one's dreams. The film beautifully portrays the significance of honoring the past while embracing the future.

What touched me the most about Coco was its portrayal of family bonds. Miguel's love for music and his determination to pursue his dreams clashed with his family's strict traditions. However, the film emphasizes the importance of understanding and acceptance within the family. It reminded me of the value of communication and compromise in maintaining strong relationships.

The music in Coco was another highlight of the film. The original songs, such as "Remember Me" and "Un Poco Loco," were catchy and emotionally charged. The music served as a powerful tool in conveying the characters' emotions and driving the narrative forward.

Coco is a film that celebrates life, love, and the power of memories. It teaches valuable lessons about family, culture, and pursuing one's dreams. The film's emotional depth and stunning visuals make it a must-watch for people of all ages.

In conclusion, Coco is a beautiful and touching film that captivates the audience with its vibrant animation, memorable music, and powerful storytelling. It serves as a reminder to cherish our loved ones and follow our passions. I highly recommend watching Coco, as it is a film that will leave a lasting impact on your heart.

初二英语电影报告范文 篇三

My favorite movie is Put your hands up. It is a comedy movie. The movie is about the war times. In this movie, many brave farmers fight with bad people. I think actors and actress do a good job. My favorite actor is PanChangjiang. He always makes me laugh. The movie shows farmers’ love for our country. I should learn something brave and smart from them.

If you plan to watch a movie and want to make you laugh, choose Put your hands up.

初二英语电影报告范文 篇四






初二英语电影报告范文 篇五

When I first saw Paul,I was thinking that it is just a big and fat won't be any hopes for him to become the xxxdragon warriorxxx.


But when his teacher Shifu discovered that Paul can do anything if he had his food in front of hard training started by Paul.


I thought that his goal is very simple,to get food to eat,and his Shifu used that habit and made him the best dragon warrior.


I learned a lesson from Paul which is when he had a firm goal,he will try to get it no matter what dangers lie in front of 's the part that I like him the most.


初二英语电影报告范文 篇六

八年级英语组 胡蝶 山东省第十届初中英语优质课大赛于9月24日-27在日照举行,感谢学校给我提供了这次宝贵的学习机会。通过参加这次活动,我受益匪浅,对我的英语专业素质提升有很大帮助。三天半的时间里,来自省内各个地市的优秀教师为我们带来了精彩的课堂教学展示。虽然这些优质课的水平不一,风格各异,但每一节课都有很多值得我学习借鉴的东西,也有值得我反思注意的地方。下面就谈谈我的一点感受。

的暑假全省的英语老师都参加了新课程标准的学习,也在省专家的引导下完成了一份份挑战自我的作业,很多老师提供了一些优秀的教学设计,这次的优质课评选就是以此为契机,以《悦读联播》里的Healthy Food, School Meal, What is Tom`s favorite animal? I love horse-riding, How can I get mum to drive me to school? Go to the concert.等话题,结合本次新课标的学习收获,来设计课堂教学。虽然每天上午下午各有两个话题,但是老师们的课堂设计中都体现出了新课标的理念。

首先,从情感态度方面,我认为每位老师都很注重激发学生的学习兴趣。大多数课堂上都注重创设情境来导入课文,形式多样,比如卡片,简笔画,Flash等等。同时也引导学生在情境中操练所学到的语言内容,体现了新课标的工具性特征。印象最深的是第二天在日照外国语学校的会场听到的滨州市博兴五中的周老师在教授What is Tom’s favorite animal?这个话题时,用一段沙画的视频导入,独特有新意,极大地吸引了学生的学习兴趣。


学生先听,并初步感知课文内容。这样就解决了reading 课文听力的问题。再就是有的老师的口语成为参加评选的硬伤,而有的老师的口语就如行云流水,优美动听,可见老师的口语本身就是学生最好的听力材料,因此我也应当注重自身口语的提升。

再次,从语言知识方面,老师们不是只抓课文语法点讲解,而是高屋建瓴,注重对文章的理解和分析。注重在操练中讲解英语语言知识,比如对于生词的解决,Tom thinks it is cruel to put giraffes in the zoo.中cruel是生词,有的老师将其设计成选择题,A残忍的B 冷酷的C 美好的,这也是值得我实践的地方。其中一位老师还让多媒体教学渗透到教学的几个环节,导入部分的视频吸引学生的注意,学完生词后的第二个视频相当于提前感知了课文内容,练习了课文听力。文章处理完之后又一个视频《Mr. Li》让学生们利用所学来完成Mr. Li的故事。通过多媒体给学生提供了大量的信息,拓宽了视野,从而激励学生积极主动参与各项学习活动,也避免课堂教学总是围绕着课本转,缺乏新鲜感的弊端。

另外,对学生的评价形式多样,每位老师都能用ok,very good. wonderful. excellent.等表扬、鼓励学生积极学习,收到了不错的学习效果。还有就是评价机制的运用,有三个老师的方式不错,运用的最好的是烟台的刘老师,她将分层教学和评价机制有效结合,文章处理前,出示表格说明三个问题设置分别对应的分数,在文章处理时她在每个问题上分成三个层次,分别是You have to , If you can, Challenge yourself.设计问题,文章处理结束,让学生自己得分,结合老师给出的得分表,查看本节课自己的学习成果,同时根据不同的分数段,会看到老师不同的评价语言。青州徐老师在小组合作中运用了一个辩论赛形式,学生在PK时会有一个像星光大道一样的擂台,但是运用的不好,只是形式,没有起到很好的激励作用。


1. 课堂教学各个环节要加快节奏。备课时要设计好每一句话,不说废话。




5.要善于利用多媒体和演画唱等教学手段创设生动活泼的语言情景。比如flash 制作,简笔画运用等





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