
参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇一









1. Stewart, J. (2008). Calculus: Early Transcendentals. Cengage Learning.

2. Arfken, G. B., Weber, H. J., & Harris, F. E. (2012). Mathematical methods for physicists. Academic press.

参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇二









1. Thornton, S. T., & Marion, J. B. (2004). Classical dynamics of particles and systems. Cengage Learning.

2. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2013). Fundamentals of physics. John Wiley & Sons.

参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇三

Internship Report

I. Purpose:

First, to deepen understanding of profession, to confirm career preferences.

There are many ways to understand the career industry, for example, read related articles, consult the industry, but the most direct way is personally do the job. In the process of doing, you can determine whether you like the job and your own ability to perform. If you are competent, to find a job after graduation, you can use it as the target job; on the contrary, you must find a new direction for the work.

Second, to prepare the transition from student to profession.

It is often said, the university is an ivory tower. Indeed, there are great differences between the schools and the workplace, learning and work, students and staff. In the role of the transformation process, people's views, behavior, and psychological aspects have to make the appropriate adjustments.

Third, to enhance the competitive advantage when looking for work.

A company conducted a survey, xxxHow to choose an employer graduates.xxx Participating companies, including foreign, enterprises and private enterprises, the scale big and small. There is a topic so that they can choose the value, including schools, professional achievements, certificates, internship experience, social practice, accounts and so on. The results of different nature and size of the company have quite different focus, only one element is important for all companies, that is, job-related training and experience of candidates. So, if you have the relevant college internship experience in looking for work, there will be a great advantage.

II. Content:

During this month, with my father, I have got the chance to work as an intern in Tianjin Haiping Industry and Trade Company, which really excited me for a long time. The company is a start-up by my father’s friend, and it belongs to a micro-firm, so it only employed ten people or less.

After an brief self-introduction with the staff of the company, my internship started. It was my first time that I worked in a real company. I felt a little nervous because I had no idea of what kind of job I would take. As an English major student, I’m sure my knowledge of English is adequate for the job. And I have basic knowledge of foreign trade .So I think I just need to apply it into practice. During this time I worked as an assistant in the office, helped to deal with the language work, such as communicating with foreigners in English and translating the files between the companies. And I also did some daily and easy work because of my lack of work experience.

Then my first major task was handling phone lines, including incoming and outgoing phone calls in the front desk. Initially, I thought this task would be easy, after all it was just answering phone calls, but I quickly learned how much work had to be put into these phone calls. I realized that I had to better equip myself with the knowledge about the communication, be prepared for answering questionings, and memorize all the department extension as we were not allowed to reference any directory when transferring calls. Fortunately, after one week, I was able to grasp all the necessary requirements and I progressed a lot. In addition, during my first task as front desk personnel, I was exposed to other tasks, such as do some faxing and photocopying in company, preparing the material for the workmates, fetching newspaper or other documents for them. I had been doing that work almost a week. At the very beginning, I was so disappointed about what I was busy with. I was even so tired of them and gave it up. But when I saw the hard-working mates and some courage from my friends and leader, I moved on.

The following weeks, I switched gears and moved to the main office where I would spend the next two weeks in front of a computer, conducting research into different corporations in China that produce the similar products with our company. The process was not only time consuming, but complex and knotty as it involved a great amount of reading and recording. I managed to produce information, and communicate with customers and send e-mails. E-mail is the most common form of communication with customers. Therefore, we can use the knowledge about English correspondence for foreign trade we have learned in school. Many buyers or full-time purchasers simply judge your professionalism by your E-mail. Many customers also liked contacting with me on MSN or Skype, and they would ask for voice communication. At first I was nervous ,and I was always thinking about how to speak English in the right words and correct grammar. However, I found that they were not exactly strict to my English. As long as my oral English is enough to communicate and I know professional product knowledge, they can understand what I say. They are all outgoing but serious when talking about business.

Though hard and a little boring, I can be a part of the social society and enjoyed the pressure and competition from the outside world, quite different from the school yard. And also, many disadvantages and weakness have shocked me so much during the intern time. When I was blamed or criticized for my fault at first, I would try to argue with them and avoid my duty in the case. However, now, after such a long time training, I will be silent to accept what they teach me or scold me, and then self-question myself to make some changes. What I learned at school is so limited that I can hardly put into practice when faced with different complicated situations in society. So there is no doubt that I’ll read more and experience much to balance the book-knowledge and social life. And only in this way, can I be of importance to me, then to the country.

III. Gains:

“Study for the sake of use.” as a Chinese saying goes, I should say that there does exist a big gap between theories and practice. During this internship period, I have learned a lot of things that I can't get from our books:

First, it offers me an opportunity to get in touch with the things that I haven't encountered before. Many products of our company are stranger to us. Furthermore, I have broadened my horizons.

Secondly, the internship rightly provides me with a good chance to train my ability of communication and improve the spirit of teamwork. There are about ten employees in all. I didn't get acquainted with any of the other four, but in the first week, we got familiar with each other and shared information with each other. Also, when I encounter a difficult case, I'll also turn to the senior members of this department for help and they are always ready to help. Harmonious interpersonal relationship, right? Yes,a good relationship with our colleagues is priceless treasure to us as well as a strong sense of teamwork.

Thirdly, English is just a tool for communication. Therefore, as an English major student, we can't be limited to the study of the language but involve ourselves with knowledge of other areas. In the first few days, I always felt frustrated because there were so many new terms that I couldn't digest thoroughly. Although I can do very well in English reading, there are much desired for me to understand the situations provided by customers. However, practice makes perfect. With almost one-month practice, I now manage to handle the cases well. Knowledge, like the sea, is boundless; only through hard study can one reach the destination. It is completely right.

IV. Problems and Solutions :

The first one is related with the foreign trade terms. Such as quotation, ordering, terms of payments, out-factory preparation and payment. They are the most complicated and difficult issues. Because my major is not business English, I did not know the jargon and the professional name of our products at the beginning. I would read some books about International Trade to learn them by myself. And sometimes, I would ask others to explain them for me. The best solutions will be taken down into my note book. I know it does need some time to experience in handling such cases.

The second, my working attitude is not good enough. At first, I did not realize the seriousness of working. But I tried to correct my thoughts and focused myself on my work. But the members there did offer great help and teach me a lot of things.

The third, being shy is always my weakness. In fact, when I am with my friend, I am talkative. But during my work there, at first, I get nervous with the strangers.

The last but not least, my oral English is not good enough and I must practice it again and again to improve it. When I was talking with the foreigners I found that sometimes it was very hard to understand what they are talking about, not because of sick listening comprehension, but their accents, which really bothered me a lot. What we learned in the class is Standard English, so it is easy for us to understand each other. There are some customers’ pronunciation I cannot understand. One time, a client called me on Skype, so I found that he spoke very fast and I just can catch xxxHello!xxx Then I could not understand any word and I immediately told him I do not understand what he said, and then he typed while I speak. So I'll work hard to get a good command of oral English and listen to the pronunciation from different countries frequently. Thus I'll have a more fluent communication with my clients. Actually, I've been taken action right away. I try my best to make friends and chat with them from different countries. I'll work even harder.

参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇四


































参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇五












最后,还想说三点:一是我的述职报告还不全面,有的具体的工作没有谈到,就今天我所谈的,希望大家多提宝贵意见。二是我工作能顺利的开展并取得较好的成绩,首先要感谢我的助手张晓莉,她对我的工作能积极给予配合和支持,任劳任怨,特别是在有身体不便的情况下,坚持上下班,帮我做了许多工作。同时,我还要感谢公司其他人员, 没有你们的支持和配合,就没有我们今天的工作成绩,你们是公司金字塔的基础。特别是在公司生产经营,销售盈利方面,你们精诚团结,积极为公司出谋划策,充分反映出我们公司员工是一支能吃苦、能奉献、能战斗、有进取精神的队伍。三是希望大家在明年,能一如既往地支持配合我的工作,我将一如既往地与大家一道,为公司获得更好的经济效益做出努力。

参数方程开题报告模板范文 篇六


上次见习我就是来的联勤部幼儿园,上次是在中(1)班,那时我就感受到了小朋友们良好的行为习惯,从早上入园到晚上离园,都不用老师多说就能做 得很好。这次来到小班才知道,那些好的习惯是从小班时老师一遍一遍教的。早上做操时要让小朋友们先把小椅子推到桌子下面去才可以去站队;吃加餐前要先上厕 所、洗手,再搬着小椅子靠墙边坐着吃;玩玩具前要先给小朋友们讲好要求:1.要安安静静的玩 2.不可以抢其他小朋友的玩具 3.不能乱扔玩具,掉到桌子下面的玩具也要捡起来 4.说要收玩具的时候就安静的把每一个玩具放到筐子里,让玩具宝宝都回橱子里睡觉;喝水就站在一个地方喝,不可以跑到教室里喝;中午睡觉前要尽量自己脱裤 子,睡醒了要自己穿鞋;下午吃完饭要排好队等爸爸妈妈来接,叫到名字的才可以出来。这些都是很基本的,而小班是培养孩子形成良好习惯的地方,所以也是非常 重要的。

说到幼儿园的运动会,我觉得也让我感受到了很多。小孩子的天性就是活蹦乱跳的嘛,那把全园的小朋友都集中在一起举行一个体育活动,可想而知是比 较辛苦的。从准备道具到安排小朋友搬着小椅子下楼;从看其他年级的项目到完成自己班的项目,要想让孩子安安全全的进行完运动会,除了细心,还需要很多耐 心,实习报告《幼儿园小班见习报告》。还有一个地方让我记忆深刻——我们小班的项目是让小朋友们跑过来跳一下抓一个糖果,糖果是用玻璃纸包着报纸做的。小孩子很天真,不懂那只是道具,以为 是真的糖果。项目结束后,小朋友们都把玻璃纸拆开,翻着报纸问“老师,糖呢?老师,糖呢?”就在这一刻,虽然我知道这个社会中像道具这种东西有很多而且避 免不了,但我还是觉得心里不是滋味,觉得骗了善良、天真的小天使!

其实卫生每天都打扫,所以检查的时候卫生没有特意的做很多,就是装饰教室的时候有点需要动脑筋。也很感谢老师们这么信任我们,也让我们参与到了 装饰的行动中。贴画、剪纸、剪小花、摆桌子,虽然这些活都是些小活,但真的让我们积累了经验。只看到了结果与参与到过程中,就是有不一样的收获。看着变漂 亮的教室,感觉很不错,觉得我们虽然离开了,但是我们做的东西留下来了。

最后,还要说一下每个班里最重要,最辛苦,也是我们这次见习的重点的保育员老师。最重要是指保育员要负责小朋友们的人身安全,每一个可能发生危 险的动作都会想到,然后杜绝。有很多生活经验,有很多急救的知识也是我们需要学习的。最辛苦这一点,我们体会得到。每天要早到晚走,打水、提饭、擦桌子、 拖地,在小班还要喂喂饭,我们只是干了四分之一的活就觉得很累了,保育员平时一个人干,脑海中还要想到会不会出危险,真的很佩服她。




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