"Urban Complex" Translation in English
Article One:
Urban complex is a new type of urban development model that integrates various functions such as residential, commercial, cultural, entertainment, and office spaces in one location. It is a response to the increasing urbanization and densification of cities, aiming to create a more sustainable and livable environment for residents.
The concept of urban complex originated in Asian countries such as China, South Korea, and Japan, where land is scarce and expensive. By combining different functions in one development, urban complexes are able to maximize land use efficiency and create a more vibrant and dynamic urban environment.
One of the key features of urban complexes is their mixed-use nature, which allows residents to live, work, and play in the same area. This not only reduces the need for long commutes and traffic congestion but also promotes a sense of community and social interaction among residents.
In addition to providing a variety of amenities and services, urban complexes often incorporate green spaces, pedestrian-friendly designs, and sustainable practices to promote a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. This includes features such as rooftop gardens, energy-efficient buildings, and public transportation options to reduce reliance on private cars.
Overall, urban complexes represent a shift towards more integrated and holistic urban planning, where the focus is not just on building structures, but on creating vibrant and sustainable communities. As cities continue to grow and evolve, the concept of urban complexes will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of urban development.
"Urban Complex" Translation in English
Article Two:
The urban complex is a modern urban development concept that combines various functions and amenities in a single location, creating a diverse and dynamic urban environment. From residential towers to shopping malls, office buildings, and cultural venues, urban complexes are designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors in a convenient and efficient manner.
In recent years, urban complexes have become increasingly popular in cities around the world, as they offer a one-stop destination for living, working, and entertainment. By integrating different functions in one development, urban complexes can enhance the overall quality of life for residents and create a more vibrant and sustainable urban landscape.
One of the key advantages of urban complexes is their ability to promote mixed-use development, where people can live, work, and play in the same area. This not only reduces the need for long commutes and transportation costs but also fosters a sense of community and social interaction among residents.
Moreover, urban complexes often incorporate green spaces, pedestrian-friendly designs, and sustainable practices to promote a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. By creating a more walkable and transit-oriented environment, urban complexes can reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, and enhance overall public health.
In conclusion, urban complexes represent a new paradigm in urban planning, where the focus is on creating integrated and sustainable communities that meet the diverse needs of a growing population. As cities continue to expand and densify, the concept of urban complexes will play a crucial role in shaping the future of urban development and improving the quality of life for residents.
城市综合体”的英文翻译 篇三
Complex与HOPSCA (2010-11-04 13:15:04)
城市综合体”的英文翻译 篇四
关于城市综合体,目前国内有两种翻译,即HOPSCA和Urban(City) Complex。究竟哪一种翻译比较符合实际呢?
一 、“城市综合体”应该翻译为HOPSCA?
HOPSCA——Hotel(酒店)、 Office(写字楼)、Parking(停车场)、
Shopping mall(购物中心)、Convention(会议中心)、Apartment(公寓)。本次招商的区域为成都万达广场大型室内商业步行街,采用国际时尚的中空走廊步行街设计,全长355米? ?(http://bbs.hrb.soufun.com/)
2、HOPSCA:音译豪布斯卡,简称城市综合体,一般位于配套成熟、交通便利之地? ?(http://newhouse.jn.soufun.com/)(http://sd.house.sina.com.cn/)
3、关于HOPSCA(城市综合体)项目定位? ?(http://www.docin.com/)
4、所谓城市综合体(HOPSCA),是将城市中的酒店(Hotel)、办公(Office)? ?(郭向东.浅易城市综合体物业管理[J].中国物业管理,2007)
? ?
显然从历史渊源来看,HOPSCA是大型街区建筑集合群的概念。国内也有学者从国外现时出发,在研究城市商业街发展时提及到HOPSCA:城市规划和城市设计领域对于商业街的研究,主要集中在对于商业街规划和设计实践? ? 针对这一情况,西方出现了商业区划的.HOPSCA(豪布斯卡)原则。HOPSCA原则的核心观念是:城市商业街不仅仅是一个购物场所,而必须是一个集购物、娱乐、餐饮、休闲、居住为一体的生活空间。(张歆梅.城市商业街研究发展综述[J].商业研究,2007;王伟娅.遵循“豪布斯卡”原则构建现代化城市商业街[J].中国第三产业,2002)
二 、“城市综合体”应该翻译为Urban(City) Complex?
以下是第二种翻译,即认为城市综合体就是Urban Complex,的相关报道和引文:
1、无锡市区新规划30个城市综合体(Wuxi urban planning
30 new urban complex)? ?(http://www.ddove.com/)
2、项目类别:城市设计(Urban Design)——城市综合体(Urban
Complex)? ?(http://www.archdaily.com)
3、Based on the planning, the area is to be carried out the overall redevelopment. A multifunctional urban complex with an integration of business, finance and public transport collection & distribution center is to be constructed.
4、Binh Duong starts work on new urban complex——Construction started on Monday on Becamex – Thuan An urban complex covering about 52 hectares in Lai Thieu Township of Binh Duong Province’s Thuan An District, some 20 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City’s
downtown.( http://e.maivoo.com/Business/)。
5城市综合体发展之道(The Development for Urban Complex)? ?(张璐.城市综合体发展之道[J].走向世界,2009)
? ?
1、西方国家由于规划严格(例如,美国的zoning),各种功能区之间可以相互依靠,但不会像我们所认为的城市综合体那样多功能建筑“混杂”为一个项目。所以国外没有Urban Complex的概念(需进一步论证)。西方国家的HOPSCA是街区型大型项目区的称谓,而非中小体量的“功能混杂建筑集合体”。另外根据HOPSCA的概念,它需要包含6种业态,没听说过国外业态“残缺”的HOPSCA。但我们国内的“城市综合体”要求较低,只需2-3种业态就可以了。
2、根据在CNKI(中国知网数据库)检索的1341篇文献,几乎都把城市综合体翻译为Urban Complex或City Complex,很少直接等同于HOPSCA。从国外文献看,不存在Urban Complex(这与国外严格的功能分区规划有关,综合体建筑是中国特色的东西)。HOPSCA讲的也是关于大型街区规划的概念,与我们现实中所理解的城市综合体概念出入较大。
图一:青岛典型城市综合体(Urban Complex)
3、根据以上现实和理论的探讨,再结合个人感受和理解,得出以下结论:类似于万邦中心、远雄国际和鹏利南华等(见图一)占地面积中小水平、由一种功能的建筑体(通常是商业)“穿插”起其它功能建筑体的综合性建筑项目,可称为中小型城市综合体,翻译为Urban Complex比较恰当,属中国特色。类似于鲁商中心、中润世纪广场(济南)等(见图二)占地面积水平高、各功能建筑分区规划清晰、不需要由一种功能建筑体“穿插”起其它功能建筑体的综合性建筑项目可以称为大型城市综合体,可以翻译为HOPSCA。