不用客气用英语怎么说 篇一
In English, we often use the phrase "You're welcome" as a response to "Thank you" or "Thanks." This phrase is a polite and common way to acknowledge someone's gratitude and show that you are happy to help or provide something for them. However, there are other ways to respond to "Thank you" in English that are less formal and more casual.
One alternative to "You're welcome" is "No problem." This phrase is often used in informal situations and conveys a sense of ease and willingness to help. It suggests that the favor or assistance provided was not a burden and that the person is happy to do it.
Another casual response to "Thank you" is "Don't mention it." This phrase is a bit more relaxed and friendly, and it implies that the favor or gesture was so minor that it doesn't even need to be acknowledged. It can also be used to downplay the significance of the help provided.
For a more upbeat and enthusiastic response, you can say "My pleasure." This phrase is often used in service-oriented industries to show that the person was happy to assist and genuinely enjoyed helping out. It adds a personal touch to the interaction and conveys a sense of satisfaction in being able to help.
In more formal situations or when you want to show extra politeness, you can say "It was my pleasure" or "I was happy to help." These phrases convey a sense of gratitude for being able to assist and show that you are honored to have been of service.
Overall, there are many ways to respond to "Thank you" in English that go beyond the traditional "You're welcome." By choosing a response that fits the tone of the conversation and your relationship with the person, you can show genuine appreciation for their thanks while also adding a personal touch to the interaction.
不用客气用英语怎么说 篇二
In English, there are various ways to respond to expressions of gratitude that go beyond the standard "You're welcome." These alternative responses can convey different levels of friendliness, casualness, and sincerity, depending on the situation and the relationship between the speakers.
One common informal response to "Thank you" is "No worries." This phrase is often used among friends or in casual settings to indicate that there was no trouble or inconvenience in providing assistance. It has a laid-back and friendly tone that suggests a lack of formality.
Another casual response is "No problem." This phrase is similar to "No worries" and is often used to reassure the person expressing thanks that their request or favor was not a burden. It conveys a sense of ease and openness in the interaction.
For a more enthusiastic and personal response, you can say "Anytime" or "Anytime at all." These phrases suggest that you are always willing to help out and that the person can rely on you for assistance in the future. They convey a sense of availability and willingness to go above and beyond to help.
In more formal situations, you can use phrases like "It was my pleasure" or "I was happy to help." These responses add a touch of politeness and gratitude to the interaction, showing that you appreciate the person's thanks and that you were honored to be of service.
By choosing the right response to "Thank you" in English, you can customize your reply to fit the tone of the conversation and the level of formality you wish to convey. Whether you opt for a casual "No worries" or a more formal "It was my pleasure," your response can show genuine appreciation for the thanks expressed while also enhancing the overall interaction.
不用客气用英语怎么说 篇三
大家最常用的“不用客气”的英文表达是“You are welcome!”但其实,在英文里,“不用客气”还有其他的表达方式,我们有必要一起来学习一下这些表达来丰富我们的词汇量。
1. Anytime 别客气,随时愿为您效劳。
It's my pleasure./ My pleasure. 乐意效劳。
Anytime 这个词的本意是“任何时候,无论何时”。当别人说“谢谢”的时候,你说 anytime就表示“别客气,(无论何时都)愿为您效劳”的意思。口语里,还可以说anytime my friend,对陌生人甚至也可以这样讲,很礼貌。
2. Don't mention it. 别和我见外。
3. My pleasure. 别客气,我很荣幸。
这句话比“You’re welcome”更加正式,语气也强。通常男生们会在女生面前显示一下自己足够绅士,用上这句话。你还可以说,“It was my pleasure.”或者“Pleasure is all mine.”
4. No worries. 没问题。
在澳大利亚可能会更常用一些,意思就是不用担心啦(do not worry about that), 也可以说 “that’s alright”, 或者 “sure thing”。这句话,给人感觉很友好风趣,有一种澳洲的兄弟情义。在美语里,也可以说 “no problem”或者 “not a problem”。
5. No sweat. 小意思!
“Sweat”在英文里是“汗水”的意思,no sweat,你可以理解为一滴汗也没出就把事情办好了。是不是听上去很够意思呢?
6. Not at all. 不用谢!
Not at all 就是“一点儿也不”的意思,它既可以表达“没关系”,也可以是“不客气”。比如,他人道谢后,你就可以说,“Not at all. I enjoyed it.”(别客气,很高兴能帮到你。)
7. That's all right. 不用谢。
Thanks a lot. 十分感谢。 That's all right.不客气。当你为别人做