幼儿园家长会英语教师发言稿 篇一
Dear parents,
I am thrilled to have this opportunity to address you all today at our kindergarten parent-teacher meeting. As the English teacher here, I want to share some insights into the importance of early English language learning for our young learners.
English is truly a global language and is becoming increasingly important in our interconnected world. By exposing our children to English at a young age, we are giving them a valuable tool for communication and future success. Research has shown that learning a second language at a young age can have numerous cognitive benefits, including improved problem-solving skills, enhanced creativity, and better multitasking abilities.
In our English classes, we focus on creating a fun and engaging learning environment where children can develop their language skills through play, songs, stories, and interactive activities. By making English learning enjoyable, we are helping our students build a strong foundation in the language that will serve them well in the future.
I encourage you, as parents, to support your child's English learning journey by practicing English at home, reading English books together, and exposing them to English language media. By creating a language-rich environment both at school and at home, we can help our children become confident and proficient English speakers.
Thank you for entrusting us with the education of your children. Together, we can help them reach their full potential and prepare them for success in an increasingly globalized world.
Thank you.
幼儿园家长会英语教师发言稿 篇二
Dear parents,
It is a pleasure to speak to you all today at our kindergarten parent-teacher meeting. As the English teacher here, I want to emphasize the importance of parental involvement in supporting your child's English language learning journey.
Research has shown that children benefit greatly from parental support and encouragement when learning a second language. By showing an interest in your child's English learning, you are sending a powerful message that you value the importance of language education and are invested in their academic success.
There are many ways you can support your child's English learning at home. You can read English books together, watch English language cartoons or movies, and engage in conversations in English. By creating a language-rich environment at home, you are reinforcing the lessons taught in the classroom and helping your child build a strong foundation in English.
I also encourage you to communicate regularly with your child's English teacher and stay informed about their progress and any areas where they may need extra support. By working together as a team, we can ensure that your child receives the best possible English language education.
I want to thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to your child's education. Together, we can help them achieve their full potential and become confident and proficient English speakers.
Thank you.
幼儿园家长会英语教师发言稿 篇三
我是刘老师,小朋友都叫我miss 刘,我负责的是我们幼儿园全体小朋友的英语教学。很高兴能在这里和大家分享一下幼儿英语这门课程。说起英语这门课程也许大家并不陌生,在坐的我们从上中学开始就已经接触过英语了,大家多多少少都懂一些英语,可是大部分爸爸妈妈在辅导孩子时还是不知道从何下手。这是因为幼儿在学习方式上和成人是不一样,不同年龄段的孩子在教育方法上也都是不同的,如果我们以成人的思维去教导孩子肯定是行不通的。
现在我们就来谈一谈什么样的学习方法才是好的学习方法。我们经常教育孩子要“刻苦学习、天天向上!”其实,这句话本身就不科学!难道学习就非得吃苦吗?如果我们一开始就给孩子灌输“学习是苦的”这个概念,试问有哪个孩子会去喜欢一个苦的东西?论学习,古有“头悬梁、锥刺股,”现有“废寝忘食”,难道他们真的是在吃苦吗?还是我们只看到了他们外在的苦而忽视了他们内在的乐?其实,只要找对了学习方法,任何孩子都可能成为品学兼优的.好学生。首先,我们得让孩子知道学习是快乐的。而快乐的学习是没有压力的,如果我们成天逼孩子学这学那,到最后孩子不但没学好反而对学习产生一种恐惧感、甚至厌恶。 而实验证明,人的大脑在厌恶与抵触的情绪下进行学习是根本记不住的。举个例子来说,有个爸爸辅导孩子写字,本来老师布置的作业是一个字写一行,可这位家长发现孩子写了一行后没记住就让孩子再写一行,可孩子还是没记住,到最后这位爸爸一气之下让孩子一个字写了二十行,结果孩子还是记不住。这下这位家长彻底崩溃了,他想不通自己的孩子怎么会这么笨,一个字写了二十行居然都记不住,搞得这个孩子也开始怀疑自己了。这为家长就是典型的教育不当。结果害了孩子也苦了自己。