
开学相关的英文 篇一

Back to School: Tips for a Successful Start

As summer comes to an end, students all around the world are gearing up for a new school year. Whether you're heading back to elementary school, high school, or college, the start of a new school year can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. To help you have a successful start to the school year, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Get organized: One of the keys to success in school is staying organized. Make sure you have all the necessary school supplies, textbooks, and materials ready before the first day of school. Set up a study schedule and keep track of important deadlines and assignments.

2. Set goals: Take some time to think about what you want to achieve this school year. Whether it's improving your grades, getting involved in extracurricular activities, or making new friends, setting goals can help you stay motivated and focused throughout the year.

3. Establish a routine: Going back to school can be a big adjustment after a summer of freedom. Establishing a daily routine can help you transition back into the school year smoothly. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy meals, and set aside time for homework and studying.

4. Stay positive: It's normal to feel anxious or nervous about going back to school, but try to stay positive and keep a good attitude. Remember that everyone else is in the same boat, and you're not alone. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who can help you stay positive and motivated.

5. Get involved: One of the best ways to make the most of the school year is to get involved in extracurricular activities. Whether it's joining a sports team, a club, or volunteering in the community, getting involved can help you meet new people, develop new skills, and have fun outside of the classroom.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for a successful start to the school year. Remember to stay organized, set goals, establish a routine, stay positive, and get involved. With the right mindset and a little bit of preparation, you can make the most of the new school year and achieve your academic and personal goals.

開學相關的英文 篇二

Navigating the New Normal: Back to School During a Pandemic

As students prepare to return to school this fall, they are faced with a new set of challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. From hybrid learning models to mask mandates and social distancing guidelines, the new normal of back-to-school season looks very different this year. To help students and parents navigate this unprecedented situation, here are some tips for going back to school during a pandemic:

1. Stay informed: Keep up to date on the latest information and guidelines from your school district, local health department, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Stay informed about any changes to the school schedule, safety protocols, and remote learning options.

2. Practice good hygiene: One of the most important ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is to practice good hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands frequently, use hand sanitizer, and cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. Avoid touching your face and shared surfaces whenever possible.

3. Wear a mask: In many schools, wearing a mask is now mandatory to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Make sure to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth properly and fits snugly against your face. Remember to bring extra masks with you to school in case you need to change them throughout the day.

4. Practice social distancing: To help maintain a safe learning environment, practice social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from others whenever possible. Avoid crowded hallways, common areas, and gatherings, and follow any directional signs or floor markings in place to help guide traffic flow.

5. Be flexible and patient: Going back to school during a pandemic can be stressful and challenging for everyone involved. Be patient with yourself, your teachers, and your classmates as everyone adjusts to the new normal. Remember that we are all in this together, and by working together and supporting each other, we can get through this difficult time.

By following these tips and staying informed, you can navigate the new normal of back-to-school season during a pandemic. Remember to practice good hygiene, wear a mask, practice social distancing, and be flexible and patient. With everyone's cooperation and effort, we can help keep our schools and communities safe and healthy as we return to the classroom.

开学相关的英文 篇三


  这一周终于开学了,呵呵,悠闲了整个暑假,终于要忙起来。因为在做school ambassador的工作,所以每到有新生来的时候都能忙得团团转。这一项工作在加拿大的每个学校里面都有,每年有两个时间特别忙,一个是开学,一个是campus visit day。 现在正是学年之中第一次忙碌的季节,所以就来聊聊和开学有关的英文。

  首先这个ambassador的duty(工作内容)包括:airport pickup(接机),campus tour(游览学校),Q and A session(question and answer session,新生们提出各种关于学校的问题,我们来解答),residence tour(参观宿舍),meal—hall tour(参观食堂)等等。

  一年级学生叫做frosh,当新学年开始的时候,学校各个宿舍的SRA(senior residence advisor这种一般是高年级的学生做的,管理整个宿舍的`大小事物)就会组织本宿舍的RA(一般的宿舍每层有各自的RA,或者一层很大的话会分成好多不同的section,每个section的管理员就是RA,这个职务从二年级开始就可以申请)把宿舍外面打上横幅或者用彩色的喷漆写上“Welcom Forsh”。每个宿舍都会给新入学的学生发自己宿舍设计制作的frosh t—shirt,一般来说上面的图案就是宿舍的照片,下面打上宿舍的名字。我刚进校的时候也有过这种t—shirt,在欢迎新同学的仪式结束之后,大家互相在t—shirt上签名,满有趣的。

  在宿舍安顿下来之后,就会去学校注册交费。相关的两个办公室是registration office 和 accounts office。去Registration office 选课之后打出课程表和需要交纳的学费,然后去accounts office交钱。在我们学校,因为配备电脑,所以交钱之后照例会被告知:“you are ready to pick your laptop(你可以去领笔记本了)。”

  在这之前,首先要去领取自己的学生证(student ID)。然后去user support center(usc,这是本校一个维修笔记本电脑,排除各种故障的中心),在这里新生们为自己注册一个领取电脑的session,选定时间和地点,到那天去听一个使用和注意事项的讲座(pick up session),就可以拿到自己的电脑了。

  购买教科书也是一件必不可少的事情。许多学校内部的店都叫做campus store,也有叫做book store的,但是基本上在这些店里,你不仅可以买到教科书,还可以买到各种零食,文具,学校的衣服,杯子等等。在北美的学校里面,一般来说都是统一由美国生产各式的衣服,然后为各个学校印上自己学校的名字,发送到各个学校去出售,这种衣服统一叫做gear。这些衣服从内衣到羽绒衫都有,我很喜欢买学校的衣服,但是因为是美国生产的,所以价格都很贵。

  据我所知的情况,大多数的学校的student ID都可以充当多种角色。比如在校内买东西可以当作银行卡,吃饭可以当作饭卡,还可以作为宿舍的钥匙。事实上,如果担任ambassador的工作,那么ID可以


  新生以外的所有学生,都可以称为returning student(返校生),除了四年级的学生会被叫成senior之外,那些所谓的二年级生,三年级生的英文,非常的少见到,一般大家倾向于说:second year 和 third year。

  过了一个暑假,老同学见面,一般第一句就会问:how"s your summer。这里的summer就带有暑假的意思。国外的宿舍不仅是不同系之间混住的,还每年都要大调整一番,这样做是为了交流和沟通,能让大家尽可能的多认识朋友。所以接下来必定会问:which residence are you in this year?然后会交换新的电话,保持联系。

  这个九月份的学期,被称作fall semester。And I"m gonna rock it as I always do。


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