英语中各种数字的读法 篇一
In English, there are various ways to read different numbers. Let's explore how to read numbers from 0 to 999 in English.
Starting from 0 to 20, the numbers are pretty straightforward. For example, 0 is read as "zero," 1 as "one," 2 as "two," and so on until 9. Then, we have the numbers 10 to 19, which are read as "ten," "eleven," "twelve," "thirteen," "fourteen," "fifteen," "sixteen," "seventeen," "eighteen," and "nineteen."
Moving on to the tens, we have multiples of ten from 20 to 90. For example, 20 is read as "twenty," 30 as "thirty," 40 as "forty," 50 as "fifty," 60 as "sixty," 70 as "seventy," 80 as "eighty," and 90 as "ninety."
When we reach numbers above 100, things start to get a bit more complicated. For example, 100 is read as "one hundred," 200 as "two hundred," and so on. The same pattern applies to numbers up to 900.
To read numbers above 100 but less than 1000, we combine the hundreds and the tens together. For example, 345 is read as "three hundred forty-five," 512 as "five hundred twelve," and 789 as "seven hundred eighty-nine."
It's important to note that when reading numbers, we need to pay attention to the placement of the hyphen. For example, the number 120 is read as "one hundred twenty," while 121 is read as "one hundred twenty-one."
In conclusion, understanding how to read numbers in English is essential for effective communication. By mastering the pronunciation of numbers from 0 to 999, you can confidently express numerical values in various contexts.
英语中各种数字的读法 篇二
In English, there are specific rules for reading different types of numbers, including decimals, fractions, and larger numbers. Let's explore how to read these various types of numbers in English.
Decimals are read by saying the whole number first, followed by "point," and then reading the decimal part digit by digit. For example, 3.14 is read as "three point one four," and 0.75 is read as "zero point seventy-five."
Fractions are read by saying the top number first, followed by "over," and then saying the bottom number. For example, 1/2 is read as "one over two," 3/4 as "three over four," and 5/8 as "five over eight."
When it comes to larger numbers, the rules are similar to reading numbers up to 999. For example, 1,000 is read as "one thousand," 10,000 as "ten thousand," and 100,000 as "one hundred thousand."
For numbers in the millions, billions, and beyond, we follow the same pattern. For example, 1,000,000 is read as "one million," 1,000,000,000 as "one billion," and so on.
It's important to note that in British English, the word "and" is used when reading numbers with a decimal point. For example, 3.5 is read as "three and five tenths."
By understanding the rules for reading different types of numbers in English, you can effectively communicate numerical values in various contexts. Practice reading numbers aloud to improve your pronunciation and fluency in expressing numerical information.
英语中各种数字的读法 篇三
(1)年号的读法:1979←→nineteen seventy-nine or nineteen hundred(and) seventy-nine;
1023←→one o two three;1227←→one double two(or two two)seven;.25←→four dollars(and)twenty-five(cents);
13.91←→thirteen decimal(point)nineone;0.23=nought demical two three;
2+3=5 Two plus three is(equals,isequal to)five.
5-3=2 Five minus three is equal to two.
3×2=6 Three times t
9÷3=3 Nine pided bythreemakesthree.