情侣间伤感道歉的英语句子 篇一
I'm Sorry, My Love: Heartfelt Apologies in a Troubled Relationship
In any relationship, there are bound to be moments of misunderstanding and hurt. When these moments occur, it is important to take responsibility for our actions and apologize sincerely to our partner. This article will provide you with a collection of heartfelt apologies in English that can help mend the wounds in a troubled relationship.
1. "I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused you. I never meant to hurt you, and I deeply regret my actions."
2. "I apologize for my thoughtless behavior. I understand now how much it has affected you, and I promise to make amends."
3. "Please forgive me for my selfishness. I didn't consider your feelings, and I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused."
4. "I know that my words have hurt you deeply, and I am sincerely sorry. I will work on improving myself and being more mindful of how my words may affect you."
5. "I want to apologize for not being there for you when you needed me the most. I should have been more supportive, and I am deeply sorry for letting you down."
6. "I am sorry for not appreciating you enough. You are an incredible person, and I promise to show you the love and respect you deserve."
7. "I understand that my actions have broken your trust, and I am truly sorry. I will do whatever it takes to earn it back."
8. "I apologize for my stubbornness and my unwillingness to see things from your perspective. I promise to be more open-minded and understanding in the future."
9. "I am sorry for not communicating effectively with you. From now on, I will make a conscious effort to listen and understand your needs."
10. "I know that saying sorry is not enough, but please know that I am committed to making things right. I love you, and I am truly sorry for the pain I have caused."
Remember, it is not just the words that matter but also the actions that follow. Apologizing is an essential step in the healing process, but it is equally important to learn from our mistakes and make a genuine effort to change. By doing so, we can rebuild trust and strengthen our bond with our partner.
情侣间伤感道歉的英语句子 篇二
Rebuilding Love: Apologies to Mend a Broken Relationship
In a romantic relationship, conflicts and misunderstandings are inevitable. Sometimes, our actions or words can cause pain to our partner, leading to a fractured bond. In such instances, it is crucial to offer sincere apologies to mend the relationship and rebuild the love that was once strong. This article will provide you with a collection of heartfelt apologies in English that can help heal a broken relationship.
1. "I am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you. My love for you is genuine, and I promise to make amends and work on being a better partner."
2. "I apologize for my hurtful words. They were spoken in the heat of the moment, and I regret the pain they have caused. I will learn to control my temper and communicate more respectfully."
3. "Please forgive me for my lack of understanding. I now realize how much my actions have hurt you, and I promise to be more empathetic and considerate in the future."
4. "I am sorry for taking you for granted. You are the most important person in my life, and I promise to cherish and appreciate you every day."
5. "I apologize for not being there when you needed me. I know that I let you down, and I am committed to being a reliable and supportive partner from now on."
6. "I am deeply sorry for betraying your trust. I understand that it will take time to rebuild, but I am willing to do whatever it takes to regain your confidence."
7. "I apologize for not valuing our relationship enough. You are my rock, and I promise to prioritize our love and make you feel cherished."
8. "I am sorry for not listening to you. Your thoughts and feelings matter, and I promise to give them the attention they deserve."
9. "Please forgive me for my immaturity. I am committed to personal growth and becoming a better version of myself for our relationship."
10. "I know that mere words cannot undo the pain I have caused, but please know that I am genuinely sorry and willing to put in the effort to rebuild our love. You mean everything to me."
Remember, an apology is just the first step. It is essential to follow it up with consistent actions that demonstrate change and growth. Rebuilding a broken relationship takes time, patience, and effort from both partners. With open communication, understanding, and forgiveness, it is possible to mend the wounds and create a stronger, more loving bond.
情侣间伤感道歉的英语句子 篇三
情侣间伤感道歉的英语句子 精选63句
1. 懊悔很多没有用,你不知道,伤心很久没有用,你不了解,郁闷很久没有用,你没看到,原谅我的错,宽容我的失,只此才有用,所以道歉来,愿你适当放开,让我们幸福愉快。
2. 在我的字典里老婆的观点是没有“错误”这两个字的,如果有,我也愿意承担所有的过错,既然我这么大度,烦请老婆大人,大度的原谅我的过错,我将积极改正,下不为例。
3. 我当然会原谅你,那没什么,别放在心上。
4. 都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起,我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我吧!
5. also就是一个口语的习惯而已..没特别的用意
6. Forgive me, I didn’t mean to offend you .
7. 争吵的阴云挡住了友情阳光,把彼此的心伤;矛盾的漩涡
8. A: “What can I do for you to regret?xxx
9. A : I'm sorry for last time上次很抱歉
10. A:xxxBut I'm feeling so bad for it, you need to accept my apologizexxx
11. 错错错,对不起,别在意,一时气,真抱歉,真懊悔,真混蛋,不过说,多年朋,友谊在,朋友情,原谅我,行不行
12. 愧疚的我不知道该怎样开口,但还是要说声对不起。可是我是要英文
13. 也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!因为真的太想见你,心里从来没有那么在乎。原谅我好吗?
14. 我怎么样才能挽回我的错误呢?
15. 吓着你了吗?只是一个小玩笑,别介意哦!
16. B:xxxOh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?xxx有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?
17. B:xxxYou are fine; I will bless you for your honestxxx没关系,为你的诚实祈福。
18. 每个人都有同样的愿望 ,i think是口语的插入语,“我认为”..就是相信大家也想这案子快点了结
19. 我是小淘气,常惹你生气,不是我有意,难改牛脾气,真诚向你道歉,虚心向你致意,我要改掉坏脾气,携手快乐创奇迹,幸福逍遥在一起
20. 今天由于冲动的到来,使得我做了错事,现在我已经把冲动打的出血,为你出气,请你张开眼看我多真诚,我已经请了道歉小姐替我说情,希望你能接受,谢谢
21. B: xxxLet this off, please, if you keep this going, then I'll not forgive you anymorexxx让这件事过去吧,如果你继续这样的话,我就不原谅你了。
22. We promise that kind of thing would not happened again .Hope we can still cooperate happily.
23. 对不起,是我伤害了你,不敢奢望你原谅,只求你给我一次改过自新的机会,我是真的错了,我也是真的知错改正。
24. 在这我真诚地请你原谅,别生气了好吗?
25. B:xxxOh, what's wrong? Why do you apologize?xxx有什么问题吗?你干嘛道歉?
26. 但我感觉很抱歉,请你务必接受我的道歉.
27. A:xxxDon't you remember that last time...?”难道你不记得上次了吗?
28. B: xxxOh that's okay. No problem for thatxxx哦,那没什么,不要紧的。
29. A:xxxDon't you remember that last time...?”难道你不记得上次了吗?
30. B: xxxOf course, I forgive for that, its all right, don't keep it in mindxxx
31. 别生气,别吵闹,说错话只因爱你到无可救药。
32. 细细思,慢慢想,方觉自己言行太轻狂。
33. B: xxxOh that's okay. No problem for thatxxx哦,那没什么,不要紧的.
34. 是我的不对,给你的眼泪;是我的没肺,送你的心碎。
35. 事情闹成这样并非我的本意。
36. 你就是我的世界,你不原谅我,就是世界不容我,世界不容我,我将无处藏身,无处藏身的我,只能落魄街头,落魄街头的我只能冻死,亲爱的,你看看在不原谅我,我就悲剧了。
37. 好丈夫三荣三耻,以关心老婆为荣,以忽略老婆为耻,以逗老婆开心为荣,以惹老婆生气为耻,以对老婆忠诚为荣,以在外花心为耻。
38. A: “You’re a good friend for mexxx你是我的好朋友。
39. be being表示正在进行的被动语态 就是statement正在被发表。我相信当我们在谈论我律师给我建议的同时一份媒体的报道正在印发。
40. 我当然会原谅你,那没什么,别放在心上.
41. 不要那样想,你已经被宽恕了。更多有没有少点的
42. 这个应该还可以吧,如果有什么错误你自己纠正一下。
43. A: “Okay then I’ll say sorry for this last time, I sorryxxx我最后一次跟你说对不起,对不起啦!
44. 因为我的一时冲动,令我作出了一生中最后悔的一件事。现在,我很想很想跟你说声:对不起!
45. 我怎么样才能挽回我的错误呢?
46. 对不起,昨天不是有意气你的,你还好吧?在家干什么呢,没有生我气吧?
47. 昨天心情不大好,如有冒犯之处,还请原谅埃。
48. This is not an example to be set for you就是要所有的年轻人注意,这不是一个你们应该模仿的对象。(就是千万别学冠希哥!!
49. 如果你看我时,不把眼神当利刃,我就给你当牛;如果你瞥见我,不再把嘴撇到天上,我就给你当马;如果你肯原谅我犯下的所谓涛天罪责,我保证天天给你送鲜花。
50. 你好像生气了,我心里也不好受!如果是我酿成了此错,希望你能原谅!如果不能原谅,我自己也就无法原谅我自己了。
51. 年关即将到来,压力骤然增大,心情实在很烦,脾气变得很臭,偶尔闹点情绪,实非我之所愿,不免冲撞好友,特发短信致歉,还望朋友海涵
52. 也许是我不懂的事太多,也许是我的错,也许一切已经慢慢的错过,可我依然期待你的谅解和呵护!
53. 我错了!娘子温柔贤淑,持家有道,知书达理,是我不懂得欣赏,我对不起你,请你原谅我!
54. 但我感觉很抱歉,请你务必接受我的道歉。
55. 你这样断句有问题,宾语是innocents and all the young.动词短语是protect from。是指我们需要保护所有无辜的人和所有年轻人,让他们远离这种麻烦。
56. A:” Thank you so muchxxx 非常谢谢你!
57. 不要那样想,你已经被宽恕了。
58. 总是在犯错之后才觉得后悔,总是在失去以后才察觉珍贵,总是在任性之后才知道自己不对;希望这条充满内疚和真诚的信息,能让你想想我的好,原谅我的错,每天开开心心快快乐乐
59. 一不小心,伤害到你,是我的粗心,发个短信,表达歉意,希望你安心;我的过失,虽然无心,但已伤了你的心,求你谅解,求你宽恕,朋友依旧存真心。
60. B:xxxI don't think that is a good idea, you're forgivenxxx
61. B: xxxI'm glad for you thinking thatxxx很高兴你能那样想。
62. 每个人都是不同的,不是针对你,而是有些事是冥冥注定的,如果可以,请你听我说:对不起。
63. I didn’t mean it that way. 请原谅,我不是有意惹您生气。