
小学二年级英语作文题 篇一

My Favorite Animal

My favorite animal is a dog. Dogs are loyal and friendly animals. They make great companions and are always there for you. They are also very smart and can learn many tricks.

I have a pet dog named Max. He is a golden retriever and he is very cute and playful. He has golden fur and a wagging tail. Max loves to play fetch with me in the park. I throw a ball and he runs after it and brings it back to me. It's so much fun!

Max is also very protective. Whenever someone comes to our house, he barks loudly to let us know. He is like our own personal guard dog. He is very good with children too. He always lets my little sister pet him and play with him.

I love spending time with Max. We go for walks together and he always stays by my side. I also enjoy grooming him and giving him baths. He loves it when I brush his fur and give him belly rubs.

Dogs are amazing animals. They are not only loyal and protective, but they also bring so much joy and happiness into our lives. I am grateful to have Max as my pet and my best friend.

小学二年级英语作文题 篇二

My Favorite Food

My favorite food is pizza. I love pizza because it is delicious and there are so many different toppings to choose from. I enjoy eating pizza with my family and friends.

Pizza is made with a thin crust, tomato sauce, and cheese. You can add all kinds of toppings like pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers. My favorite toppings are pepperoni and extra cheese. I also like to add some oregano and chili flakes for extra flavor.

I like to eat pizza on the weekends when we have movie nights at home. My mom makes homemade pizza and we all gather around the table to enjoy it together. It's so much fun to pick our own toppings and make our own personalized pizzas.

Sometimes we also order pizza from our favorite pizzeria. They make the best pizza in town. It's always hot and cheesy when it arrives at our doorstep. We usually order a large pizza with different toppings so that everyone can have their favorite slices.

I also enjoy making mini pizzas as a snack. I use English muffins as the base and spread tomato sauce and cheese on top. Then I add my favorite toppings and bake them in the oven. They turn out crispy and delicious.

Pizza is the perfect food for any occasion. It's easy to eat and everyone loves it. I can never get enough of pizza. It will always be my favorite food.

小学二年级英语作文题 篇三










小学二年级英语作文题 篇四

I have a good friend and a girl. She called Liu Jiaxin, long hair, big eyes very bright. Round little face, red, like a red apple. She was wearing a pink shirt, embroidered with a beautiful butterfly, lower body wearing a skirt, blue, and a beautiful sun flower. She is wearing this dress, really lovable!



小学二年级英语作文题 篇五

There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes.

The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.

I will' always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love Harbin.

小学二年级英语作文题 篇六

hello!my name is am a like speaking english very go to school five days every day i go to school on foot. because my school is not near my like my are about 3500 students and 54 teachers in my i study grade are 45students in my english teacher is tall and handsome .i love him very much. welcome to my must be very happy.





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