
外贸英语货物名称对照中英 篇一

In the field of international trade, accurate communication is crucial for successful transactions. One key aspect of communication in the world of foreign trade is being able to effectively convey the names of goods in both English and Chinese. In this article, we will explore some common foreign trade goods names and their corresponding translations in English and Chinese.

1. 服装 (Clothing)

2. 食品 (Food)

3. 家具 (Furniture)

4. 电子产品 (Electronic Products)

5. 化妆品 (Cosmetics)

6. 机械设备 (Machinery)

7. 化工产品 (Chemical Products)

8. 珠宝首饰 (Jewelry)

9. 运输工具 (Transportation Equipment)

10. 日用品 (Daily Necessities)

Having a good understanding of these common foreign trade goods names in both English and Chinese can greatly facilitate communication between international traders. It is important to pay attention to the accuracy of the translations to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion during negotiations and transactions.

外贸英语货物名称对照中英 篇二

In the world of international trade, accurate communication is key to successful business transactions. One important aspect of communication in the realm of foreign trade is being able to effectively communicate the names of goods in both English and Chinese. In this article, we will delve into some common foreign trade goods names and their corresponding translations in English and Chinese.

1. 鞋类 (Footwear)

2. 化学制品 (Chemicals)

3. 医疗器械 (Medical Devices)

4. 五金制品 (Hardware Products)

5. 机械零部件 (Mechanical Parts)

6. 电器设备 (Electrical Equipment)

7. 体育用品 (Sporting Goods)

8. 纺织品 (Textiles)

9. 工艺品 (Handicrafts)

10. 玩具 (Toys)

By familiarizing oneself with these common foreign trade goods names in both English and Chinese, international traders can enhance their communication skills and promote smoother business interactions. It is essential to ensure the accuracy of the translations to prevent any potential misunderstandings or errors in the negotiation and execution of trade deals.

外贸英语货物名称对照中英 篇三


  adjustable pulse width pacemaker 可调脉宽起搏器

  adjustable ratio autotransformer 可调自耦变压器

  adjustable reamer 可调绞刀

  adjustable reaming tool 可调铰孔刀具

  adjustable resistor 可调电阻器

  adjustable rheostat 频敏变阻器

  adjustable rotary conducting magnetic jig 可调旋转式导磁卡具

  adjustable round split die with adjusting screw 带调整螺钉的可调式圆板牙

  adjustable screw 调整螺钉

  adjustable shock absorber 可调减震器

  adjustable shutter 可调百叶窗

  adjustable sieve 可调筛

  adjustable sine conducting magnetic jig 可调正弦式导磁卡具

  adjustable slipover 有钮扣套衫

  adjustable spanner 活扳手

  adjustable speed motor 可调速电动机

  adjustable spring 可调弹簧

  adjustable sprinkler 可调节的洒水器

  adjustable stand magnifier 调整架放大镜

  adjustable starting rheostat 可调起动变阻器

  adjustable steel ironing board 调整式钢熨衣板

  adjustable step clamp 可调阶梯压板

  adjustable switch operating rod 密贴调整杆

  adjustable swivel chair 活动靠背转椅

  adjustable tap wrench 可调丝锥扳手

  adjustable tap 可调丝锥

  adjustable track gauge 活动道尺

  adjustable transformer 可调变压器

  adjustable triangle 活动三角尺

  adjustable try square 活动矩尺

  adjustable tubular hack saw frame 圆管钢锯架

  adjustable valve 调节阀

  adjustable varying-speed motor 可调变速电动机

  adjustable vaulting horse 活动木马

  adjustable voltage pider 可调分压器

  adjustable voltage generator 可调压发电机

  adjustable voltage stabilizer 可调稳压器

  adjustable wrench set 套装活络扳手

  adjustable wrench 活络扳手

  adjuster 调节器

  adjusting bar 调整杆

  adjusting bearing 调整轴承

  adjusting block 调整块

  adjusting bolt 调整螺栓


ng device 调整装置

  adjusting gear 调节齿轮

  adjusting handle 调节手柄

  adjusting knob 调节旋钮

  adjusting lever 调整杆

  adjusting light platform 调光台

  adjusting magnet 调整用磁钢片

  adjusting mechanism 调整机构

  adjusting nut 调整螺母

  adjusting ring 调整环

  adjusting rod 调整杆

  adjusting screw 调整螺钉




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