第一篇内容:My First Encounter with a Foreign Teacher
Last year, I had the opportunity to meet a foreign teacher for the first time. It was an exciting and memorable experience that I will never forget.
I first met Mr. Smith, my foreign teacher, when he came to our school as part of an exchange program. He was from the United States and had a very different accent from what I was used to hearing. I was both nervous and curious to see what it would be like to have a foreign teacher.
On the first day of class, Mr. Smith introduced himself and told us some interesting facts about his home country. He also shared photos and stories of his travels around the world. I was fascinated by his experiences and couldn't wait to learn more from him.
One thing that stood out about Mr. Smith was his teaching style. He used a lot of interactive activities and games to make the lessons more engaging. We played vocabulary games, role-played different situations, and even had debates in English. It was so much fun and I didn't even realize how much I was learning.
Mr. Smith also encouraged us to speak in English as much as possible. He created a safe and supportive environment where we felt comfortable making mistakes. He would always provide constructive feedback and help us improve our pronunciation and grammar.
Outside of class, Mr. Smith would organize cultural exchange activities. We visited museums, tried traditional American food, and even had a picnic in the park. It was a great opportunity for us to practice our English and learn more about different cultures.
Throughout the year, Mr. Smith became more than just a teacher to us. He was a mentor, a friend, and someone we looked up to. He taught us not only English but also important life skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.
My first encounter with a foreign teacher was truly a transformative experience. It opened my eyes to the world and sparked my passion for learning languages. I will forever be grateful to Mr. Smith for his dedication and for making learning English such an enjoyable journey.
第二篇内容:The Unexpected Adventure with a Foreign Teacher
One sunny afternoon, our school arranged a special activity with a foreign teacher. Little did I know that it would turn out to be an unexpected adventure.
The foreign teacher, Ms. Johnson, was from England and she had a bubbly personality. She greeted us with a big smile and introduced herself in fluent English. We were all excited to spend the day with her and improve our language skills.
The adventure began when Ms. Johnson announced that we would be going on a treasure hunt. She divided us into teams and gave each team a set of clues written in English. Our task was to decipher the clues and find the hidden treasure.
As we started the treasure hunt, it quickly became clear that it wouldn't be an easy task. The clues were tricky and required us to think creatively. We had to use our English skills to understand the clues, communicate with our team members, and navigate through the school grounds.
Despite the challenges, we had an amazing time. We laughed, we brainstormed, and we worked together as a team. It was a great opportunity to practice our English in a fun and interactive way.
After much searching and brainstorming, my team finally found the hidden treasure. We were ecstatic and couldn't wait to see what was inside. To our surprise, it was a box filled with delicious English candies. We all enjoyed the sweets and celebrated our victory.
The adventure with Ms. Johnson taught me more than just English. It taught me the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and perseverance. It also showed me that learning a language can be fun and exciting.
Throughout the day, Ms. Johnson was not only our teacher but also our friend. She patiently guided us, encouraged us, and celebrated our achievements. She made us feel confident in our English skills and inspired us to continue learning.
The unexpected adventure with a foreign teacher was a memorable experience that I will always cherish. It showed me the power of experiential learning and the joy of immersing oneself in a different culture. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Ms. Johnson and I now have a deeper appreciation for the English language.
一个有趣的外教英语作文10篇 篇三
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第一篇
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第二篇
Rob是一个严谨而又不失活泼的外教老师。我还记得Rob给我们玩数数游戏时的情节,首先由Rob说“one”,我们再接下去说“two”,一直往后数数,但是一旦有人要是重复两遍了,比如轮到我的时候,我说“six,six”,那么接下去的一位就必须说“five”,倒回去数数。 解释完了Rob还会用夹生的中文说:“你们听懂了吗?”我们淘气地摇摇头,然后异口同声地说:“I don’t know.”这时Rob的眼里有一丝无奈,但他总能继续认真地跟我们讲解,直到我们弄懂为止。终于开始游戏了,我们玩得不亦乐乎,每个人的脸上都露出了开心的笑脸。这时,一旁的Rob也手舞足蹈,开心极了!
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第三篇
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第四篇
Peter dozed off while the teacher was talking. Teacher: Peter, we, what's the biggest thing in the world Peter: Well, eyelids: Teacher: what's Peter: Yes, sir, because as soon as I close my eyes, the eyelids cover up everything he's won in the world. Tommy: How's your little brother doing? Johnny: he's sick in bed.
He's hurting himself. Tommy: that's too much Oh, no! How could this happen? Johnny: who can lean out of the window the farthest? He won. I put his ears in my pocket.
Ivan's nose was bleeding when he came home. His mother asked, xxxwhat's the matter?xxx a child bit me. Ivan replied, xxxif you see him again, can yoecognize him?xxx He asked his mother, xxxI know him everywhere,xxx Ivan said, xxxI put his ears in my pocket.xxx a good boy asked his mother two cents.
xxxWhat happened to the money you gave you yesterday?xxx I gave it to a poor old woman. xxxHe replied,xxx you're a good child, and the mother said proudly, xxxhere are two cents, but why do you treat that old man One day, a father and his little son came home at this age. The boy was interested in all kinds of things.
Now he always asked questions. What does the word xxxdrunkxxx mean xxxDadxxx xxxwell, my son,xxx his father replied, xxxlook, there are two policemen standing, and if I think of these two policemen as four, then I'm drunk.xxx xxxbut, Dad,xxx said the boy, xxxthere's only one policeman.xxx the hostess apologized to her slow guest, for she was carrying an apple jam, and the little boy quietly left the room After a while, he came back with a piece of cheese and put it on the guest's plate. The guest laughed, put the cheese in his mouth, and then said, xxxyour eyes must be better than your mother, son.
Where did you find the cheese?xxx xxxOn the cane, sir,xxx the boy Adidas replied, xxxdo you know what it means, I dream about all day, Adidasxxx,, Cohen, Adidas, (I dream about all day.
标签: 新学期
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第五篇
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第六篇
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第七篇
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第八篇
他给我们上课时,经常很搞笑。他爱逗我们,还夸奖我们,鼓励我们。每次我们回答完问题,他总是给我们说“Very good”。有一次,他给我们讲“房间”时,在黑板上用漫画的形式画了一座城堡,他把班里13个同学全画了进去,很好玩儿。他把班里最捣蛋的同学画到城堡的最顶端,把我画在第二层,手里拿着一把水枪,对准了那个同学就开枪,那个同学立马变成了落汤鸡。把我们笑得肚子都疼了,下课了还忍不住嘀嘀笑呢!还有一次,我们在学习“胖(fat)”“瘦(thin)”单词时,他把自己画得超胖,跟巨人一样,头画的却很小,很好笑,我们很快就记住了“fat”这个单词。上他的课时间总是过得很快,我们还经常做游戏,很开心,我非常喜欢他。
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第九篇
It is the good news that our school had hired a foreign teach to give us English class once a week Though we have learned English for years, we never had the chance to talk witha foreigner His name was Nick and he was from London In his class, we could do a lot of things, andthe discipline was not that strict He is a good teacher.
一个有趣的外教英语作文 第十篇