葡萄酒对应的各种英语说法 篇一
When it comes to wine, there are many different terms used to describe it in English. From the type of grape used to make the wine, to the region it comes from, to the way it tastes, there are a variety of words and phrases that wine enthusiasts use to talk about their favorite beverage.
One of the most common ways to describe wine in English is by using the term "varietal." This term refers to the type of grape that was used to make the wine. For example, a varietal wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes would be called a Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Other popular varietals include Chardonnay, Merlot, and Pinot Noir.
Another common way to describe wine is by using the term "vintage." This term refers to the year that the grapes used to make the wine were harvested. Wine enthusiasts often believe that the vintage of a wine can have a significant impact on its flavor and quality.
In addition to varietal and vintage, wine is also often described by the region where it was produced. Terms like "Bordeaux," "Burgundy," and "Napa Valley" are used to describe wines that come from specific regions known for producing high-quality wines.
When it comes to describing the taste of wine, there are many different terms that can be used. For example, a wine might be described as "fruity," "oaky," "spicy," or "dry." These terms help to give wine enthusiasts a better understanding of the flavor profile of the wine they are drinking.
Overall, there are many different ways to describe wine in English, from the type of grape used to make it, to the region it comes from, to the way it tastes. Whether you are a seasoned wine connoisseur or just starting to explore the world of wine, understanding these terms can help you better appreciate and enjoy this beloved beverage.
葡萄酒对应的各种英语说法 篇二
When it comes to discussing wine in English, there are a variety of terms and phrases that are commonly used to describe different aspects of this popular beverage. From the color of the wine to the aroma to the taste, there are many ways to talk about wine in English.
One of the first things that people often notice about wine is its color. In English, wine is typically described as either red, white, or rosé. Within these broad categories, there are also more specific terms that can be used to describe the shade of the wine, such as "deep red," "pale yellow," or "light pink."
In addition to color, the aroma of wine is also an important factor in how it is described. Terms like "fruity," "floral," "earthy," and "spicy" are commonly used to describe the different aromas that can be found in wine. These terms help to give wine enthusiasts a better understanding of the complex scents that can be found in different types of wine.
When it comes to the taste of wine, there are even more terms that can be used to describe the different flavors and sensations that can be experienced when drinking wine. Terms like "smooth," "full-bodied," "crisp," and "tannic" are used to describe the mouthfeel and overall taste of the wine.
Overall, there are many different ways to describe wine in English, from its color to its aroma to its taste. Whether you are a seasoned wine connoisseur or just beginning to explore the world of wine, understanding these terms can help you better appreciate and enjoy this beloved beverage. Cheers!
葡萄酒对应的各种英语说法 篇三
check wine 名牌酒
wine 酒(尤指葡萄酒;果子酒;药酒),使人振作[沉醉]的东西;请...喝酒; 用葡萄酒招待
a barrel [bottle,glass] of wine一桶[瓶,杯]葡萄酒
strong wine 烈酒 winebottle 酒瓶
winebowl (=wine-cup) 大酒杯;酒碗;酒癖
wine-colo(u)red 深红色的 winegrower 种葡萄并酿酒的人
winehouse 酒馆 winetaster 品酒人、品酒用的小酒杯
Wine vault 酒窖 酒店,酒吧间 wineless 无酒的
aerated wine 充气葡萄酒 aged wine 陈酒, 陈酿葡萄酒
appetizer wine开胃葡萄酒 apple wine 苹果酒, 发泡苹果酒
aromatized wine 加香葡萄酒 astringent wine 涩味葡萄酒
barley wine 大麦酒 bee wine 发酵酒 bulk wine 桶装葡萄酒
citrus wine 柑桔酒 clove wine丁香葡萄酒
cooled wine 冰镇酒 cut wine 调配葡萄酒
effervescent wine 发泡葡萄酒 fortified wine 强化酒;加酒精的葡萄酒 fruit wine 果酒 full-tasting wine 酒味浓重的葡萄酒
gasified wine 葡萄汽酒, 汽酒
generic wine 原产地类型葡萄酒 glutinous rice wine 糯米酒, 黄酒 heavy wine 浓酒,烈酒,味醇厚的酒 hedge wine 劣质酒, 劣质葡萄酒 light wine 低度葡萄酒(糖分, 酒度低)
medium-dry wine 半干葡萄酒 semi-dry wine 半干葡萄酒
mild wine 低度酒 modified wine 葡萄加糖发酵制成的酒
natural wine 自然发酵的葡萄酒, 自然发酵酒
neutral wines 中性酒 pink wine 桃红葡萄酒
rich wine 浓酒 ripe wine 醇酒, 陈酒 roughwine 涩味葡萄酒 Shao-Hsing rice wine 绍兴酒, 绍兴糯米黄酒
sound wine 正统葡萄酒, 健康的葡萄酒(指无病害的酒)
sparkling wine 汽酒吗 sweet wine 甜酒你 table wine 佐餐葡萄酒 yeast wine 酒母
开胃酒(Aperitif)、白葡萄酒(White Wine)、红葡萄酒(Red Wine)、甜点酒(Dessert/Sweet)、餐后酒(Liquor)
葡萄酒的酒精度一般在8%~14%,而加强型葡萄酒的酒精度在15%~22%之间 由酿酒葡萄变成了葡萄酒,会发生一系列的化学反应,酒的营养和成分比葡萄要
丰富多了。葡萄的主要成分有水(这种水是来自第一文库网葡萄果里面的,而不是人工添加的,我们称其为“生命之水”)、酒精、单宁、酸、芬芳物质、颜色、少量的糖 单宁是什么? tannin
发明软木塞的是法国唐培里侬修士(Dom Perignon)
白葡萄酒 霞多丽(又称莎当妮,Chardonnay)
酒标上写着Premier Cru、FirstGrowth的都是不错的。勃艮地心脏地带就是“金色山坡”(Cote d’Or),特级葡萄园(Grands Cru)包括可东—查理曼(Corton-C
Colour and appearance颜色和外观 Aroma and bouquet香气 Flavour and finish风味和回味
一、 Dry red wine:干红葡萄酒 Semi-dry wine:半干葡萄酒
Dry white wine:干白葡萄酒 Rose wine:桃红葡萄酒 Sweet wine:甜型葡萄酒 Semi-sweet wine:半甜葡萄酒 Still wine:静止葡萄酒 Sparkling wine:起泡葡萄酒 Claret:新鲜桃红葡萄酒(波尔多产) Botrytised wine:贵腐葡萄酒 Fortified wine:加强葡萄酒 Flavored wine:加香葡萄酒 Brut wine:天然葡萄酒 Carbonated wine:加气起泡葡萄酒 Appetizer wine( Aperitif):开胃葡萄酒 Table wine:佐餐葡萄酒 Dessert wine:餐后葡萄酒 Champagne:香槟酒 Vermouth:味美思 Beaujolasis:宝祖利酒 Mistelle:密甜尔 Wine Cooler:清爽酒
Cider:苹果酒 Brandy:白兰地 Fruit brandy:水果白兰地 Pomace Brandy:果渣白兰地 Grape brandy:葡萄白兰地 Liquor(Liqueur):利口酒 Gin:金酒(杜松子酒) Rum:朗姆酒
Cocktail:鸡尾酒 Vodka:伏特加
Whisky:威士忌 Spirit:酒精,烈酒 Cognac(France) :科尼亚克白兰地(法)
Armagnac(France) :阿马尼亚克白兰地(法)
Sherry(Spain) :雪莉酒(西班牙)
Port(Portuguese) :波特酒(葡萄牙)
三、 具体内容:1、酒庄或酒名。2、原产地控制命名,即AOC。3、酒庄标志。4、
酒庄所在地。5、年份。6、葡萄品种。7、装瓶信息。8、糖分信息。9、其他信息。 Instito de Denominaciones de Origen(INDO),这个部门相当于法国的'INAO,同时建立了西班牙的原产地名号监控制度Denominaciones de Origen(DO) 。截至目前为止,西班牙有55个DO,其中1994年后批准的有20个。到了1986年DO制度内加入了Denominaciones de Origen Calificada(DOC),这个略高于DO的等级,虽然目前DOC等级内只有Rioja(里奥哈)一个原产地名号,但是以后Jerez, Rias Baixas, Penedes, Ribera del Duero有可能被授予DOC等级。
普通餐酒(Table Wine)和高档葡萄酒(Quality Wine)
“Vino de Cosecha”:年份酒,要求用85%以上该年份的葡萄酿造。
“Vino de Crianza”或者“Crianza”:这表明在葡萄收获年份后的第三年才能够上市的酒,需要最少6个月在小橡木桶内和2个整年在瓶中陈酿。
“Gran Reserva”这时只有少数极好的年份才会酿造的等级,而且要酿造
皇家田园(IMPERIAL) 喜悦酒庄(CUNE)
橡树河畔(La Rioja Alta S.A.) 爵士园(BARON DE ONA)
维加?西西利亚园(独一珍藏) Vega Sicilia,Unico
费南德兹(耶鲁斯) Alejandro Fernandez,Janus
平古斯Dominio de Pingus
帕拉西欧斯(拉米塔) Alvaro Palacios,L'Ermita