下雪的心情英语句子 篇一
Winter Wonderland: Snowy Sentiments
The first snowfall of the year always brings a sense of excitement and wonder. The world becomes blanketed in a soft, white layer, transforming the ordinary into something magical. The snowflakes fall gently from the sky, each one unique and delicate, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere. It is during these moments that our hearts are filled with joy and our spirits are lifted.
As the snowflakes dance through the air, they create a symphony of silence. The world seems to slow down, as if time itself has frozen. It is in this stillness that we find solace and tranquility. The hustle and bustle of everyday life fades away, replaced by a sense of calmness and serenity. The snow-covered landscape becomes a canvas, inviting us to explore and discover its hidden beauty.
Walking through the snow-covered streets, we are filled with a childlike sense of wonder. Each step leaves a mark, a reminder that we are a part of something greater. The crunching sound beneath our feet echoes in the crisp winter air, a melody that only nature can create. We cannot help but smile as we see our breath turn to mist, a visible reminder of the coldness that surrounds us.
The sight of snow-covered trees and rooftops never fails to bring a sense of awe. The world becomes a winter wonderland, with nature displaying its artistic talents. The branches of trees are adorned with delicate icicles, glistening in the sunlight. The rooftops are transformed into fluffy white blankets, providing a cozy shelter from the cold. It is in these moments that we truly appreciate the beauty of nature and the wonders it can create.
Snow also has a way of bringing people together. Friends and families gather to build snowmen and have snowball fights. Laughter fills the air as snowflakes are thrown playfully, creating a sense of camaraderie and joy. The coldness of the winter is forgotten, replaced by the warmth of human connection. It is during these moments that memories are made, and bonds are strengthened.
As the day comes to an end, and the sun sets behind the snow-covered horizon, a sense of gratitude fills our hearts. We are grateful for the beauty and tranquility that snow brings into our lives. We are grateful for the joy and laughter that it inspires. And most of all, we are grateful for the reminder that even in the coldest of winters, there is beauty and warmth to be found.
Winter Wonderland: Snowy Sentiments
Winter is a season filled with enchantment and wonder. When the first snowflakes start to fall, a sense of magic fills the air. The world is transformed into a snowy paradise, and our hearts are filled with joy and excitement. It is during these moments that we truly appreciate the beauty and serenity that snow brings.
The sight of snowflakes falling gently from the sky is a mesmerizing sight. Each snowflake is unique, with its own intricate pattern. They float gracefully through the air, creating a sense of awe and wonder. It is as if nature is painting a masterpiece, one snowflake at a time. The pure white blanket that covers the ground creates a sense of purity and innocence, reminding us of the beauty that exists in the world.
Walking through a snowy landscape is a truly magical experience. The snow crunches beneath our feet, creating a symphony of sound. The world seems to be in a state of hushed silence, as if nature itself is whispering a secret. The cold air nips at our cheeks, reminding us of the season we are in. But despite the chill, our hearts are filled with warmth and joy. The beauty of the snow-covered trees and rooftops is a sight to behold. It is as if we have entered a different world, one where everything is peaceful and serene.
Snow also has a way of bringing people together. Friends and families gather to build snowmen and make snow angels. Laughter fills the air as snowballs are thrown playfully. The coldness of the winter is forgotten, replaced by the warmth of human connection. It is during these moments that memories are made, and bonds are strengthened. Snow has a way of reminding us of the importance of cherishing the present moment and the people we hold dear.
As the sun sets and the snow-covered landscape becomes bathed in a soft, golden light, a sense of tranquility washes over us. We are reminded of the beauty and serenity that winter brings. We are reminded of the joy and happiness that snow can inspire. And most of all, we are reminded of the magic that exists in the world, waiting to be discovered.
In conclusion, the snowy season is a time of wonder and joy. It brings out the childlike excitement in all of us and reminds us of the beauty that exists in the world. As the snowflakes fall gently from the sky, our hearts are filled with warmth and gratitude. Winter truly is a wonderland, where nature showcases its artistic talents and brings people together. So, let us embrace the snowy season with open arms and cherish the moments of magic and wonder it brings.
下雪的心情英语句子 篇三
1. 今天多少度?零下10度 combien fait-il aujourd’hiu? il fait mois d’aot?
2. Create good memories today, so that you can have a good past。
3. It seems to be clearing up.
4. After a short while, we both felt so cold that we couldn’t speak a word. The world seemed very quiet. I suddenly found there was a lot of thin ice dropping from the sky. “Ice!” I shouted to Charlie who soon became excited the same as me. We expected for the snow but nothing happened.
5. 寒流将造成大幅降温 la vague de froid entranera une importante baisse de
6. 那年冬天的雪,渗透了谁的心
7. Blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth.
8. 我冷。 j’ai froid.
9. 天气干燥。 il fait sec
10. 雪很美,当它落下来的那一刻,就注定要化成水。
11. 冰雹砸着玻璃窗。 la grêlons fouette (frappe) les vitres.
12. 雪让人的感觉只有一个字——冷。大地一片银白,一片洁净,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鹅毛从天空飘飘洒洒。
13. 这时候正是早上八九点钟,明亮的阳光在树叶上涂了一圈又一圈金色银色的光环。
14. 树枝挂满了白霜 les arbres sont chargés de givre.
15. xxxYou jump I jump 原来最好的翻译是生死相随 xxx
16. A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.
17. 飘落的雪,带着思念的伤
18. I never wanted to be your whole life. Just your favorite part.
19. 降霜 il fait du givre.(du frimas).
20. 大雪纷飞,盖满大地 des flocons de neige tourbillonnent et couvrent la
21. Lovely day [weather], isn't it?
22. There will be occasional showers in southeast England, some of them perhaps heavy.
23. 我们地区冬天和夏天的温差不大。 les écarts de température entre l’hiver et
24. 天气不好。 il fait mauvais.
25. He doesn't even know I exist.
26. 在一场大雪过后冷的不过是我的身体,最凉的还是我的内心,该用什么什么去温暖被你伤的彻彻底底。
27. 多热的天,咱们进屋吧,屋里凉爽一点。 quelle chaleur! entrons dans la
28. Active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash!
29. 夏天,气温可高达42度。 en été , la température peut monter(s’élever)
30. It's getting warmer (and warmer)。
31. Emotion is the innate weakness of human.
32. 天冷,地冻得很硬。 le froid géle le sol.
33. Every thing is gonna be alright.
34. 气温多高? qu’indique le thermomètre?
35. 冰雹越下越大。 les grêlons tombent de plus en plus.
36. 天气温和。 il fait doux.(bon,tiède)
37. 寒流是从北方过来的。 la vague de froid descend du nord.
38. Thicker cloud with occasional rain or drizzle will spread into some western areas during the night.
39. 我们晒太阳取暖。 nous nous chauffons au soleil.
40. Blessedness is of comparative degree,you will feel it with more ease when there is something under you.
41. Its freezing in here - can I close the window?
42. 是不是下着雪我不打伞,就能一齐到白头。
43. If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed.
44. 经典英文美文摘抄短篇欣赏带翻译
45. 天真热,我从来没有碰到过这么热的天。 qu’il fait chaud aujourd’hui! je n’ai
46. Terrible weather, isn't it?
47. 纯洁的雪,洗濯肮脏的世界,邂逅的只是安静的大地。
48. It was a cold and frosty morning.
49. Age wrinkles the wrinkles the soul.
50. 今天有太阳。 il fait du soleil.
51. 雨是心滴下的眼泪;雪却是心冷成冰,却又不忍失去柔软,而凝成的感伤。
52. 明天气xxx今天还要高。 la température de demain sera encore plus élevée
53. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture.
54. 雪,仿佛一位纯洁的少女,在白茫茫的世界里婷婷玉立;雪,仿佛一片洁白的云朵,在蔚蓝的天空中飘来飘去;雪,仿佛一朵雏菊的花瓣随风洒落,飘荡在你是心里。
55. 寒气袭人。 le froid est pénétrant (ivf,perant,mordant)
56. 心情是激动的,想看见雪;心口是冰凉的,又老一岁。
57. 冬天,气温可下降到零下30度。 en hiver, la température peut descendre
58. 这场雪那么大,是不是上天白头。
59. 天热得受不了。 il fait une chaleur torride (acablante, insupportable).
60. It looks as if it's going to rain.
61. 曾经,我约定一起沐浴这个冬天的第一场雪,虽然第一场雪来的有点晚,但它还是来,可是你却不见,我的约定被搁浅在岁月里。
62. 飘落的雪,带着思念的伤。
63. 此时下雪,那个你你那边是否也在下着雪,你在雪中是否收到我对你的思念!
64. 冬天的雪真的好冷,好冷,我此刻从来没有感到这样的孤独。仿佛我站在一个被世界遗弃的角落,仿佛我是一个被全世界抛弃的浪人。
65. 希望这样一年一年再过一年同样又是冬天你说过陪我看雪!
66. 燕山雪花大如席,纷纷吹落轩辕台。
67. It's clearing up.
下雪的心情英语句子 篇四
1. What a big snow I have never seen! What a beautiful snow I have never enjoy.
2. Before I met you I never knew what it was like; to look at someone and smile for no reason。
3. Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune.
4. It's going to rain.
5. 雪伴随忧愁散落一地,雪化,那心中的羁绊呢。
6. 天空晴朗,万里无云。 il fait clair,asns nuages.
7. I think the rain is going to last all day.
8. If you asked me whether I had seen a big snow before that day, I would tell you I couldn’t remember. But during that period I got the answer.
9. 雪见嫁人,龙葵恋爱,菜牙你要好好的`。
10. I don't think the rain would last long.
11. 我浑身是汗,我要洗个澡。 je suis tout en cueur,(en nage) je vais prendre
12. Elsewhere is mainly dry with some sunshine, but heavy showers possible central and southeast England on Tuesday.
13. 今天阴天 il fait un temps gris.
14. It was so cold that I was shivering.
15. 天气潮湿。 il fait humide.
16. 我的手冻木了。 j’ai les mains transies (gelées).
17. A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one.
18. 只见蒙蒙细雨之中,银白色的“珍珠”漫天洒落,宛如仙女的舞裙,又似天使的白羽。雪,越下越大,给山川大地披上了一层厚厚的棉衣,连我们院子也不例外。
19. 我是千堆雪你是长街,怕日出一到彼此瓦解。
20. 今天温度比昨天更低。 la température d’aujourd’hui est plus bassw que celle
21. Rather cold today, isn't it?
22. 一场雪下不尽冬天的冷漠。
23. 结冰 il géle.
24. Its a bit parky today, love - youll want your coat!
25. 你不给孩子多穿点衣服,他就会会着凉的。 votre enfant prendra froid, si vous
26. 都渴望雪,就像是一种注定的心情。我亦是凡人,就像空中千万朵小雪花中的一朵,平凡而又晶莹,把自己玲珑剔透成一片神圣,寒冷时,有棱有雨,温暖时,甘心融化。
27. 把窗户打开,把电扇也打开,使房间凉快一点。 ouvrez les fenêtres et mettez en
28. A successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person.
29. 心里一直有个解不开的节,不知是自己想太多还是自作多情。总感觉彼此的关系犹如雪一样,一时大一时小,一时贴近一时疏远。
30. Tonight has any showers dying away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods.
31. 现在下雪了不咧,你们晓得滴告诉我噻。
32. 你们地区最高温度多少? quelle est la température maximale(la plus élevée)de
33. 冬季残歌,寒风萧瑟,伫立落雪盼着你细步而来,待安好笑颜。听,小雪花飘零梅树枝头,傲骨寒梅正迎风雪笑,你是否会有几丝欣慰吧。
34. It looks like rain [raining].
35. 气温变化于零下10度和零上42度之间。 la température varie entre -10° et
36. 走,乘凉去。 allons prendre le frais.
37. He who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well.
38. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.
39. Every day may not be good…but there's something good in every day.
40. 那轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大,变厚,密密麻麻的。
41. 感到凉意。 le froid se fait sentir.
42. Don't argue with me, every word comes out of your mouth would be the solid evidence of hurting me.
43. Dream is like you have it,youcan not show it to everyone you meet.
44. 每个人,都有命运赋予自己要走的路。这条路有时候宽阔,有时候狭窄。不过,只要平心静气,满怀希望地走下去,必然有一条路为你敞开。
45. 现在下雪不咧,你晓得滴告诉我噻。
46. 阳光使冰雪消融。 le soleil fait fondre la glace.
47. 在我们那儿,同一天里气温常常相差很大。 chez nous,il y a souvent de grands é
48. 那年冬天雪地里的温存如今我独自哭泣。
49. 绿松上的雪,使孤独的旅人听到了圣音。
50. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.
51. 我喜欢天气热的.地方,我怕冷。 je préfére les pays chauds,je ne supporte pas
52. 弹指一挥间,流年不复返。风雪交错的夜里,月色显得有些苍茫,窗外的灯火也不似从前那般明亮。只有我依旧如此,欣赏着夜的凄美,品味着夜的芬芳。
53. 今天天气怎么样? quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
54. 忽然下的一场雪,飘得那么纯洁,将我埋葬在你的世界,冰封我爱的期限,却让痛,成为永远。
55. 夜里河水冻了。 la rivière a gelé pendant la nuit.
56. The ice turned white and turned to snow quietly. We were immersed in it without any word. From little to big, the snow changed out of my imagination. With the wind blowing heavily, the snow beat on my face, hair and covered all over my body. We couldn’t help shaking in the snow. We opened our mouths to taste the icy snow, stood still in the snow, and enjoyed the wonderful scene ourselves.
57. Im frozen - could you close the window?
58. 最低气温是多少? quelle est la température minimale(la plus basse)de la
59. All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the Albom.
60. 房顶上覆盖着霜 les toits sont couverts de givre.
61. We're going to have a snowfall today.
62. The bathroom gets chilly in the winter.
63. 雪伴随忧愁散落一地,雪化了,那心中的羁绊呢
64. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.
65. 今天气温多高;零度 quelle est la température fait-il aujourd’hui. zéro degr
66. actions speak louder than words.
67. He leant forward to protect himself against the biting wind.
68. 我的脚冻了,暖不过来。 j’ai les pieds gelés, je n’arrive pas à me ré
69. If you lived in the north, you might think it was nothing. But the following thing was more unreal. A bird, a beautiful parrot, like an angel, flew from the sky onto Charlie’s shoulder and then flew to my shoulder. I didn’t know how to expremy feelings, only enjoying it. The parrot didn’t seem to leave. How fantastic, I thought.
70. 千里黄云白日,北风吹雁雪纷纷。
71. . Nothing is impossible for a willing heart(心之所愿无所不成)[坚持一个简单的信念就一定会成功]
72. 暴风雪席卷着北方 une tempête de neige se déchane dans le nord.
73. Very hot today, isn't it?
74. 这一场错逢与眉目清雅,肤若残雪,十八的的艺,擦肩在那个转角。
75. Can't sleep at night. Can't get up in the morning.
76. I would never forget that day.
77. 寒流冻坏了蔬菜和果树的花朵。 un coup de froid a gelé les légumes et les
78. 你要尝试走一个人的路,享受一个人的时光。You h*e to try to go your own way and enjoy your own time
79. 天热得喘不过气来。 c’est irrespirable.
80. 下雪 il neige.
81. 给我们一点饮料喝,凉快凉快。 donnez-nous à boire quelque chose qui nous
82. The rain is setting in.
83. 一场雪下不尽冬天的冷漠,朝如青丝暮成雪。
84. 有多久没有这样,看漫天飞雪,想前尘往事。浮现脑海中的句子却是,多少情爱在现实的风雪中涅灭。
85. 白雪不会一直下不停,你会不会一直在我身边?
86. Buried city, to shut all lights.
87. 冰在零度时融化 la glace fond à 0 °c
88. 你鼻子尖都冻红了,到暧气那暖暖。 tu as le bout de nez tout rouge. va te
89. 解冻 il dégèle.
90. 我冻坏了。 je gèle. (je caille.)
91. Wrap up warmly - its bitter outside.
92. Its a bit nippy today , you might need a coat.
93. I'm so sorry it has turned out wet.
94. You must be chilly without a coat on.
95. 他走了不一会儿,从嘴里、鼻孔里喷出来的团团热气便凝成了一层层霜花儿,冻结在皮帽四周,恰似一顶银色的头盔戴在他那冻得通红的脸膛上。
96. Don't waste your time on a man,who isn't willing to waste their time on you.
97. Every story has an in life, every end is a new beginning.
98. The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces.
99. Everbody will make mistakes,that's why they put erasers on the end of pencils.
100. 天气好极了。 il fait un temps magnifique.(splendide)
101. 肮脏的心灵,被洁白的雪覆盖住。
102. When I went out for school from home, I was doomed to get a wonder. Everything seemed unlucky to me. I left the umbrella at home; I couldn’t unlock my bike and a big truck held up the traffic, which took me above 5 minutes to pathe road. At last I met Charlie and we were both late for the maths class. If it happened the day before, we would go to our seats without saying anything. But today we were forced to stand outside in the cold wind because of the head teacher’s bad mood. I didn’t want to say anything. It was useless. So I began to stand with Charlie.
103. 当赤道留住雪花。眼泪融掉细沙,你肯珍惜我吗?
104. I hope it will keep fine.
105. 你尝过雪的味道么,凉凉的,一下子就能透到心里。
106. Destiny determines who comes into our lives but it's the heart that decides who stays inside.
107. I don't give a shit on your care the least about me.
108. 天寒地冻。 il fait glacial.(il fait froid à pierre fendre.)
109. 我一直走,走到有你的世界里——下雪天
110. I don't know where I am going,but I am on my way.
111. 天冷。 il fait froid.
112. 寒流终于过去了。 la vague de froid s’est enfin retirée.
113. 我试着一个人站在冬季的马路上,抬头看着天空,望着一片片白云从我头顶飘过,那是,我的内心像掏空一样,没有任何依靠,朋友说,那时的我,就像一个孩子―天真,但无助,总想用双手去抚慰她。我疑惑。
114. 下小雪 il tombe une neige fine.
115. 天很冷。 il fait très froid.(il fait un froid de canard. )
116. 天气凉爽。 il fait frais.
117. 一阵冰雹把蔬菜的水果全毁了 une averse de grêle a détruit (saccagé)les lé
118. 下冰雹。 il grêle. (il tombe de la grêle.)
119. 雪中看心,心灰意冷。一切都是白色的,一切只为你。慢慢看雪,等待。
120. I understand you have called content, and you don't understand is th.
121. 烈日当空 il fait un soleil brlant.(quel soleil de plomb!)
122. Don't realize too much which will let you down.
123. 雪儿飘洒随风飞扬,落触肌肤沁透心房,女孩踏雪娇柔眸亮,发髻素雅淡香,是醉人的佳酿。
124. 雪仙子在尽情地挥舞着衣袖;在飘飘洒洒的弹奏中,天地河山,清纯洁净,没有泥潭。
125. 八月份平均气温多少? quelle est la température moyenne du mois d’aot?
126. Nice and warm today, isn't it?
127. 今天大太阳,戴上草帽。 mettez un chapeau de paille, il y a beaucoup de
128. Coffee is lonely without cups just as I am lonely without you.
129. 我探出头,看见窗外那纯洁的雪花飘落,又是一场轮回的结束,一切又回到远点,开始。
130. 冬天要注意多穿一点衣服。 il faut avoir soin de bien se couvrir en hier.
131. The snow became smaller and smaller after class. Maybe we lost something, but we got something, too. I didn’t know what it meant. I only wished to believe it would bring me good luck.
132. 一团团一簇簇的雪飞落下来,仿佛无数扯碎了的棉花球从天空翻滚而下。
133. 如果你要一枝花那么我给你整片花海,如果你要一片雪花那么我给你一场雪,如果你要自由那么我给你自由。
134. 多少的执着输给了时间,多少的泪水流过青春。How much dedication lost to the time , how much tears flow through the youth
135. 一座座古老的风车,风车的风叶像张开的翅膀,迎风转动,与绿草、野花构成了独特的景致更为这童话般世界增添神奇色彩!
下雪的心情英语句子 篇五
1. 忽然下的那场雪,飘的那么纯洁,将我埋葬在你的世界。
2. I did believe the snow was not only a scene but a great wonder as well.
It bought me much more than it had.
3. 这屋子真热,你把窗打开,让人透透气。 qu’esr-ce qu’il fait chaud dans cette
4. It's beginning to rain.
5. 黄昏的雪,深切切的,好象有千丝万缕的情绪似的,又像海水一般汹涌,能够淹没一切,还有一丝揭开藏头露尾般的裸露感。雪花形态万千、晶莹透亮,好象出征的战士,披着银色的盔甲,又像是一片片白色的战帆在远航……
6. I hope the weather stays this way.
7. Being single doesn't mean that you don't know anything about love.
8. From Sunday to Tuesday, it will be cloudy with occasional drizzle in western and northwestern areas, especially around coasts and hills.
9. 雪树银花,燃烧红唇一瓣怒。
10. 你知道雪为什么是白色的吗?因为它忘记原来的颜色。
11. The evening was cold and raw.
12. 一场雪,有多少心里想着希望有人可以陪她看雪。
13. If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.
14. However long the night, the dawn will break.
15. 想不出什么增进彼此的办法,雪停后依旧,寒冷如故。
16. 街道上都覆盖一层薄冰 les rues sont couvertes de verglas.
17. Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best 's all for myself to live better.
18. I'm so glad it has turned out fine.
19. It was too great and too beautiful that I couldn’t imagine. How fantastic it was! With the snow dropping on my body, I didn’t want to move though it was so cold.
20. 热得像火炉 c’est un four!
21. 北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。
22. 雪,在下着,飘飘扬扬地从天上落下,落到屋顶上,落到地上,很轻盈,如小猫的脚步一般。雪中,有几块晶莹的冰块,在闪闪发光。树,被雪穿上了衣服,白帽子,白棉袄,白围巾,好一个纯白天地。
23. Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.