海啸来临的英语作文 篇一:海啸的威力与预防措施
1. 海啸的威力
a. 海啸是由海底地壳运动引起的,其能量非常巨大,可以在海洋中以高速传播。
b. 海啸在靠近海岸时会变得更加危险,因为它会变成巨浪,在登陆时对沿海地区造成巨大破坏。
c. 海啸可以摧毁建筑物、冲刷土地、淹没城市,并导致大量人员伤亡。
2. 预防海啸的措施
a. 提高公众意识:人们应该了解海啸的危险性,学习如何识别预警信号,并遵循当地政府的紧急撤离指示。
b. 建设海啸监测系统:通过安装地震仪、潮汐测量设备和其他监测器材,及时监测海啸的迹象,并向公众发出预警。
c. 加强早期警报系统:在海岸线上设立警报塔或使用手机短信等技术手段,向民众发送海啸预警。
d. 建设防护设施:在沿海地区建设海堤、防浪墙等防护设施,以减轻海啸对沿海地区的冲击。
海啸来临的英语作文 篇二:海啸对人类生活的影响及救援工作
1. 海啸对人类生活的影响
a. 破坏建筑物和基础设施:海啸可以摧毁房屋、道路、桥梁等基础设施,导致人们无家可归,交通瘫痪。
b. 夺走人们的生命:海啸造成的巨浪可以淹没城市和沿海地区,导致大量人员伤亡和失踪。
c. 破坏生态系统:海啸破坏海洋生态系统,影响渔业和海洋生物的生存。
2. 救援工作的重要性
a. 搜救被困人员:救援人员应迅速响应并展开搜救行动,以尽可能多地挽救被困人员的生命。
b. 提供紧急援助:救援工作应包括提供食品、水和医疗援助,以满足灾区居民的基本生活需求。
c. 重建受损地区:救援工作还应包括重建受损的建筑物和基础设施,以恢复当地经济和社会发展。
海啸来临的英语作文 篇三
导语: 21世纪是充满希望的'新纪元,然而各种天灾人祸也从不忘给人类敲敲警钟。海啸是恐怖的,下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!
On December the 26th, 2004, when the people were still addicted to happiness on Christmas, the strong earthquake, which took place in Indonesia, caused heavy tsunami. In the turn of a hand, the famous Phuket Island of tourist attraction of Thailand that has enjoyed the reputation of “Heaven in human world” was turned into “the hell on earth”. For the people who were rescued from this calamity, this essentially peaceful Christmas vacation has been the inly-indelible drop shadows. When some visitors who had just brushed past the death talked about the experience at the time, they have not yet recovered from a fright. Here is a grisly experience of a newspaperwoman: The ocean suddenly disappeared…
December the 26th, the newspaperwoman Yi Linyang of “Strait Times” was taking a holiday in Phuket Island with her husband. Before the tsunami came, they were ping in Monkey Beach. However, when they were getting ready to leave by boat, the weirdy happened! They saw the ocean suddenly disappeared! The boat took the ground by the reeves, there were jumping fish here and there.
Nobody had seen that before, everyone was frightened out of his wits for the moment. When all the people didn’t wake up to what had happened, the seawater surged ahead and washed back, and the huge billow went straight from the distant place. Yi Linyang’s heart still fluttering with fear, she said: “We ran desperately, no one would know how far would the seawater chase us…”
Can you see? It was the first locale of the tsunami of Indonesia.