
送给外国好友的结婚祝福贺词英文版 篇一

Dear [Friend's Name],

On this special day, as you and your partner embark on this beautiful journey of marriage, I want to send you my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes. Marriage is a sacred bond that brings two souls together in love and companionship, and I am so happy to see the two of you taking this step together.

May your marriage be filled with love, joy, and understanding. May you always support each other through the ups and downs of life, and may your bond grow stronger with each passing day. I have no doubt that the love you share will continue to deepen and flourish, creating a lifetime of beautiful memories and moments that you will cherish forever.

As you exchange vows and make promises to each other today, remember to always communicate openly, listen with compassion, and never forget the reasons why you fell in love in the first place. Keep the spark alive, nurture your relationship, and never take each other for granted.

I am honored to witness this special day in your lives and I am filled with joy for the love that you both share. May your marriage be a source of strength, happiness, and endless love. Congratulations on your wedding day, and may your future together be filled with laughter, love, and blessings.

With love and warm wishes,

[Your Name]

送给外国好友的结婚祝福贺词英文版 篇二

To my dearest [Friend's Name] and [Partner's Name],

As you stand before each other today, ready to embark on the journey of marriage, I want to express my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to both of you. Marriage is a beautiful union of two hearts, a commitment to love, honor, and cherish each other for eternity, and I am so happy to see the two of you taking this step together.

May your marriage be filled with love, laughter, and endless happiness. May you always find strength and solace in each other's arms, and may your love continue to grow and deepen with each passing year. May you build a life together that is filled with joy, peace, and harmony, and may your bond be unbreakable through all of life's challenges.

As you exchange vows and rings today, remember the promises you make to each other and hold them close to your hearts. Remember to always communicate openly, show appreciation and gratitude for each other, and never forget to say "I love you" every day. Keep the flame of love burning bright, and let it light up your lives with warmth and happiness.

I am so honored to witness this special moment in your lives, and I am filled with joy for the love that you both share. May your marriage be a source of blessings, fulfillment, and endless love. Congratulations on your wedding day, and may your future together be filled with all the happiness and love in the world.

With love and best wishes,

[Your Name]

送给外国好友的结婚祝福贺词英文版 篇三


  ●God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于



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