
英语说课稿 篇一

Title: Teaching Plan for Teaching English Listening Skills

I. Introduction

Hello everyone, today I am going to present my teaching plan for teaching English listening skills. Listening is one of the fundamental language skills and plays a crucial role in language acquisition. As a teacher, it is important for us to provide students with opportunities to practice and improve their listening abilities.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. To help students improve their listening comprehension skills

2. To enhance students' ability to understand different accents and speech patterns

3. To develop students' ability to extract key information from listening passages

III. Teaching Strategies

1. Pre-listening activities: Before playing the listening passage, I will engage students in activities such as predicting the topic, brainstorming relevant vocabulary, and setting a purpose for listening.

2. While-listening activities: During the listening task, I will encourage students to listen for specific information, take notes, and answer comprehension questions.

3. Post-listening activities: After the listening passage is played, I will facilitate a discussion to check students' understanding, analyze the listening passage, and provide feedback on their performance.

IV. Teaching Materials

1. Authentic listening passages: I will select authentic listening materials such as TED Talks, podcasts, and news reports to expose students to real-life English conversations.

2. Worksheets: I will prepare worksheets with comprehension questions, vocabulary exercises, and discussion topics related to the listening passages.

V. Assessment

1. Formative assessment: I will assess students' listening skills through observations, participation in class discussions, and completion of listening tasks.

2. Summative assessment: At the end of the unit, I will administer a listening comprehension test to evaluate students' listening abilities.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, teaching English listening skills requires a combination of engaging activities, authentic materials, and effective assessment strategies. By implementing this teaching plan, I aim to help students improve their listening comprehension skills and become more confident in their ability to understand spoken English. Thank you for listening.

英语说课稿 篇二

Title: Teaching Plan for Teaching English Speaking Skills

I. Introduction

Hello everyone, today I will be presenting my teaching plan for teaching English speaking skills. Speaking is a crucial language skill that allows students to communicate effectively and express their thoughts and ideas. As a teacher, it is important for us to provide students with opportunities to practice and improve their speaking abilities.

II. Teaching Objectives

1. To help students improve their spoken fluency and accuracy

2. To enhance students' ability to express themselves clearly and confidently

3. To develop students' skills in different types of speaking tasks, such as conversations, presentations, and discussions

III. Teaching Strategies

1. Warm-up activities: To start the lesson, I will engage students in warm-up activities such as tongue twisters, role-plays, or discussion prompts to get them speaking and thinking in English.

2. Speaking tasks: I will design a variety of speaking tasks for students to practice different aspects of speaking, such as pronunciation, intonation, and fluency.

3. Feedback and correction: During speaking activities, I will provide feedback on students' performance, correct errors, and encourage them to improve their speaking skills.

IV. Teaching Materials

1. Speaking prompts: I will prepare speaking prompts on various topics, such as personal experiences, current events, or hypothetical situations, to stimulate students' speaking abilities.

2. Visual aids: I will use visual aids such as pictures, videos, and charts to support speaking tasks and provide context for the topics of discussion.

V. Assessment

1. Formative assessment: I will assess students' speaking skills through observations, participation in speaking activities, and peer evaluations.

2. Summative assessment: At the end of the unit, I will conduct a speaking assessment to evaluate students' speaking fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary usage.

VI. Conclusion

In conclusion, teaching English speaking skills requires a combination of engaging activities, relevant materials, and constructive feedback. By implementing this teaching plan, I aim to help students improve their spoken English and become more confident and proficient speakers. Thank you for your attention.

英语说课稿 篇三




  Lesson13: 《How’s The Weather Today ?》是小学英语第四册unit2 Days and Months中的一课。本单元围绕月份、序数词、节日、时间、天气等话题展开对话。在本课中,Li Ming已回到中国学校,他和英语老师谈论了有关天气的情况,由此引出了本课的教学重点描述天气状况的形容词及How’s the weather today ? It’s ______.这个描述天气的句式。教学内容形象、直观、贴近生活,易于学生理解和接受。


  本节课的授课对象是小学四年级的学生,他们想象力丰富,乐于参加表演,喜欢做游戏,急于得到别人特别是老师的肯定。从心理学角度分析,孩子们需要被发现、被认可、被肯定的感觉。(我在教学中会用"You can do it.""That’ s great."" You have a good idea. "等话语鼓励表扬学生,让学生敢说。)在第三册中,学生已对snowy, windy, sunny,cloudy,rainy天气形容词进行了学习,从而为本课 的学习打好了基础,减小了难度。由于教学内容形象直观,贴近生活,学生乐学,兴趣浓厚。


  知识目标:通过教学让学生可以读、写、说出并听懂snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy等词汇运用;

  能力目标:指导学生在任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用英语How’s the weather today ? It’s ______与他人谈论天气的字让现象和形容词的比较的话题,以及进一步提高听力能力和英语语言表达能力;



  1、学生能够读、写 、说出并且听懂下列描述天气的形容词:


  2、学生能够读、写、说出并且听懂下列标准用语:How’s the weather today ? It’s______.










  根据英语愉快教学模式,使学生在教学活动开始便处于认知的活跃状态,为以后的.教学过程创设最佳的开端,我和同学们一起演唱英语歌曲《The Month Song 》,调动起学生的积极性 .(分组演唱,五个组每组唱两个月份,最后两个月合唱。这样可以让学生有竞争意识,我会表扬唱的声音大的小组并奖励。)





  T: What‘s this?

  S: This is the sun.

  T: How’s the weather ?

  S: It‘s sunny.



  学习句式"How’s the weather today ? It’s ______"

  1、引导学生进行朗读,利用表示天气的形容词进行造句练习,以小星星的形式进行奖励 .

  2、以歌曲《 How’s the weather 》提高学生的学习兴趣,()巩固练习此句式。(教师唱一遍歌曲,教师的引领起着很大的作用,动画播放完有的同学能学会,老师唱完了大多数孩子都能学会。)



  1、What day is it today?

  2、What day is tomorrow?

  3、How’s the weather today




  A:What day is it today?

  B: It is____.

  A: How’s the weather today?

  B: It is _______.

  A: What do you like to do?

  B: I like to _________.


  第六环节、这节课我们学习了五个描述天气的名词,那么你喜欢哪种天气呢?让学生用marker把他画下来。边画边放< How’s the weather >这首歌。之后展示了两幅学生作品,并要求学生用英语谈论一下自己的作品。从而在轻松愉快的气氛中结束了本堂课的教学。



  a,s_nny b.cl__dy c.sn__y d.w__dy e.r__ny (考查单词)


  a. the how‘s today weather


  b. is it cold and snowy


  c.day was what yesterday




  Lesson13:How’s The Weather Today?

  sunny How’s The Weather Today?

  cloudy It’s_____________

  windy T1 T2



  这节课我以贴近学生的生活的日期月份入手,从开课歌曲开始就为学生创设了一个真实的语言环境,通过游戏,竞赛调动学生参与课堂的积极性,既达到了很好的复习效果,又为新句型How’s the weather today?It’s ____作了铺垫。课堂练习时,我根据不同的学生,进行分层次教学,使各层面的学生有所得。最后,又以学生日常所见的天气预报形式,将整堂课的教学内容串联起来,让学生用所学过的语言知识,进行自由交际,达到综合运用的目的。本节课的亮点是学生小组练习,练习充分,积极表演。

