婚礼中英祝福语 篇一
1. 祝福你们永远幸福快乐,生生世世相守相伴。
Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and love.
2. 愿你们的婚姻充满欢乐和爱,长长久久。
May your marriage be filled with joy and love that lasts forever.
3. 祝你们在婚姻生活中彼此扶持,相互理解,共同成长。
Wishing you both support, understanding, and growth in your marriage.
4. 愿你们的爱情如同烛光一般,永不熄灭。
May your love shine like a candle that never goes out.
5. 祝福你们的婚姻幸福美满,永远快乐。
Wishing you a happy and blissful marriage that lasts forever.
6. 愿你们的婚姻像美丽的花朵一样绽放,永不凋谢。
May your marriage bloom like a beautiful flower that never fades.
7. 祝你们永远相亲相爱,携手走过人生的每一个阶段。
Wishing you a lifetime of love and companionship as you journey through life together.
8. 愿你们的爱情像星星一样闪耀,永不熄灭。
May your love shine like the stars and never fade away.
9. 祝福你们拥有一个幸福美满的家庭,永远幸福快乐。
Wishing you a happy and prosperous family that is forever filled with joy.
10. 愿你们的婚姻像一首美丽的乐曲,永远动人心弦。
May your marriage be like a beautiful melody that always touches the heart.
婚礼中英祝福语 篇二
1. May your love continue to grow stronger each day. 愿你们的爱情日益增长。
2. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness together. 祝你们永远幸福快乐。
3. May your marriage be filled with laughter and love. 愿你们的婚姻充满欢笑和爱情。
4. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage. 祝你们婚姻长久幸福。
5. May your hearts be forever intertwined. 愿你们的心永远相连。
6. Wishing you both a lifetime of joy and togetherness. 祝你们永远快乐幸福。
7. May your love be a beacon of light in the darkest of times. 愿你们的爱情成为黑暗时刻的明灯。
8. Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness. 祝你们拥有一生的爱情、笑声和幸福。
9. May your marriage be as beautiful as your wedding day. 愿你们的婚姻像婚礼一样美丽。
10. Wishing you a future filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities. 祝你们的未来充满爱、快乐和无限可能。
婚礼中英祝福语 篇三
I wish you a happy knot, happiness is sweeter than honey!
2 、祝相爱年年岁岁,相知岁岁年年!
I wish you can love each other year by year.
Happy people wear wedding dresses, love opens flowers at the moment.
4 、两情相悦同心圆,喜结良缘渡同船。
The two love each other with the same heart.
5 、祝新婚快乐,如意吉祥,爱情甜蜜!
I wish you a happy marriage, good luck and sweet love.
6 、花好月圆盼美满,情投意合到永远。
Happy and full of happiness.
7 、祝福我们的新人婚姻幸福,白头偕老!
We wish our new marriage happiness and a long life together!