
圣诞老人的由来传说英语作文 篇一

The Legend of Santa Claus

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, is a beloved figure associated with the Christmas season. According to legend, Santa Claus brings gifts to children around the world on Christmas Eve. But where did this jolly old man with a white beard and red suit come from?

The origin of Santa Claus can be traced back to a real person named Saint Nicholas, who lived during the 4th century in what is now modern-day Turkey. Saint Nicholas was known for his generosity and kindness towards the poor and needy. He was particularly fond of children and often gave them gifts in secret.

One popular story about Saint Nicholas tells of a poor man who had three daughters. The man was unable to provide dowries for his daughters, which meant they would not be able to get married. When Saint Nicholas heard about their plight, he decided to help. Late one night, he secretly threw bags of gold coins through the window of the man's house, providing the necessary dowries for the daughters. This act of kindness saved the family from a life of poverty and despair.

Another legend associated with Saint Nicholas tells of a time when he saved three young boys who were kidnapped by an evil butcher. The butcher had planned to kill the boys and sell their meat, but Saint Nicholas arrived just in time to rescue them. This story further solidified Saint Nicholas as a protector of children.

Over the centuries, the stories and legends surrounding Saint Nicholas evolved and merged with other folklore. In the 16th century, the Dutch brought the tradition of Sinterklaas to America, which eventually transformed into the modern-day Santa Claus. The image of Santa Claus as we know him today was popularized by the famous poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (commonly known as "The Night Before Christmas"), written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823.

In this poem, Santa Claus is described as a jolly, plump man with a sleigh pulled by reindeer. He is dressed in red fur from head to toe and carries a sack full of toys. This iconic image of Santa Claus became deeply ingrained in popular culture and has remained unchanged for centuries.

Today, Santa Claus is celebrated and adored by children and adults alike. His image can be seen everywhere during the Christmas season, from shopping malls to greeting cards. The legend of Santa Claus continues to bring joy and wonder to people of all ages, reminding us of the importance of generosity, kindness, and the spirit of giving.

圣诞老人的由来传说英语作文 篇二

The Evolution of Santa Claus

Santa Claus, the iconic figure associated with Christmas, has a rich history that has evolved over time. His story has been shaped by various cultures and traditions, resulting in the beloved character we know today.

The origins of Santa Claus can be traced back to ancient pagan festivals that celebrated the winter solstice. During these festivals, people would exchange gifts and feast to celebrate the return of the sun and the promise of new life. These celebrations were later incorporated into Christian traditions, particularly the feast of Saint Nicholas.

Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century bishop from Turkey, is often cited as the inspiration for Santa Claus. He was known for his acts of kindness and generosity, particularly towards children. The story of Saint Nicholas evolved over time, with various legends and folklore attributing miraculous deeds to him.

One popular legend tells of Saint Nicholas leaving gifts of gold coins in the stockings of three poor sisters. According to the story, the girls had hung their stockings by the fireplace to dry. Saint Nicholas, aware of their financial struggles, dropped the coins down the chimney, where they landed in the stockings. This tale is believed to have given rise to the tradition of hanging stockings by the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

In the 16th century, the Dutch brought their tradition of Sinterklaas to America. Sinterklaas, a figure based on Saint Nicholas, was known for his long white beard, red bishop's robes, and habit of bringing gifts to children. Over time, the Dutch Sinterklaas merged with other European traditions to become the modern-day Santa Claus.

The image of Santa Claus as we know him today was popularized in the 19th century. The famous poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas," written by Clement Clarke Moore in 1823, described Santa Claus as a jolly, rotund man with a sleigh and reindeer. This poem, also known as "The Night Before Christmas," cemented the image of Santa Claus in popular culture.

The modern Santa Claus owes much of his appearance to the illustrations of Thomas Nast, a political cartoonist in the 19th century. Nast depicted Santa Claus as a plump, bearded man in a red suit, with a workshop at the North Pole and a sleigh pulled by reindeer. These illustrations, along with Moore's poem, contributed to the enduring image of Santa Claus.

Today, Santa Claus is a beloved figure that embodies the spirit of Christmas. He represents generosity, kindness, and the joy of giving. Children around the world eagerly await his arrival on Christmas Eve, hoping to find presents under the tree. The evolution of Santa Claus is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring magic of Christmas.

圣诞老人的由来传说英语作文 篇三


The origin of Santa Claus

History tells usthat the origin of Santa Claus begins in the 4th century with Saint Nicholas,Bishop of Myra (an area in present day Turkey). One of the legends tellsabout that he acquired a fortune when his parents died while he was still in histeens. By nature St.Nicholas was a generous and honest man, particularlydevoted to children. He also cared deeply for the poor. He brought variousgifts, money and other useful items to the houses of the poor. He did this atnight, and in secrecy, so that no one knew, as he wanted no glory, he justwanted to help people. He became widely known for his generosity.


There is one famous legend about SaintNicholas. The story tells of Nicholas hearing one day of three beautifulsisters who lived in a miserable hut on the edge of Myra. The three sisters were very poor. Theycould barely earn enough to keep themselves and their old mother from starvingto death. When Nicholas heard of their plight, he was very concerned. Hedecided to do something to help them.


One night, when everyone was asleep, Nicholascrept through the streets to the edge of town. Quietly, he tiptoed up to thehut where the three sisters lived. He climbed onto the roof and dropped threebags of gold through the hole in the roof where the smoke from the fire cameout. Now it so happened that the three sisters has washed their stockingsbefore they went to bed. The stockings has been hung by the fire to dry. WhenNicholas dropped the gold through the smoke hole, each bag of gold fell into astockin



The three sisters were overjoyed to findthree bags of gold in their stockings when they woke up the next morning. Soon,the story began to spread. Other people began to hang up stockings in the hopeof finding bags of gold when they woke up in the morning. From this legendsprang the custom of hanging stockings up by the chimney on Christmas Eve. Overthe years, Saint Nicholas became associated with Christmas.


After his death around 350 A.D. he was buried in Myra,but in 1087 Italian sailors purportedly stole his remains and removed them to Bari, Italy,greatly increasing St. Nicholas' popularity throughout Europe.His kindness and reputation for generosity and love for children gave rise toclaims that he could perform miracles and devotion to him increased. St.Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for hisred cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre. In Greece, he is the patron saint of sailors; in France he was the patron of lawyers, and in Belgium thepatron of children and travelers. The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholasalive. In 16th century Holland,Dutch children would place their wooden shoes by the hearth in hopes that theywould be filled with a treat and goodies.





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