
四年级英文作文 篇一

My Favorite Animal

I have always been fascinated by animals, but there is one animal that has captured my heart - dolphins. Dolphins are known for their intelligence, playfulness, and their ability to communicate with each other and humans.

Dolphins are amazing creatures. They are highly intelligent and can even recognize themselves in a mirror, which is a sign of self-awareness. They are also very social animals and live in groups called pods. Dolphins communicate with each other using a series of clicks, whistles, and body movements. They are able to understand and respond to human commands, making them perfect candidates for training and performing tricks.

One of the things I love most about dolphins is their playful nature. They are known to swim alongside boats, ride the waves, and even jump out of the water. I remember watching a video of dolphins playing with bubbles, and it made me smile. Dolphins seem to always be having fun, and their joy is contagious.

Dolphins are also known for their friendliness towards humans. They have been known to save people from drowning and have even formed special bonds with certain individuals. There are countless stories of dolphins coming to the aid of stranded swimmers or guiding lost sailors back to shore. Their kindness and compassion towards humans are truly remarkable.

In conclusion, dolphins are my favorite animals because of their intelligence, playfulness, and their ability to connect with humans. They are truly fascinating creatures and I hope to one day have the opportunity to see them up close in their natural habitat.

四年级英文作文 篇二

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is Christmas. It is a special time of year when families come together to celebrate and spread joy. There are several reasons why I love Christmas.

Firstly, I love the festive atmosphere that surrounds Christmas. The streets are decorated with lights and ornaments, and there is a feeling of excitement in the air. People are kinder and more generous during this time of year, and it warms my heart to see everyone coming together to spread joy and happiness.

Secondly, I love the tradition of giving and receiving gifts. It is a time when we show our love and appreciation for one another by exchanging presents. I enjoy the anticipation of unwrapping gifts and the joy on my loved ones' faces when they open the presents I have chosen for them.

Another reason why I love Christmas is the delicious food. From the roasted turkey to the mouthwatering desserts, Christmas dinner is always a feast for the senses. I look forward to enjoying a hearty meal with my family and indulging in all the festive treats.

Lastly, I love the sense of togetherness that Christmas brings. It is a time when families come together to celebrate and create memories. We gather around the Christmas tree, sing carols, and share stories. It is a time to appreciate the love and support of our loved ones and to cherish the moments we have together.

In conclusion, Christmas is my favorite holiday because of the festive atmosphere, the tradition of giving and receiving gifts, the delicious food, and the sense of togetherness. It is a time of joy, love, and celebration, and I look forward to it every year.

四年级英文作文 篇三






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