
专业英语词汇:野生动物词汇 篇一

Wildlife Conservation: An Overview of Key Terms

Wildlife conservation is a crucial aspect of environmental protection, as it aims to preserve the natural habitats and populations of various species of wild animals. In order to effectively engage in wildlife conservation efforts, it is essential to understand the key terms associated with this field. Here are some important vocabulary words related to wildlife conservation:

1. Biodiversity: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms present in a particular ecosystem or habitat. It includes the diversity of species, genetic diversity within species, and diversity of ecosystems.

2. Endangered Species: Endangered species are those that are at risk of becoming extinct in the near future. Factors such as habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, and poaching contribute to the endangerment of species.

3. Habitat Destruction: Habitat destruction occurs when natural habitats are altered or destroyed, leading to the loss of suitable living conditions for wildlife. Deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture are major causes of habitat destruction.

4. Poaching: Poaching is the illegal hunting, capturing, or killing of wild animals. Poaching poses a significant threat to many endangered species, as it disrupts their populations and can lead to their extinction.

5. Conservation Status: The conservation status of a species indicates its risk of extinction and the measures needed to protect it. Species may be classified as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, or least concern.

6. Wildlife Corridor: A wildlife corridor is a pathway of habitat that connects fragmented habitats, allowing animals to move between different areas. Wildlife corridors are essential for maintaining genetic diversity and enabling the migration of species.

7. Invasive Species: Invasive species are non-native species that are introduced to a new habitat and disrupt the native ecosystem. Invasive species can outcompete native species for resources and negatively impact biodiversity.

8. Sustainable Development: Sustainable development involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Wildlife conservation efforts should be integrated into sustainable development practices.

By familiarizing yourself with these key terms, you can better understand the challenges facing wildlife conservation and the strategies needed to protect wild animals and their habitats. It is essential for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to conserve wildlife and ensure the long-term survival of endangered species.

专业英语词汇:野生动物词汇 篇二

The Role of Community Engagement in Wildlife Conservation

Community engagement plays a vital role in wildlife conservation efforts, as local communities are often the stewards of the natural habitats where wild animals reside. By involving communities in conservation initiatives, we can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility towards protecting wildlife and their habitats. Here are some key terms related to community engagement in wildlife conservation:

1. Community-Based Conservation: Community-based conservation involves engaging local communities in the management and protection of natural resources, including wildlife. This approach recognizes the importance of involving communities in decision-making processes and empowering them to take action.

2. Conservation Education: Conservation education aims to raise awareness and promote understanding of wildlife conservation issues among local communities. By providing education and outreach programs, we can inspire individuals to support conservation efforts and take action to protect wildlife.

3. Ecotourism: Ecotourism involves responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. By promoting ecotourism, we can generate income for communities living near wildlife habitats and incentivize conservation practices.

4. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Traditional ecological knowledge refers to the wisdom and practices of indigenous and local communities that have been passed down through generations. This knowledge is valuable for understanding the behavior of wildlife and the conservation of biodiversity.

5. Participatory Monitoring: Participatory monitoring involves engaging community members in monitoring wildlife populations and habitats. By involving local people in data collection and research, we can gather valuable information to inform conservation strategies.

6. Community-Based Ecological Restoration: Community-based ecological restoration involves restoring degraded habitats with the help of local communities. By involving community members in habitat restoration projects, we can improve the health of ecosystems and create sustainable living conditions for wildlife.

7. Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholder engagement involves involving all relevant parties, including local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and businesses, in wildlife conservation initiatives. By fostering collaboration and partnerships, we can achieve more effective and sustainable conservation outcomes.

By incorporating community engagement strategies into wildlife conservation efforts, we can build strong relationships with local communities, enhance conservation outcomes, and promote the long-term sustainability of wildlife habitats. It is essential to recognize the knowledge, values, and contributions of local communities in conservation initiatives and work together towards a common goal of protecting wildlife for future generations.

专业英语词汇:野生动物词汇 篇三








  猬科 Erinaceidae

  1 刺猬 Erinaceus europaeus



达乌尔猬 Hemiechinus dauuricus


  3 大耳猬 Hemiechinus auritus


  4 侯氏猬 Hemiechinus hughi






  5 树鼠句 Tupaia belangeri




  犬科 Canidae

  6 狼 Canis iupus


  7 赤狐 Vulpes vulpes


  8 沙狐 Vulpes corsac


  9 藏狐 Vulpes ferrilate


  10 貉 Nyctereutes Procyonoides



  11 香鼬 Mustela altaica


  12 白鼬 Mustela erminea


  13 伶鼬 Mustela nivalis


  14 黄腹鼬 Mustela kathiah


  15 小艾鼬 Mustela amurensis


  16 黄鼬 Mustela sibirica


  17 纹鼬 Mustela strigidorsa


  18 艾鼬 Mustela eversmanni


  19 虎鼬 Vormela peregusna


  20 鼬獾 Melogale moschata


  21 缅甸鼬獾 Melogale personata


  22 狗獾 Meles meles


  23 猪獾 Arctonyx collaris


   灵猫科 Viverridae

  24 大斑灵猫 Viverra megaspila


  25 椰子狸 Paradoxurus hermaphroditus


  26 果子狸 Paguma larvata


  27 小齿椰子猫 Arctogalidia trivirgata


  28 缟灵猫 Chrotogale owstoni


  29 红颊獴 Herpestes javanicus


  30 食蟹獴 Herpestes urva


   猫科 Felidae

  31 云猫 Felis marmorata


  32 豹猫 Felis bengalensis


  偶蹄目 Artiodactyla


  猪科 Suidae

  33 野猪 Sus scrofa


  鹿科 Cervidae

  34 赤鹿 Muntiacus muntjak


  35 小麂 Muntiacus reevesi


    36 菲氏麂 Muntiacus feae


  37 毛冠鹿 Elaphodus cephalophus


  38 狍 Capreolus capreolus


  39 驯鹿 rangifer tarandus


  兔形目 Lagomorpha


  兔科 Leporidae

  40 草兔 Lepus capensis


  41 灰尾兔 Lepus oiostolus


  42 华南兔 Lepus sinensis


  43 东北兔 Lepus mandschuricus


  44 西南兔 Lepus comus


  45 东北黑兔 Lepus melinus


  啮齿目 rodepia


  鼯鼠科 petauristidae

  46 毛耳飞鼠 Belomys pearson




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