Fearful of telling them about this matter
She trembled at the thought of revealing this matter to them. The fear that gripped her heart paralyzed her, rendering her incapable of uttering a single word. The weight of the secret she carried burdened her every step, dragging her deeper into her own despair. She feared their judgment, their disappointment, and above all, their rejection. But the truth gnawed at her conscience, urging her to find the courage to open up.
Every night, as she lay in bed, she rehearsed the words she longed to say. She imagined their reactions, their disbelief, and the subsequent fallout. The anxiety consumed her, leaving her sleepless and restless. She knew that sooner or later, she had to face them and reveal what had been hidden for far too long. But the fear held her back, chaining her to her own silence.
Days turned into weeks, and the burden grew heavier. She could no longer bear the weight of her secret alone. She sought solace in the written word, pouring her heart out in letters that would never be sent. The pen became her confidant, as she poured out her deepest fears and regrets, hoping to find some semblance of peace in the act of confession.
But deep down, she knew that the written word could never replace the spoken truth. She knew that she had to gather the strength to face them, to let the words tumble out of her mouth and into the open air. She yearned for the release that honesty would bring, even if it meant facing the consequences of her actions.
And so, one fateful day, she took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to tell them. The words trembled on her lips, but she forced them out, one by one. The room fell silent as her secret hung in the air, waiting to be acknowledged. And in that moment, she realized that the fear that had held her captive for so long had lost its power. The truth had set her free, and though the road ahead was uncertain, she knew that she had made the right choice.
The fear of sharing this matter with them
She stood in front of them, her heart pounding in her chest. The fear that had haunted her for so long gripped her, threatening to consume her whole. The weight of the words she carried felt unbearable, as if each syllable held the power to shatter the fragile peace that surrounded them. She feared their reactions, their anger, and the irreparable damage her confession might cause. But she also knew that she couldn't keep silent any longer.
As she opened her mouth to speak, her voice wavered, betraying her inner turmoil. She stumbled over her words, her sentences fragmented and disjointed. But despite her fear, she persisted. She knew that the only way to find redemption was to face the truth head-on, no matter how painful it might be.
Their faces registered shock and disbelief as her words hung in the air. The room fell silent, the weight of her confession echoing in the emptiness. She felt exposed, vulnerable, as if her soul had been laid bare for all to see. But she also felt a sense of relief, a release from the burden that had plagued her for so long.
Their reactions varied, ranging from anger to confusion to sadness. They struggled to comprehend the depth of her secret, grappling with their own emotions in the process. But amidst the chaos, she found a glimmer of hope. She saw the flicker of understanding in their eyes, the willingness to listen and to forgive.
In the days that followed, they navigated through the aftermath of her confession together. The road ahead was not easy, but they faced it as a united front. They confronted the pain, the anger, and the betrayal, but also the love, the forgiveness, and the possibility of healing.
She had feared the worst when she shared her secret, but instead, she found acceptance. She discovered that the people who truly cared about her would stand by her side, no matter the mistakes she had made. And in that realization, she found the strength to forgive herself and to embrace the future with open arms.
The fear of telling them had held her captive for far too long, but now she was free. Free to face the consequences, free to rebuild what was broken, and most importantly, free to live a life unburdened by secrets.
她害怕讲此事告诉他们的英语句子 篇三
她害怕讲此事告诉他们的英语句子 精选71句
1. You frightened me.
2. Lily is afraid of snakes.
3. 很害怕在乎的人对我有期待,或许是因为害怕承受让对方失望的难过,这挺不好受的。
4. fearful 指“担心可能发生的结果的”, 如:
5. 我不怕失去你,越来越害怕,失望攒够了,有一天我不再爱你。
6. terrified 指感受到“很强烈的、突如其来的恐惧”,与frightened不同。 如:
7. 我害怕极了,连大气都不敢出,心砰砰直跳,仿佛有小兔子在心中蹦来蹦去。
8. 形容心里害怕的句子——他感到一阵恐怖,连心脏都吓得掉到裤子里去了.
9. She was afraid that she might lose her job.她担心会丢掉工作。
10. horror 多指那种浑身发抖的害怕,联想一下“浑身像筛糠一样”的害怕。
11. My blood ran cold.
12. 心里住了太多光怪陆离的梦,的确太害怕失望,才要在漫长岁月的洪荒里成为自己的英雄。
13. be afraid of例句:They are afraid of him.他们害怕他。We are afraid of dogs.我们害怕狗。be afraid of后面接人称代词宾格。或者是名词形式。
14. That loud noise scared me out of my wits.
15. I have a fear of being in small places.
16. I get spooked from ghost stories and scary movies.
17. 我真的很书迷,每次害怕看小说改编的电视剧,害怕失望。
18. We were horror-stricken when we saw the accident.
19. To worry was as bad as to be afraid.发愁和恐惧一样糟糕。
20. 我小声吟唱着,害怕一不注意就走调了。我的两脚微曲,不敢绷直,只要一崩直就会不停地发抖,整个身体就像泄了气的皮球,没有力气来支撑。
21. 形容心里害怕的句子——他惊慌得如寒蝉般,哑然失声.
22. 可能是因为长大,我们都变得胆怯,害怕受伤,害怕失望。
23. Don't be afraid. He's all bark and no bite.不要害怕,他是不敢动手的。
24. 我期待那一天早点到来,就像你现在这样有规划的进行着,因为我害怕你中途累了倦了忘了,我害怕失望,因为如此爸妈面前我再也没有了正当理由等你
25. 我们不敢太在乎,是因为害怕别人压根儿不在乎。
26. 感觉时间上只有我一个人,周边都很空虚,我好害怕,就是死掉都不知道要怎么死。
27. 在英语学习中要明确它的汉语意思。多读多练就会有语感就能提高答题能力。
28. She is afraid of going out alone at night. 此时be afraid of doing可以转化为be afraid to do...形式。
29. frightened 指一种“强烈的、突然的恐惧”, 经历时间较短, 如:
30. The tiger is the king in the forest.
31. 我以为我害怕的只有告别的时候,原来我同样害怕重逢。每一次的重逢,我都会害怕马上的告别。
32. timid 指“缺乏勇气和自信的”、“胆怯的”,暗指“易惊怕的”和“行为过分谨慎的”, 如:
33. 其实有很多时候想主动做些什么,即使很想,但是害怕,害怕会让别人为难,害怕被拒绝,也害怕得不到自己想要的答案而失望。
34. It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it.似乎她怕将此事告诉他们。
35. I'm afraid of snakes.
36. That horror movie made my hair stand on end.
37. 我的心中好像有一面小鼓,一直在“咚咚咚”的敲着。——形容心里害怕的句子。
38. Stop shaking in your boots, Bob. I'm not going to fire you.
39. I was scared silly.
40. 人要是害怕痛苦,惧怕种种疾病,惧怕不测的事件,惧怕生命的危险与死亡,他就会什么也不能忍受。
41. You scared me to death.
42. scared 只需要知道它这种害怕常常伴随着尖叫声。
43. Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease.谁都不用害怕能得这种病.
44. 我也需要被保护,被宠爱,被接纳。我也很需要你。这话真的很难说出口,不能这么要求你,也很害怕会失望。所以,在现实里不会让你看到弱小不开心的我。
45. 我大脑一片空白,什么都是恐怖的,只想离开这个让我害怕的地方。
46. Don't be afraid. - We're all behind you!不用怕,我们大家都支持你。
47. dread: 这个词可以从用法上记忆最好:它常用语 in dread of sth 的句型中。
48. 我在等一个人,在等我的永恒,告诉我爱不单行别害怕。
49. 看似*静重复单一的生活下,还藏着我满分的希望和害怕希望不成的失望~
50. Last night, I dreamed about being chased by an angry dog. I really had my heart in my mouth.
51. 以前最害怕让人失望,被别人的夸奖和捧杀绑得死死的。现在让自己试着自然一点,搞砸几次也没关系,在长时间线上稳步生长,均匀进步。
52. You need not be afraid of your own sweet flower-garden's being neglected.你不用担心你那漂亮的花圃会给荒废了。
53. She really scared the pants off of me.
54. 是不是害怕失望没自信的人都是这样,你给我我心里欢喜,你不给我我觉得理所当然不强求,降低期待就能减少失望。
55. He drives like a madman - frightens the hell out of me.
56. 我丢开了愤怒,惊慌害怕地奔向他。那种绝望的宿命的预感又重新降临,我害怕会再次失去他,他那么轻,那么轻那么轻。
57. 如果我的坚强任性,
58. be afraid of是害怕….。Mice are afraid of cats. 老鼠害怕猫。
59. 时刻都在提醒自己,不要抱太大的期望,害怕失望过后,自己陷入无限的自责自卑内疚当中。
60. 处暑到秋天到,发个短信祝福到。早晚气温变化大,备好衣服防变化。少吃辛辣多食酸,以来加强你的肝。祝处暑快乐!
61. 最害怕的是彻底失望,人心有时候很坚强,有时候脆弱得连蛋壳都不如……
62. Sally said I should try Bungee, but I had cold feet.
63. It gave me goose bumps.
64. I'm afraid I can't help you.对不起,我不能帮你。
65. Don't be afraid of snakes.别怕蛇。
66. It is really creeping me out, and I can't sleep.
67. 不知从何时开始熬夜的也不知将会何时结束,只知道害怕黑夜,害怕自己,害怕孤独,害怕所有关于黑夜的事情。
68. The boy came in fear and trembling to tell his father he had a bad report card.
69. 感觉有点害怕,不是失望,不是遗憾,而是类似于成长中面对未知的害怕。
70. I'm afraid your wife had an accident.很遗憾,你妻子出事了。
71. 想起来心里都有一点害怕,几百个人的眼睛都盯着自己,也不知道当时的我有多么好笑。合唱比赛对我来说真的是一种巨大的考验,考验我的胆量,我的勇气。