经济英语单词 篇一
In the world of economics, it is essential to have a good understanding of key economic terms in order to effectively analyze and discuss economic issues. Here are some commonly used economic terms and their definitions:
1. Inflation: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, purchasing power is falling.
2. GDP (Gross Domestic Product): The total value of all goods and services produced within a country in a specific time period, usually annually.
3. Supply and Demand: The relationship between the quantity of a good that producers are willing to sell at various prices and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy.
4. Monopoly: A market structure in which a single seller sells a unique product with no close substitutes.
5. Fiscal Policy: The use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
6. Recession: A period of declining economic growth characterized by a decrease in GDP for two consecutive quarters.
7. Tariff: A tax imposed on imported goods and services.
8. Subsidy: Financial assistance given by the government to support certain industries or activities.
9. Market Economy: An economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided solely by the interactions of citizens and businesses.
10. Opportunity Cost: The value of the next best alternative that is foregone when a decision is made.
By familiarizing yourself with these economic terms and their meanings, you will be better equipped to understand economic concepts and engage in discussions on economic issues.
经济英语单词 篇二
In the field of economics, a good grasp of economic vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and analysis. Here are some advanced economic terms that are commonly used in academic and professional settings:
1. Laissez-faire: An economic theory advocating minimal government intervention in the economy.
2. Oligopoly: A market structure in which a few large firms dominate the industry.
3. Quantitative Easing: A monetary policy tool used by central banks to increase the money supply by purchasing government securities or other financial assets.
4. Comparative Advantage: The ability of a country to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country.
5. Marginal Utility: The additional satisfaction gained from consuming one more unit of a good or service.
6. Phillips Curve: A graphical representation of the relationship between inflation and unemployment.
7. Crowding Out: The phenomenon where increased government spending leads to a decrease in private sector investment.
8. Deadweight Loss: The loss of economic efficiency that occurs when the equilibrium of supply and demand is not achieved.
9. Gini Coefficient: A measure of income inequality within a population.
10. Moral Hazard: The risk that a party insulated from risk may behave differently than if it were fully exposed to the risk.
By expanding your knowledge of these advanced economic terms, you will be better equipped to navigate complex economic discussions and analyze economic phenomena with greater depth and understanding.
经济英语单词 篇三
Back pricing 有效时间定价:生产者常用LME 结算价作
Backwardation 现货升水:现货价高于期货价(又称Back),是为逆向市场、倒价市场
Base Metal 贱金属,基金属:除金、银、铂族以外的金属
Bar Chart 条形图
Basis 基差:同一种商品现货价与期货价之差
Basis Price 基本价格,履约价格:期权交易中买卖双方商定,并按此进行交易的价格。又称敲定价格(Strike Price),通常为当前市场价
Bear 卖空者,看跌者:与Bull正相反
Bear Covering 结束空头部位
Bear Market 空头市场,熊市:价格普遍下跌的市场
Bear Position 空头部位:已卖出期货,期望以后能以较低价买进,利润为现在卖出与以后补进价之差额
Best Orders 最佳买卖订单(Buying/Selling “at Best”)
Bid 买方出价
Bond 债券
Bottom 底价:某时间段内的最低价
Borrowing 借入(Borrowing metal from the market):买进近期货的同时,卖出远期货
Break 暴跌,暴升,突破:价格出现较大波动
Broker 经纪行,经纪人
Bull 买空者,看涨者:与Bear相反
Bull Market 多头市场,牛市:价格普遍上涨的市场
Bull Position 多头部位:已买进期货,期望以后能以较高价卖出,其利润为现在买进与以后卖出价之差额
Business Day 交易日
Buying Hedge (Long Hedge)买进套期保值
Buy In 补进:平仓、对冲或关闭一个空头部位
Buy on Close 收市买进:在收市时按收市价买进
Buy on Opening 开市买进:在开市时按开市价买进