Article 1: In Remembrance of the Past
Remembrance is an integral part of our lives. It allows us to reflect on the past, cherish memories, and pay homage to those who have left us. Through remembrance, we find solace, inspiration, and a sense of connection to our roots. In this article, we will explore the power of remembrance through a collection of poignant English sentences.
1. "The flame of memory burns brightly within our hearts, keeping alive the love and wisdom of those who have passed." Remembrance is not simply about mourning the loss of loved ones; it is about honoring their legacy and carrying their spirit forward.
2. "In the silence of remembrance, we find the strength to heal, grow, and find meaning in the midst of loss." Remembrance provides us with a space to grieve, reflect, and ultimately find the courage to move forward with renewed purpose.
3. "Through the act of remembrance, we become storytellers, passing on the wisdom and experiences of those who came before us." Each individual has a unique story to tell, and by actively remembering and sharing their stories, we ensure that their impact and lessons are not forgotten.
4. "Remembrance is a bridge that connects generations, allowing us to learn from the past, understand the present, and shape the future." By acknowledging and honoring the past, we can gain valuable insights that guide us in making informed decisions and building a better world for future generations.
5. "Through remembrance, we discover the beauty and resilience of the human spirit, even in the face of adversity." Remembrance offers us a glimpse into the strength and resilience of individuals who have faced challenges and overcome them, reminding us of our own capacity for growth and resilience.
6. "In the act of remembrance, we find solace, as we realize that the love we shared continues to exist, transcending time and space." The memories and love we hold for those we have lost are not bound by physical constraints; they live on within our hearts, providing comfort and strength.
7. "Remembrance is a testament to the impact and significance of each individual life, reminding us that every person has the power to leave a lasting legacy." Each life is a tapestry of experiences, relationships, and achievements. By remembering and honoring individuals, we celebrate their unique contributions to the world.
8. "Through remembrance, we become more aware of the fragility and preciousness of life, prompting us to live each day with gratitude and purpose." Remembrance serves as a reminder that life is fleeting and should be cherished. It encourages us to embrace each moment and make the most of our time on earth.
9. "Remembrance is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, connecting people from all walks of life." Regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs, we can all relate to the experience of remembrance. It is a unifying force that reminds us of our shared humanity.
10. "In the act of remembrance, we not only honor those who have passed but also reaffirm our own place in the grand tapestry of life." Remembrance allows us to reckon with our own mortality and find meaning in our existence. It reminds us that we are part of something greater than ourselves.
In conclusion, remembrance holds immense power and significance in our lives. Through the act of remembering, we pay tribute to the past, find comfort in the present, and shape the future. Let us embrace the beauty and wisdom found in remembrance and carry it with us on our journey through life.
Article 2: The Healing Power of Remembrance
Remembrance is a profound and healing experience that allows us to honor the past, find solace in our memories, and ultimately heal from loss. In this article, we will explore the transformative power of remembrance through a collection of poignant English sentences.
1. "In the depths of remembrance, we find healing, as we allow ourselves to acknowledge and process our emotions." Remembrance creates a safe space for us to confront and navigate the complex emotions that arise from loss, enabling us to gradually heal and find peace.
2. "Through the act of remembrance, we pay tribute to the lives we have loved and lost, keeping their memories alive within us." Remembrance allows us to keep the spirit and essence of our loved ones close to our hearts, ensuring that their impact on our lives is never forgotten.
3. "Remembrance is a journey of self-discovery, as we uncover the depths of our own resilience and strength." The process of remembrance forces us to confront our own vulnerabilities and, in doing so, discover the inner strength necessary to overcome adversity.
4. "Through remembrance, we find comfort and support in the shared stories and experiences of others who have also experienced loss." Remembrance creates a sense of community and understanding, reminding us that we are not alone in our grief and that others have walked similar paths.
5. "In the act of remembrance, we cultivate gratitude for the time we had with our loved ones, rather than focusing on our loss." Remembrance shifts our perspective from what we have lost to what we were fortunate enough to have experienced, fostering a sense of gratitude and appreciation.
6. "Through remembrance, we find closure and acceptance, allowing us to move forward with renewed purpose and hope." Remembrance provides us with the opportunity to make peace with the past and embrace the present, freeing us from the burden of unresolved emotions.
7. "Remembrance is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation, as we learn from the lessons and wisdom of those who have passed." The memories and experiences of our loved ones can serve as valuable guiding lights, shaping our own values, choices, and aspirations.
8. "Through the act of remembrance, we create a lasting legacy for our loved ones, ensuring that their impact on the world extends beyond their physical presence." Remembrance allows us to carry forward the values, passions, and dreams of those we have lost, perpetuating their influence in the world.
9. "In the depths of remembrance, we find moments of joy and laughter, as we celebrate the lives we have cherished." Remembrance is not solely a somber experience; it can also be a celebration of the joy, love, and laughter shared with our loved ones, reminding us of the beauty of life.
10. "Through remembrance, we find the courage to embrace life fully, knowing that our loved ones would want us to live with joy and purpose." Remembrance serves as a reminder that life is precious and fleeting, motivating us to make the most of every moment and honor the memory of those we have lost.
In conclusion, remembrance is a transformative and healing experience that allows us to find solace, honor the past, and heal from loss. Through the act of remembering, we can cultivate gratitude, acceptance, and resilience, ultimately finding the strength to embrace life fully. Let us embrace the healing power of remembrance and allow it to guide us on our journey towards healing and growth.
关于缅怀的英语句子 篇三
关于缅怀的英语句子 精选104句
1. 忆往昔,我们永远铭记。
2. I mourn for my love, I'll be chief mourner . 我来悼念我的爱人,我来充当丧主。
3. 人生何其长,生命何其短?
4. During the ceremony, mourners watched a video message Yow had recorded for the funeral. 在她的葬礼上,悼念者观看了凯姚事先为此葬礼而录制的视频。
5. 愿英雄走好,逝者安息。
6. 一路走好,我慈祥的父亲。
7. I condoled with him on the death of his wife. 他妻子死了,我向他表示哀悼。
8. 国破尚如此,我何惜此头。
9. Two squares evoking the footprints of the WTC towers, the pools were not nearly big enough to accommodate the flowers and photos that mourners placed on them. 但悼念者的鲜花,照片塞满了水池。
10. Mourners walk into the service for Einstein, passing the parked hearse that carried his body from Princeton. 悼念者们经过停在一旁的灵车走进灵堂,灵车里停放的是爱因斯坦的遗体。
11. 爸爸走了,天塌了!
12. 愿爸爸在天堂快乐无忧!
13. Some of the mourners pined in the dust the ghosts of those they lost. 一些哀悼者虔诚地认为尘土中有逝去亲人的灵魂。
14. 为逝者默哀,生者共勉。
15. A memorial service is planned at Pomona College. 坡摩那学院正在筹备一场纪念哀悼会。
16. In Japan, the focus will be on honoring the dead, and moving on with life. 在日本,接下来人们关心的是对死者的悼念以及重新开始生活。
17. 死去何所道,托体同山阿。
18. 逝者已逝,愿一路走好。
19. The mourning hall is crowed with relatives and friends of the deceased. All people are mourning the death. 灵堂里面聚满了死者生前的亲友, 大家都怀着悲痛的心情悼亡伤逝。
20. 请接受我的哀悼。
21. In it he found a group of mourners assembled in the east Room of the White House and upon inquiring who was dead, he was told that it was President Loncoln. 在梦中,他看到一群悼念者齐聚白宫东厅,他询问死者是谁,人们告诉他,死者是林肯总统。
22. Perhaps the most moving tributes at the funeral came from Senator Kennedy's two sons. 葬礼上最为感人的悼念可能来自参议员肯尼迪的两个儿子。
23. xxxFirst of all,xxx interposed Laigle, xxxI demand permission to embalm Blondeau in a few phrases of deeply felt eulogium. “首先,”赖格尔抢着说,“我要求用几句心坎上的话向勃隆多悼念一番。
24. Street tributes went up from Paris to Karachi, from Moscow to Mexico City. 街上的悼念者越来越多,从巴黎到卡拉奇,从莫斯科到墨西哥城。
25. At noon (6 . ET), just before the two-minute memorial, thousands of bells and sirens rung out to commemorate the dead. 当地时间中午,两分钟的默哀开始前一刻,波兰各地钟声和汽笛长鸣,以悼念这些死难者。
26. 呜呼,愿父亲在地下安息!
27. 一年一清明,一岁一追思。
28. See pictures of people around the world mourning Michael Jackson. 看全球人悼念迈克尔杰克逊的图片.
29. 一壶酒,祭奠过往的追思。
30. Uma pequena homenagem a uma grande banda. 小悼念一个伟大的乐队。
31. 愿你天堂快乐,永无病痛!
32. In Massachusetts at a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches. 在马萨诸塞州,守丧时代,悼念者只能吃三个三明治。
33. During the memorial sequence, my son figured out something was wrong. 放那个悼念的连续镜头时,我儿子觉出了有些不对头。
34. This is the stage where a person mourns the past. 这是人们悼念过去的一个阶段。
35. Hundreds of firefighters gathered at the fire command post Friday to honor their fallen comrades. 数百名消防人员星期五聚集在消防指挥站,悼念他们逝去的战友。
36. We lament (over) his death. 我们哀悼他的逝世。
37. 父亲走了,我的心好痛。
38. 愿逝者安,生者安!
39. 凛冬已散去,愿逝者安息!
40. Family members mourned the loss of their loved ones at the World Trade Center. 家属在世贸中心悼念死难者。
41. 愿逝者安息,一切安好!
42. 爸,别走,我想您了!
43. 生老病死乃人之常情。
44. 欲挂坟前剑,重听膝上琴。
45. Up and down the har
46. Memorial service began, all the participants to the xxxwar deadxxx observed a minute. 追悼仪式开始时,全体出席者向“战死者”默哀1分钟。
47. Messages in memoriam hung on a picture of the Cheonan naval vessel in Seoul Tuesday. 韩国海军天安舰纪念照片上贴满人们的悼念;首尔。
48. Women mourn and gaze up at the entrance of the damaged building. 两位女士凝视着被大火焚毁大楼的入口处悼念亡者。
49. She mourned for her dead child. 她哀悼她那死去的孩子。
50. 逝者已矣,珍惜眼前吧。
51. The mourners filed past the coffin. 悼念者们排队走过棺材。
52. 清明节到了,愿逝者安息。
53. 亲戚或余悲,他人亦已歌。
54. Come mix & mingle with Denver’s top IE6 mourners. 来和丹佛的IE6悼念者们聚会下吧。
55. Held in Moscow the day mourning for the victims. 莫斯科为死难者举行一天哀悼。
56. 向英雄致敬,为逝者哀悼!
57. 愿你知道,我们一切都好!
58. 父亲走了,我的心也空了。
59. 谢谢你们为我们负重前行!
60. Much of the speech was dedicated to its core function: to commemorate the dead and comfort those in mourning. 他演讲的中心思想就是:悼念逝者,抚慰生者。
61. Clusters of lit candles flicker outside the presidential palace where mourners are still leaving flowers. 总统府外烛光摇曳,悼念者还在那里摆放了鲜花。
62. Some mourners wrote inscriptions on the wooden barriers of the pools. 有些悼念者还在水池旁的木框上写下话语。
63. A makeshift memorial urges residents of Shanghai not to cry as they remember the fire victims and push for countrywide safety reform. 街头悼念的招贴要上海人悼念亡者时不哭,推进在全国范围内的安全改革。
64. Lamenting the dead children of the air. 哀悼苍天的那些夭逝的儿女!
65. The people mourned over the death of the president. 悲悼总统的逝世。
66. Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of the two boys. 上千悼念者参加了那两个男孩的葬礼。
67. 早逝的父亲,永远的心殇。
68. 愿天堂无痛苦,养母安息。
69. 向英雄致敬,为逝者默哀。
70. 希望你在天堂过得幸福。
71. People visited and put the petals into the ship under the sea to mourn for the martyrs. 人们在参观的时候悼念殉难者,将花瓣撒向海中的沉舰。
72. In Memorial of Lossen Souls Who Perished with RMS Titanic. 悼念和铁达尼号葬身大洋的灵魂。
73. 点点愁思,几多离人泪!
74. He had fought for years against cancer. Mourners gathered outside his house in Palo Alto, California, and Apple stores around the world. 他已与癌症斗争多年,悼念者聚集在他在加利福尼亚州帕罗阿尔托的房子,和在世界各地的苹果专卖店之外。
75. At noon (6 a. m. ET), just before the two-minute memorial, thousands of bells and sirens rung out to commemorate the dead. 当地时间中午,两分钟的默哀开始前一刻,波兰各地钟声和汽笛长鸣,以悼念这些死难者。
76. 祝生者安康,珍惜当下!
77. Many will pine again for such a strong leader, forgetting how such leaders punish the weak. 许多人再次悼念如此一个强有力的领导者,却忘记了领导者是如何制裁弱者的。
78. 父亲走了,永远地走了。
79. Mourners also gathered in Bikfaya, where Gemayel's coffin was brought to his family's home. 悼念者聚集现在比克费亚,杰马耶勒的灵柩已经被送回他在比克费亚的傢中。
80. He was joined by survivors of the attack at a ceremony honoring those who died and were injured while working for peace. 潘基文和袭击的幸存者一起出席了纪念仪式,悼念那些为和平工作而丧生或受伤的人。
81. He's mourning for my soul… I'm all alone. 他为我的灵魂悼念…我独自孤零。
82. Give something that will live on. Consider skipping the flowers. Perhaps share a memento, or make a charitable donation to honor the deceased. 送一些能够延续下去的东西。不妨跳过鲜花,也许可以分享一本纪念册,或者做一些慈善捐款来悼念逝去的人。
83. 英魂归来日,正是春芳菲。
84. The idea for memorialising users profile pages came after Kelly's best friend, a fellow Facebook employee, died in a motorbike accident. 建立用户悼念页面的理念来源于Kelly一位最好的朋友,一位死于摩托车事故的Facebook职员。
85. Last Wish: That his wife hold an annual seance so he could reveal himself to her. 遗愿:要求他妻子每年举办一次悼念会使得他能出现在她面前。
86. 纪叟黄泉里,还应酿老春。
87. Let's mourn for the dead in xxxxxx earthquake and let peace be with them. 让我们为“”大地震中逝去的死者而哀悼,愿他们灵魂安详。
88. 深深地,在心底怀念父亲!
89. 春暖花已开,愿生者奋发!
90. 愿逝者安息,生者释怀。
91. 悼念已逝的亲人的日子 The day of mourning dead relatives 悼念已逝的亲人的日子 The day of mourning dead relatives
92. 天堂路远,愿君一路平安。
93. 慈父,愿老人一路走好!
94. Makeshift memorials like this one have appeared as the city mourns its loss. 城市在悼念亡者,像这样的街头悼念形式出现了。
95. Today I mourn the loss of a dear friend. 今天,我悼念我去世的一位好朋友。
96. 愿逝者安息,愿生者奋发。
97. People mourn the deaths of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and 94 other dignitaries during Sunday Memorial Services at Holy Trinity Polish Church Sunday, April 11, 2010, in Chicago. 人们在悼念圣三一教堂礼拜波兰,xx年xx月xx日,波兰总统卡钦斯基,他的妻子,和其他政要的死亡94在芝加哥在周日的追悼会。
98. 愿诸君,安息!
99. 愿逝者安息,愿英魂永存!
100. 恐伤慈母意,暗向枕边流。
101. 唯愿逝者安息,生者坚强!
102. 墓前寄哀思,泪水表祭奠。
103. The country came to a halt for two minutes at noon as sirens blared to remember the dead. 当日中午,波兰举国哀悼2分钟,汽笛长鸣,以悼死者。
104. 死者长已矣,存者永怀悲!